Cross posted at Dailykos

Like swarms of locusts, Corporate lobbyists have surrounded the hill and taken legislative staffers hostage.  As I type, various amendments are being renegotiated, gutted, moved around, renamed, folded in…  All, all of this hush, hush last minute activity is per the demands of the Corporate Cheap Labor Lobby.

What happened to doing the right thing for America?  What happened to the national interest?  Where is the spirit of Mr. Smith?

Instead we have a scenario more like the fall of Rome, hordes of corporate lobbyists with Trojan Horse amendments, the silence of public debate or exposure, little legislation or representation for working America and most of all the incredible shrinking constituent.

Corporate lobbyists simply do not have the national interests of America at heart, in fact they have no hearts, so why would our representatives even let them past the door?  Well clearly the dollar almighty is having a major effect.

In a letter to Congress, the IFPTE said:

While the legislation is a blessing for the corporate community, it is clear that from the perspective of American workers this bill includes a laundry list of shortcoming

This is the bottom line, this bill is bad for working America and both the AFL-CIO
and other many labor organizations realize this.

The IFPTE believes that the countless shortcomings included in S. 1348 render it damaged beyond repair and requests that you oppose both cloture and the bill itself

So please, please call and FAX your Senators today and ask them to vote no on cloture on S.1639 (the new bill number for S.1348).  The vote is today with debate starting at  9:30 A.M.  

Please let your Senators know you are Democrats, we are Democrats, and we need this bill to die.  There are surely some Democrats who want to represent us, their constituents and not these hordes of Corporate lobbyists who eat their own young, the American people.  Please please support working America and FAX this morning as well as call requesting a no vote on cloture.