This is a response to actor212’s recent post on My Left Wing, Has Hillary Lost Her Fucking Mind?

A criticism of the latest Clinton effort to humanize St. Hill, the one where Clintonspinners spoofed the ending of perhaps the most talked-about show on middle class/upper middle class/working class media over the last couple of weeks.

The blackout Sopranos ending.

I am not picking on actor212 here…I have seen this general meme popping up all OVER the left blogosphere. For that matter…all over the right-wing areas as well. Sub-meme, really. The major meme being:

Hillary does not understand America. She will lose.

I disagree.

She does not cater to the extreme left OR right.

Tightrope time.

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And she…the whole Clinton machine, really… is VERY good at it.

Why do I continue to say this?

On the evidence.

On the evidence of roughly 30 years of uninterrupted electoral success. That is…uninterrupted except for the unsightly arrival of one unscheduled, largely-manufactured-by-the-opposition blue dress blowjob in an oval teapot.

A type of mistake that Ms. Hilary is UNDOUBTEDLY not going to make.

Read on for more.
This Sopranos spoof is aimed at Hillary’s base.

The people who think that “The Sopranos” is somehow…cute.

Instead of what it really is.


Not “was”.

 What, you think it’s OVER? Frankenstein rose from the flames until the money stopped coming in. Please.  The Sopranos is an ongoing, VERY successful effort to humanize murderers and thieves.

And of course…make millions in the process.

Why…they’re JUST LIKE OUR RULERS!!! Only of course…more human-sized. And less destructive, overall. I guess the Semi-Prez must have problems, too. Even rotten, anti-human motherfuckers have a soul. Right?


Had they shown what these people are really like? I mean…they might have gotten one season out of it.

But a societal franchise?

No way.

Not today, and not ever.

The Godfather series?

“Good” gangsters and “bad” gangsters.

Bad things happen to good gangsters?

Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!

Shoulda STAYED out.

But no.

EVERYBODY’S got an excuse in America.

To get into the money.

Any fucking which way they can.

“I’m Italian.”

“I’m black.”

“I’m gay.”

“I’m a woman.”

“They are out to destroy our way of life.”

Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

And of course…the Clintonspinners access the Celine Dion brigade.

Listeners to Soft Music 101.

You too can relax.

Settle down.

It’s all going to get better.

Bet on it.

Soft Music 101.

Listen to Soporifia ALL DAY LONG!!!


Don’t you feel somehow…better, now?

Sure, they were on the Titanic when it sunk.


C’mon, people.

This video was a BULLSEYE!!!

The Clintons and their advisors voter-tone deaf!!!???

HELL no.

They may not get you…but they are going to get enough, no matter WHAT it takes.

Bet on THAT.


They have already ridden out the first wave.


Now they have to watch the second wave.


The Republicans?


Bloomy knows.

He’s an “Independent” now.


Independent of everything but the financial considerations. (And a BIG fuck you to any dog-whistlers in the pack who are working up a howl of some sort. If Obama made his fortune selling financial info instead of influence I’d say EXACTLY the same thing.)

Perfect pitch, the Clintons.

As long as they are listening with their socio-political ears instead of other…less generally accurate in these cases…addenda and/or other more or less swinging organs.

Not until the basic make-up of this society in some way changes…less mass media-driven…will the Clinton machine cease to function well. When the 20-somethings get to be 40-somethings (if of course they remain in a text-message/Youtube/MySpace/whatever-grows-from-that system rather than the current press/network thing that drives their parents) and the non-mainstream English-speaking minorities become something of a majority in the culture (Again w/in 20 years at the current pace)…not until then will the Clintonistas totally lose their chops.

Until then…???

Hail to the Chieftaness!!!

Sung by WHICHEVER recently-mainstream-but-not-exactly-“old” singer most accurately reflects the admittedly rather dull tastes of her (“Remember…be SAFE out there!!!”) real base.

