Atrios highlighted this problem when he linked to an article about Hiam Saban’s support of Hillary Clinton. This is the same man who endowed the Saban Institute at Brookings and made possible Ken Pollack’s warmongering.
Stink tanks play an crucial role in controlling the debate in this counry. They have the power to make one idea mainstream and while marginalizing another. They played a crucial war in deceiving this country into war.
Unlike political campaign contributions they are tax exempt, so in effect we are all subsidizing these institutions. They don’t have anything like the disclosure rules, so it is very difficult to know exactly where their money comes from.
The role of these institutions in promoting war will have to be examined if we are to take our country back.
where are the progressive stink tanks?
Economic Policy Institute, Center for American Progress, Program on International Policy Attitudes.
I could include the Commoneweal Insitute, but it has no funding to speak of.
We need our own institutions.
I especially enjoy subsidizing Exxon’s tax deduction to finance the think tank to lie about global warming to boost Exxon’s profits.