Once again Senator Webb is talking trash about his fellow Democrats. From his interview with David Ignatius of the Washington Post:
That kind of populist anger is part of the Democrats’ past, and Webb argues that it’s the party’s future as well. But he worries that “the people at the top of the party don’t comprehend the power of that message” and that as a result the Democrats may miss their best chance in a generation to reconnect with the American middle class.
“The Democrats need to embrace the fact that the greatest issue in America today is economic fairness,” he says. He argues that if the Democrats construct a “fairness agenda” that tilts toward workers and away from corporations and the rich, “they will win big.”
If you look at the sponsors and co-sponsors ofpro-worker legislation, anti-usury legislation, or Katrina Recovery legislation you will search in vain for Webb’s name. He likes to talk about economic populism, but he isnt’ interested in doing anything about it. Indeed Webb voted to keep tax cuts for the rich instead of funding special education.
It is time to start calling Webb on his hypocrisy.
I think it’s time to take a look at our freshmen and rate their progressive credentials.