The Politico has a new feature called BlogJam that does profiles on bloggers. Today they have a profile of the idiotic Ann Althouse. They asked Ann about her biggest controversy. Here’s what she said.
Biggest dust-up: “Let’s take a closer look at those breasts,” a post about a female blogger who posed for a photo in front of Bill Clinton. Jessica Valenti, who runs and blogs on, is standing at an angle with a slight arch in her back, making the focal point of the photo, whether intentional or not, her breasts.
Valenti isn’t shy about her body; she just published a book called “Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Woman’s Guide to Why Feminism Matters.” Althouse riffed on the relationship between accentuated breasts and feminism, and Valenti and the rest of the blogo-feminist world lashed back at her. “That’s still going on. That started like last year. I still get stuff about that,” said Althouse. “But I don’t regret it.”
Jessica Valenti’s response was succinct, Two words for The Politico: FUCK YOU.
That seems appropriate.
endless obsession with Jessica’s breasts? Is she that entranced with and/or envious of them? And more to the point, does Ann expect her to leave her breasts at home when she goes out in public? And this from a woman who posts video of herself watching American Idol?
Give me a break.
Whoa, you expect me to watch over five minutes of that crap? What an incredible idiot she is.
What’s Ann Althouse’s problem with other women’s tits? Mike Allen and the rest of his staff are a bunch of fucking idiots, and the only way they probably get laid is by dosing high school girls with roofies.
I’ll quote Frank Zappa here:
“F.Z.: Finally, on this list we find “nude or partially denuded figures, meaning less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the aureola.” [Laughter] Now, I like nipples. I think they look nice — and if you take off the nipple, which is the characterizing, determining factor, what you’ve got is a blob of fat there. [Laughter] And I think that when you’re a baby, probably one of the first things that you get interested in is the nozzle right there. [Laughter] You get to have it right up in front of your face. You ‘grow up with it,’ so to speak — and then you grow up to live in the state of Maryland, and they won’t let you see that little brown nozzle anymore.”
May the morons at Poitico never see a pair of tits, naked or otherwise, Jessica Valenti’s or someone else’s ever again. Assholes.
No, better yet: may they be plagued with dreams of Edith Massey
You know, it’s hard to determine just which party is the 13-year-old boy here.
I never claimed to be anything but…
But seriously: the whole ann althouse thing with valenti is sofa-king-we-tar-did it’s impossible NOT to be juvenile. It’s like political discourse reduced to taunts of “pee-pee vagina”, and it’s impossible not to make fun.
now pardon me while I stand on the highway median and do windmills.
Give it up Brendan!
Get a life, or go to D.kos.
I stand by my troll rating, specifically for your “posing for men’s attention and admiration is just part of the gig” and your “anne althouse is right”.
Tee. Are. Oh. El. El.
Oh, and I post at daily kos too.
Tata for now.
Why is this woman (and who the hell is she, anyway???)obsessing over another woman’s breasts? Does she want to trade in her pair? I mean, damn.
She’s not slightly arching her back or any such stupid thing. Apparently, her crime is in actually having breasts. Perhaps next time Jessica takes a picture, she’ll have the decency to hide behind a potted plant or don her burqua.
Some folks hyperventilate over any breast they see, but hibernate over the biggest boob ever in the white house.
Valenti seems to be from the “do whatever it takes” school of feminism, in which posing for men’s attention and admiration is just part of the gig.
Some feminists find it hard to understand how this is feminist at all.
The fact that Valenti then goes and denies she is doing it (don’t take my word for it–look at the photo and then read her comments) just makes it funny.
Oddly enough (drunken videos of herself watching American idol and all) Althouse gets it right.
But feministing is an easy target–the thinking there is not deep.
I don’t see this. At all.
She may be all those things, but it’s just a picture. She has breasts. So noted. So what?
Seriously. I don’t get this at all. And then to just bring this up again.
I wish Ms. Breast Obsessive and co. would focus on the real boob in the white house.
She’s got a fucking t-shirt on….it’s not a halter top, not low cut, it’s a fucking t-shirt. Jesus, next time she’ll wrap an ace bandage around her breasts so no one has to have a stroke over them.
there’s a double entendre for you.
Oops, I sort of lobbed that right over the net, didn’t I?
More like you slammed it over the net. 🙂
Who cares? I care less than you think.
But back in the old days, we used to study things like body language, and its relation to social norms and structures.
And yes, patriarchy is imbedded, everywhere.
Sort of overwhelming, actually.
But I don’t see how being blind to it or ignorant of it serves.
it’s not a halter top, not low cut, it’s a fucking t-shirt.
For those interested in pornography as a study, not an entertainment, it is informative to compare the common skin magazines for men with women’s magazines. Ignore the clothes, or lack thereof, and compare the poses and their meanings. Then you will see the real significance of this material.
I do not claim she has no right to exploit and promote herself in this way. I just think it is funny that she would be so blatant about it and then deny doing it, and that people would actually fall for her line.
“a thight tee shirt”
THAT CLOWN (oh wait, that’s you).
Don’t feed the trolls…
what are you, an idiot?
she has boobs, just like all the other women, and she has good posture. Ooh they stick out. Big frickity frackin deal.
I’m not valenti’s biggest fan (she’s deleted a few of my critical comments at NARAL’s fake blog that she runs) but the idea that she’s “posing for men’s attention and admiration is just part of the gig” is without merit.
I wish I could post sound files here, because my response to this comment could be encapsulated in the caliope tune they play when the clowns pile out of the tiny car.
Why was I not informed of this earlier? I shall investigate further.