One advantage to running for office (at least if yo belong to one of the two major parties) is that you get a  forum for your ideas.

I was watching the dem debate on PBS
Black Community at Howard University listening to dems

The ideas I saw coming out of the debate were interesting

1) Tax investment just as earnings are taxed.  Why should the investor have to pay less tax than a worker bee?

my take on this is – stock purchase, except at the initial IPO or later release is not adding to the economy.  One might tax expansive stock at a different rate if one wanted to increase investment in companies.  But in truth taxing investment is damn difficult since it is based on self reporting.  You and I worker bees are not trusted so everything we do via work is documented with 1099 and W2 forms.  We might get a little more serious and look to documentation.

2) No fly zone over Darfur.  This seems as if it would be a piece of cake.  We have very great flyers but the will is needed to do just this one thing.

There were others, but those were what I thought were good.  I think of more later.

(Have to go play Grandma!)