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Question for everyone:
If you could choose any beach to transport to,
where would it be?
If you could choose any beach to transport to,
where would it be?
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We’re gonna try and float this thing!
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond:
My answer to the question: I’ve heard great things about Guanacaste in Costa Rica, that should suffice 😉
Hi Man Egee!!! If I could transport to any beach it would be Little Beach on Maui of course I would also like to transport my body back to a slender version from several years back as this is a nude beach. LOL
Just let it all hang out, RF…or down as the case may be. Damn that gravity.
Maybe somewhere down around Tierra del Fuego? Someplace where it’s nice and cool and not crowded, with mountains handy? That’d work, yeah.
hi stormkite, sounds like paradise to me!
Just a few more weeks to go. 🙂
i just want to kick off my dress shoes and socks, hop into that picture, and feel the wet sand between my toes.
i’m planning a return trip to Ensenada at the end of the summer, can’t wait
Ensenada sounds fun too.
Any beach without Repugs. 😉
but then, who are we to bury alive in the sand? 😉
So true.
just about any beach would do, but preferably, one with some shade:
clik images for info
I’m the egg …
I think today I’d like to be in Nunavut … 😉
Hiya all.
This might make it into the TMI category, but last night during my daily reading of my treasured copy of Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader, several pages were dedicated to the history of Nunavut. With the 107 degree weather we’re having today, I think I’ll hop the border and join you 😉
maybe fishing on a quiet lake up there in the GWN, eh…:{)
Although, that might not be cool enough … I’m thinking more along the lines of a Polar Bear Swim. 😛
ha, great pic dada. now where can one find a giant bottle of tabasco to complete the meal?
I second that. I need a vacation sooooooooo bad. I would take any beach and shade would be a major plus.
Hi Hausfrau! Great to see your screenname around here, hope things are going well and that you get that vacation soonest.
but this is the one I’d go to:
Polihale, Kauai, HI — the westernmost beach in the U.S.
That way the next morning, I could go hike at Koke’e State Park which is a glorious natural treasure and ought to be a national park.
hi Andi! did you see the green spark when the sun set in that pic?
Nope — I was too busy watching all the people who were watching the sunset. This beach is a people watching bonanza. All sorts of people come out because it’s the last place in America to watch the sun go down.
Hi Andi,
I’ve actually been to that one – honeymoon almost two decades ago.
How’s the cabin?
We started out with a couple of rainy days; today is beautiful. asklet and I drove to a town (relatively) nearby, using the library’s wifi now.
Trying to upload to Imageshack for a post in the cafe, but can’t get on to their site. Ah, well – next time.
Anyway, time for us to head back for cabin and swimmer.
No beach for me, thanks. There are (I’m convinced) sea people, tree people, and city people. Me, I feel best when surrounded by green: land, hills, forests for miles. Water and sand are pretty for a day or two; after that, they leave me cold. (I speak from experience, having lived in Santa Cruz, CA for a couple of years. But that’s an essay unto itself.)
Some people experience the ocean as alive, the source of life itself (which is literally true, of course). Standing at the shoreline, they see an opening out onto distant lands and countless unimagined possibilities. On some intuitive level, it has the opposite effect on me. I experience the ocean as a limit, the limit of the land; this is where things stop and emptiness begins. I’m sure Melville would have something to say about that, to say nothing of Nietzsche.
hola no3reed – i’m definitely a “mountain person” – my soul starts to wither if I’m far away from a range for too long.
That’s funny, Manny, because I was just thinking of mountain people (perhaps prompted by my reference to Nietzsche). Mountain people, I suspect, are tree people who stand on a higher level. (True?)
I suppose there are also desert people, but not, I think, many. The folks I knew who lived in the CA desert seemed drawn mostly by the low cost of real estate.
I am most definitely not a desert person. I’m sure you can smell the irony from your current locale 🙂
I think we could be a mutation of tree people, but truth-be-told, I’m captivated with rock formations. They allow my imagination to work during the day while the stars are taking their sunlit naps.
Yes, we must be related. I can certainly understand the enchantment of rock formations, though I would never have been able to express it so poetically.
you do a fine job of wielding words, in fact, i’m glad to see you doing more of it lately 😉
That’s quite a compliment. Thank you!
l moved from the flatland plains to the mtns 37 yrs ago, and now l get antsy when l’m away from them for too long…but l have to say, about the end of january, 1st of february, a beach looks awfully good to me…and the ocean has a dynamic energy which is a nice contrast to the stoics of the mtns.
there’re both good
Dynamic energy, yes. I like Delmore Schwartz’s phrase: “the fatal, merciless, passionate ocean.”
I’m late, but I would rather a beach on a high mountain lake than the ocean. I shock myself to even realize that. But, last Saturday, I had an impromptu party and the topic came up of survival. I said the mountains, but my friend said the shore. I then realized that while I love the coast, I love more the woods and mountains and clear lakes.
But, for beaches, any beach along the m
Mediteranian is good for me.
but this is one of my favorites:
This is a view of the Haystack off of First Beach at La Push, Washington on the northern Washington coast. It’s not a warm tropical beach, which is part of the point. It has interesting tides once or twice a year (over 11 feet, if I remember), I get to watch the ships going by on their way to the Strait of Juan de Fuca to dock in Vancouver or Seattle/Tacoma, and it would be a great place to put up a nice big antenna and try to contact radio hams in Asia. If the Quillayutes who own the area would let me, that is.
OMIR! Wheretheheckhaveyoubeen? What a fantastic pic, my first experience with seeing big slabs of earth like that in the water was off the Oregon Coast – I never got tired of walking near their giant presence.
Hey Man E, how the heck are ya?
I’ve been reading, but my absence is part work-related and part blog fatigue. I just haven’t felt much like posting. That, and a lot of the activism I’ve been doing lately is on subjects that get a big resounding snore from people (tech subjects, mostly).
It goes in cycles. I could start posting like a madman again tomorow, or I could drop off the face of the earth, or I could lay low until the election really heats up. Ya never know.
Doin’ good, just trying to remain in some form of air-conditioned bubble so I don’t melt in the heat.
My vote is that you start posting like a madman again 🙂
Awwww, you’re so nice. Maybe if things settle down a little I can slack off at work some more. 🙂
That picture is incredible!
How’ve you been?
Well, I’d like to say that I was kidnapped by a Patagonian princess and forced to subsist for months on a diet of martinis and caviar, but the truth is, I’ve just been lurking and working. See my reply to Man E.
Any beach on Kauai.
had to lasso that comment down, Steven D 😉
Hawaii is one place I need to get to as soon as possible, heard nothing but great things.
The only problem with Hawaii is it has become so developed, and crowded since it is also a popular vacation destination for the Japanese, as well as Americans. But great sushi!
mmmmm sushi
now I know what I’m having for dinner!
Who stole my noodle?! Give it back!
wow, that looks way funner than just one noodle!
And I bet purple just became your favorite color too, huh? 🙂
I posted my salsa recipe over at the b, feel free to use/forward/alter as you see fit.
ATTENTION BLUES FANS! Guitarist Tab Benoit “LIVE” on KUVO:
Join us on Wednesday, June 27th @ 6:00 pmdt, for an intimate acoustic performance by blues guitarist Tab Benoit. Susan Gatschet Reese will be joining Tab in jazz89’s Performance Studio, to talk about his new Telarc release Pontchartrain.
clik images for info
click “TUNE IN NOW” to listen to a live stream….du and hi-speed avail
hope lots of you listened, KILLER SET!!!, and lots of good info too…be sure and check out voice of the wetlands and think about those oct. vacation plans.
louisiana in the fall is very nice…maybe iPig will de-lurk and buuoooyaaaaaa…
clik images for info
No beaches here, just a nice porch and a good book will do. A mountain view would be best.
Yep, a porch and a book in the shade is more my speed too. And no humidity. And a breeze.
What are you reading right now?
I’m reading Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen. I’ve had it for ages but have been putting off reading it because of its content….a woman in an abusive marriage.
How about you?
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D. Suzuki. I’ve just started it.
I’ve already finished Disgraced by J.M Coetzee. It was good. I finished it in three days.
Sounds like summer is going perfectly then for you! How is Andrew doing? I’ll bet he’s getting big.
He’s a giant who loves anything with wheels! We’re hoping that he’ll use the toilet at least once this summer (fingers crossed).
His language is really coming along. While he is still difficult to understand at times, he is managing to handle 3-4 word sentences, can count to three, and can even name some letters in the alphabet.
It sounds like he’s really coming along well. My trick for getting boys to use the potty…..float a couple of cheerios in there and let him do target practice. 🙂
we need all the practice with aiming that we can get.
I know.
That’s cute, but it scares me. He has been practicing sitting on the potty and he likes to stick his hand straight into the still empty bowl. If there’s food in the bowl, I’ll have to fight with him to not eat it.
Oh yeah. How about little paper bullseyes? I hear it works well for Manny.
Perfect, Manny…thank you! It’s been in the 90s and the air is totally saturated with moisture. Yuck.
Ah.. very nice sir. Thank you.
I’m off to try a dig into my book.
Hanalei Bay, Kauai, with a couple of boogie boards for Dr.Mc and I and a pitcher of frozen daiquiris for after. If the surf’s decent that’s paradise.