The President hoped to return from Europe to a bipartisan lovefest in the Rose Garden where he would schmooze with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as he signed an immigration bill. Instead, he will watch the Senate vote over their confidence, or lack thereof, in his Attorney General. So much for bipartisanship…so much for accomplishment. Jim Rutenberg lays it out.
The breakthrough on the “grand bargain” on immigration a few weeks ago had brought new life to a White House under siege, putting a long-sought goal suddenly within reach. After many grim months, there was almost giddiness at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
But that early euphoria only made the grand bargain’s grand collapse on Thursday night all the more of a blow, pointing up a stubbornly unshakable dynamic for President Bush in the final 19 months of his term: With low approval ratings and the race to succeed him well under way, his ability to push his agenda has faded to the point where he can fairly be judged to have entered his lame duck period.
So sad. I’m happy to see this story getting played this way. I half expected the media to lay it all at the Democrats’ feet.
The bit I liked from that article was this:
Enthusiastically drilling dry holes indeed! If only he hadn’t dragged all the rest of us in to his fantasies.
In reality he’s been a lame duck since last year on the immigration issue. He couldn’t get it passed when the Repugs were in control of both houses.
Until now, as a recovering alcoholic/addict who went ALL the way down the tubes before finally getting it, 26 years ago, I have carefully refrained from commenting on any speculation I’ve seen anywhere, that georgie-boy may have slid off his sober wagon.
But I caught a clip of him on TV the other day, speaking after the Poland visit, that stopped me right in my tracks, triggering every awful memory I still have of how I felt, looked and acted when VERY badly hung over, yet still determined show up for work and hide it.
Raspy voice, red eyes and nose, can’t quite look straight AT anyone, keep the head tilted down so bad breath can’t be detected, and such low low energy levels I could barely carry any of it off. Apparently he also had some kind of “stomach virus” along in there too. I used to get lots of those.
The biggest jig of his whole life is UP, and on some level, he has to know this. So, if someone were to ask me to place my money on the bet that this addict/alcoholic is still clean and sober, they wouldn’t get one thin dime from this former expert drunk!
Wow! That’s heavy testimony.
Not only did he miss the meeting, but there are PICTURES of him drinking a glass of foamy amber liquid. Of course it could by near beer, but I just bet that it was alcohol.
Was Laura on the trip? I bet she is the only thing keeping him on the wagon…