In a lesson for all Liebercrats, New Hampshire senatorial candidate, Katrina Swett, has disowned the sanctimonious, warmongering senator from Connecticut. Here’s an email she sent to a potential constituent:
Thanks for getting in touch through the website. We are always eager to know what is on the minds of voters out there; it helps us ensure that we’re running a campaign for the people of New Hampshire.
I have known Joe Lieberman for a long time and, while he is a friend of mine, I certainly do not agree with him on a lot of issues – especially Iraq. I do find myself disagreeing with him more and more frequently these days. This doesn’t change the fact that we are friends, but it does change my support of him as a politician.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Swett ran Lieberman’s 2004 presidential campaign in New Hampshire. Lieberman placed a distant fifth. I seem to recall him trying to call that result a great validation of his vaunted Joementum. In any case, Swett was no less enthusiastic about Lieberman’s independent bid for re-election last November. But, now? Not so much.
It keeps getting lonelier and lonelier for the Friends of Joe.
The rat leaving the sinking rat.