What issue is most important to you?

  • Perpetual War?
  • Civil Rights?
  • Healthcare?
  • Poverty?
  • Defending the Constitution?
  • Global Warming?
  • Fascism?

Odds are that many of these issues rank quite high in your ideological heirarchy. I believe that these issues are extremely important to all human beings, and I think they all should be part of a Human Agenda.

What is the root problem that keeps us from moving forward on the issues in a Human Agenda? What or Who stands in the way?
The Corporate Agenda is what stands in the way of progress on a Human Agenda. It is the base element that stands, nearly alone, in protecting business as usual and the Corporate Agenda.

Who can’t eat when the American Worker is fired because he can’t ‘compete’ with Chinese slave labor?
An American Family, that’s who.

Who dies because they were denied access to medicine?
An American Citizen, that’s who.

Who’s going to die of cancer from industrial pollution?
An American Citizen, that’s who.

Who goes to jail for being the wrong color or too poor?

Whose privacy is violated?

Human beings pay these prices. Human beings should not be forced to pay these unbelievable prices in service of the Corporate Agenda.  

This is only going to happen if we start to draw attention to the realities of the Corporate Agenda and contrast that with the needs and requirements of a Human Agenda.

It is time for Human Beings to shrug off the responsibility of taking it on the chin for the Corporate Agenda.

It can work, speaking in terms of a Human Agenda.

It’s been done for years, well kind of.

Check this out…

At election time, the Right trots out the same old tired issues and pitches them in terms of a Human Agenda:
* Abortion
They’re Babies not Embryos. Stop Killing Babies!
* Immigration
They’re going to steal your jobs and our culture!
* Taxes
They’re taking your money!
* “National Defense”
They’re going to Destroy America.

Over and over. The CT usage of ‘THEY’ is even in there. It’s amazing, really. Speaking for human beings in human terms on human issues.

They seem of vital importance to the Human Agenda.

Protect my family.
Protect my belief system.
Protect my livelyhood.
Protect my wealth.
Protect my country.

I think it’s funny because these things always steal all the air our political room. As proponents of a broader Human Agenda, why doesn’t the Left follow suit on their Human Agenda issues?

Instead of devaluing our ability to self govern by hopping to serve the Corporate Agenda: blaming the government, Defending the Hidden Hand and talking about money all the time, how about trying to devalue the idea that being exploited by Corporate Sponsored Public Policy is somehow the American Dream?

Devaluing Government, the collective power of the people, the only institution that is capable of protecting Human Beings from being exploited and robbed by Giant Corporations, while lauding and legislating the Corporate Agenda has got to stop!

Where is the “It’s your fault, you deserved it.” argument that is levied against the poor and disenfranchised people. Where are the Welfare Mom, Illegal Immigrant, and Violent Superpredator Achilles Heels of the Corporate Agenda?

They have to be Legion!

But where is the expressions for this?

They don’t exist because we have no practice speaking out for a Human Agenda. Nobody’s done it for so long. Our public officials are Corporate Sponsored, and they serve the Corporate Agenda first with America and the American People coming in a distant second.

We have to start to speak forcefully, emotionally, of and for a Human Agenda. This should be pit directly against the Corporate Agenda.

The world will not change for the better until we expose the Corporate Agenda and contrast it with a Human Agenda.