I originally started this as a comment on AliceDem’s fine post Exec. pay consultants, Agents of excess, and it grew.
Her post was a short one regarding this article: Study: eight of the surveyed companies underperformed on S&P 500 but give high payouts.
Which is only one of literally thousands of various forms of studies, articles and other comments upon the Enron-ization of American business. None of which apparently make a damned bit of difference other than putting some infinitesimal percentage of the crooked executive class in prison for a minute as a news sop to the huddled masses. Huddled around their TV sets, waiting for American Idle to come on in one of ITS thousands of network incarnations.
Read on for more.
Well, Alice, all I can say is:
Business as usual.
The VERY FIRST LINE OF ROT in this country is the grossly overweighted pay scale system.
It goes right to the head of the class…the Federal Government.
All three branches are run by incompetent millionaires, by and large. The higher you go in this system…business OR “government”, which is in reality just another business…the less real product you must produce to earn your money. Executive work is essentially fail-safe past a certain level. The only REAL work that needs to be done in most high executive positions is to fend off attacks from other wankers who want your spot.
At the bottom…say a schoolteacher or landscape or factory worker…your product is the fruit of many hours of hard work. AND IT MAKES LITTLE OR NO DIFFERENCE TO YOUR EVENTUAL SUCCESS IN THAT POSITION IF YOU DO THAT WORK WELL OR POORLY. Why? Because there is no one home up above. They are out politicking or on vacation. So you end up doing the bare minimum. JUST enough so’s the lawn doesn’t die, the kids get bumped up to the next grade and the wheels do not fall off the car. And if you DO try to excel, the chances are quite good that you will be punished for it. The boss system as it now strands by and large does not like complications. Just get in line, push that wheelbarrow where you are told to push it and shut the fuck up.
This is not how America rose to power. Bet on it. But it IS how it is going to fall. Bet on that as well. I see almost no chance of a spontaneous change happening here in terms of the way things are set up. The system is too massive, too rich, and the information that would be needed to force the awareness of a need for such a change into the minds of enough Americans to create a likely possibility that it might happen will not be disseminated by the media simply because the media themselves are creatures of the same system.
Catch 22, over and out.
Short of a miracle of some sort.
A spontaneous sea change in the minds and spirits of the electorate in 2008 is our last (or at best our next to the last) chance, in my view.
Business as usual after the next election? No truly inspiring leader to goose the country forward? No change.
No change? The Decline And Fall of the American Empire.
Both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama could be that leader, that agent of change, if either has the courage to take a chance that they might lose. So far…only Obama has even stuck his toe into the waters of such possibilities, and every time he has done so he has suffered massive attacks from the right AND the so-called center.
We shall see.
Without a literal cultural revolution, this country is doomed. There will be some sort of progressive economic collapse (perhaps hastened by environmental and/or terrorist factors) as hungrier cultures simply outwork, out-produce (and out-REproduce) us.
So it goes.
What Christ neglected to mention…or was not reported as mentioning, more likely…when he stated that the meek shall inherit the earth is that when they do come into that inheritance…which is basically what happened to some degree here in the U.S. when several waves of refugees from another set of devolved cultures landed on these shores and opened up a NEW treasure chest… then the meek will become arrogant, stupid and lazy.
And get THEIR asses kicked in turn.
So it goes.
George Santayana wrote “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.“
WE cannot remember the past. Not even the fairly RECENT past.
Like, say…Vietnam.
Too busy watching the trials and tribulations of Paris Hilton.
So it goes.
So it goes.
And…thanks in advance for that golden umbrella.
The REAL golden umbrella.
Like the one that execs get when they reach a certain point.
The one with the words “fail safe” written all over it..
“Oh. You’re one of US!!!??? HERE ya go, sonny boy!!! The world is now your oyster. All’s you got to do is remember not to swallow the pearls. Work??? FUGGEDABOUDIT!!! Just try to LOOK busy. How about a round of golf?”
I got yer Cultural Revolution.
Right HERE!!!
like your stuff as always. We got the news this week that the department of Homboy Security is issuing new restrictions on chemicals. Yes, that’s right as an industry we are having a lab pack to get rid of chemicals that are on the list. It is far too expensive for an American business to deal with the new rules so now we have a list of verboten chemicals.
Makes it real hard to do science stuff in the lab.
This is OT
But AG, I honestly have to say. I had a dream last night that you wrote a rant about me being a neocon.
I actually logged on here to be able to comment at the first opportunity. It was so clear and vivid, really bizarre.
But as I remember in my dream, you did it very poetically and in verse!
Well, y’know…
AG’s take on things is usually radical, sometimes unexpected, and often enough dead-on accurate.
So are you?
And vat do you think that this dream MEANS, Herr Jeffersonian!!!???
Ve must get to the bottom of this!!!
Sigmund Fraud
I’ve always been one for “shoveling dreams into the ditch of what each one means.”
Seems to me Jeff, that you know deep down we’re all the same species. Emphasizing our differences is a neocon thing. Trust the soul of the artist to show you the error of that way.
To say my fate is not tied to your fate is like saying, “Your end of the boat is sinking.” Hugh Downs quote courtesy of TeamsterPower on dkos.
Good to see you back here, you’ve been missed. We need everybody’s voice.
yea, the dream told me I should hop back over to the pond. AG and all.
I was doing too many blogs for awhile and was getting no work done academically. So I decided to pick one and that was Orange only because of the rate of diaries and coverage, like getting a one stop news source.
But now that I’m getting caught up I can feel good and not so guilty about being behind and spending a little more time on the other blogs for varying opinions and news, including Eurotribe.
and um, well yeah, I’m more convinced than ever (and I didn’t need to be convinced) of the truth of this post.
Target, WalMart, the big discount CostCo/Home Depot things.
GREAT place to observe the progressive degradation of the humnan race in America.
Degraded into slothful, overweight, TV-addicted victims of the system.
About three generations after their arrival on these shores, the majority of people from almost every immigrant group become part of the American nightmare.
Slopping down the aisles, looking for some cheap, loose fitting clothes that were made by low-wage- but-still-aspiring third worlders.
and the kids seem to be brattier and more out of control than I remember just 15 years ago.
What a great diary, AG!
Thanks for writing it.
I’m toying around with some language on shining a little light on our Corporate Sponsored Public Policy.
In essence, we are following a Corporate Agenda. Laws are made for and by corporations. Information is disseminated for and by corporations.
We need to contrast that Corporate Agenda with a Human Agenda. Laws made for and by human Beings. Information disseminated by and for Human Beings.
If we look at the issues that are trotted out at election time they are totally framed as Human Agenda issues:
* Abortion
Killing Babies!
* Immigration
Stealing our Jobs/Culture!
* Gay Marriage
Killing our Morality!
* Taxes
Taking My Money
* Terror
Protect my family!
The important issues, or more important issues, are left out, as they impact the corporate agenda.
Notice that the terms and framing of Human Agenda Issues are corporatized when they challenge the Corporate Agenda:
* Healthcare
It costs too much money. Shopping for Healthcare. 40 million uninsured.
Where’s the punch? Where’s the Human Connection? It’s not there!
* Global Warming
Too Expensive… Will Damage the Economy… Has not been scientifically proven… etc.
Where’s the punch? There is none.
* Free Trade
=Democracy… Isolationism… Offshoring… Outsourcing… Compete… GDP… Unemployment numbers…
Again, no punch!
We need to start speaking forcefully against Corporate Sponsored Public Policy, regardless of whether or not we can stop this train on a dime, we have to try to reverse course.
I think the best way to do that is to contrast the Corporate Agenda with a Human Agenda.
It’s all so naked. We start using the right words, and some leaders start to pick up that language, and we can kill Corporate Personhood and put an end to Corporate Sponsored Public Policy once and for all.
We can simply flip a switch and get the freight train running towards a Human Agenda.
Gotta get that diary done…
Screw it… I’ll just finish the diary…
Heard a quote last night, I believe, attributed to Mussolini: the fascist state is the corporatist state.