You just got to love those conservatives from further up north here in Louisiana. The people in Alexandria, Louisiana tend to be conservative. You start getting into bible thumping country in that area.

Government & Politics

Alexandria has a mayoral-council system of government. The current Mayor – Jacques Roy – serves as the executive branch of the local government while the City Council serves as the legislative branch.

The Alexandria City Court has a limited jurisdiction, consisting of the citizens of Wards 1, 2 and 8 in Rapides Parish. Within those boundaries the court has the power to hear and decide both criminal and civil cases, rule in civil cases and hand down judgment for punishment in criminal cases.

Overall, the people of the Alexandria area tend to be conservative. Even though the majority typically elects Republicans in national elections, they frequently vote for Democrats in local elections.

So with those conservatives up there, you would think they would be all up in that family values thingy. BUT…..a “doctor, a minister and an Alexandria councilman’s son were among 39 busted this week in a three-day prostitution sting.” Before you start laughing, just wait till you hear the rest! Yes, it gets worse. These creatures living in a conservative district, not only were out trying to pick up hookers, but they were doing it without protection on them!

None of those charged with prostitution had condoms on them, and few of those charged with solicitation had protection either, Bobb said.

Holy cow! But….don’t laugh yet! More of the insanity to come. Guess what kind of men were out there? Among the Johns, unprotected and married men were on the prowl.

The second and third days of the operation focused on the “johns.” There were 29 men arrested in the Lee and Bolton areas those two days and charged with solicitation of prostitution. Most were married with families, Bobb said.

“I was definitely surprised with the number of arrests,” Bobb said. “This was our third operation. And the numbers appear to be increasing instead of decreasing. You would think people would be very leery about who they select.

“And another surprise was the number of married men — and most had no means of protection. When you are dealing with these females on the street, you have to be very cautious — there is a high risk of sexually transmitted disease,” he said.

Have fun explaining that one to the little woman and the preacher man come this Sunday! Oh wait, maybe that minister was your preacher man. If that’s the case, he will be sure to understand.

Cross Posted from The Katrinacrat Blog