Boy howdy did we open up some troll bait or what? I apologize for not responding in a more timely manner to the flood of comments but I was in
Williamsburg, Virginia attending the wedding of a CIA colleague’s daughter. Great wedding and terrific barbecue. But I digress.
So where do we stand? Maybe it is time to give Tony Blair and George Bush some credit for a solid achievement in the war on terror–the current lot
of muslim extremists in the UK had major problems building a reliable, effective incendiary device. Is Al Qaeda on the decline? Remember when they
could do a simultaneous bomb attack in Kenya and Tanzania? And now? they could only torch one Land Rover and part of the overhang at Glasgow’s International Airport.
Looks like we have yuppie Muslims who, despite a medical education, don’t understand fundamentals about how to build and detonate quality improvised
explosives. They obviously spent all of their cash on the Mercedes and neglected to sign up for the suicide bomber course. Thank your deity or religious object of affection for their fecklessness. Or, thank your lucky
These latest events will further erode the capability of Muslim extremists in the U.K. British and Scottish police certainly have new leads to follow. And the ham handed execution of this plot is not going to attract eager copycats. What genuine fanatic is going to be inspired by amateur terrorists who have trouble igniting gasoline? Not many. Meanwhile, business as usual goes on in Iraq (credit icasualties):
07/01/07 MNF: MND-B patrol struck by IED, small arms fire- 1 Soldier killed A Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldier was killed in a small arms fire attack that followed an IED strike targeting a joint combat patrol in a western section of the Iraqi capital July 1. 2 Iraqi National Police officers were also wounded…
LA Times: Anbar province bombings kill seven Iraqi police officers- Explosions at police checkpoints in western Anbar province killed at least seven Iraqi police today, with scattered violence elsewhere in Iraq resulting in the deaths of at least 15 others, several of them in the capital
07/01/07 KUNA: One Iraqi killed, four wounded in blast near Baghdad bridge- One civilian was killed and another four were wounded on Sunday when a suicide bomber detonated the booby-trapped car he was driving near Al-Jadriya Bridge, southwestern Baghdad.
07/01/07 Reuters: Car bomb kills at least five in Ramadi- Iraq police A suicide car bomber killed five policemen in Ramadi on Sunday in the Sunni-dominated province of Anbar, Iraqi police said. Police Captain Abbas al-Dulaimi said the attack was aimed at a police station in the eastern side of Ramadi…
07/01/07 AP: Bullet-riddled body of a senior police commander found in Basra- the bullet-riddled body of a senior police commander was discovered in Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city. Colonel Nasser Hamoud was in charge of the city’s prisons. He had been kidnapped along with 3 of his guards the day before…
AP: 2 policemen killed by roadside bomb, drive-by shooting- Two Iraqi policemen are dead after a roadside bomb exploded near their patrol in eastern Baghdad today. Police say after the blast, gunmen sped by in a car and showered the men with machine gun fire. 3 policemen and 3 civilians…were wounded.
And what is the media focusing on? Not the two American soldiers who died today in Iraq. Not the hundreds of Iraqis killed and wounded by real terrorist attacks. Nope. They are furiously hyping two cars that did not burn or explode and one car that, while on fire, crashed into a trash can. No one died, but several in the media are fanning the flames of fear. Osama Bin Laden does not need a press agent. Hell no. He can just squat on his rug in Pakistan and let CNN, MSNBC, and FOX blather on endlessly hyping the capabilities of Al Qaeda.
I am confident that British and Scottish authorities will fully investigate the yuppie terrorists. I am less confident that we will devote our energies to the task of actually killing or capturing Bin Laden. Our leaders and a pliant media seem content to talk endlessly about non-events and turn away from the bodies being piled up in Iraq. And for those of you who soiled yourselves over the events in the U.K. it is time for a nappy change.
Excellent title — definitely boils down to four concise words the nature of the current ruling clique, just chickenshits empowering the chickenhawks.
Well done, Larry. I watched Chris Rock on HBO last night and he was brutally funny about the fear mongering in this country. And he pretty much got the whole picture of Iraq, drugs, immigration, racism et. al. across to the audience a lot clearer than even the most clear-headed politicians and professional activists are able to.
No doubt the entire British and even American Muslim communities are being scrutinized and viewed today with even more paranoia by the nonMuslim community.
Questionable on ALL fronts.
Well financed enough to use a Mercedes.
Give me a BREAK!!!
Yuppies don’t commit mass murder.
They don’t even try.
Too busy at the office.
Now…THREE conveniently “prevented” bombings in one day?
C’mon, Larry.
Give me ANOTHER break.
What did the cops do do after the first one was “accidentally” discovered?
Check out every parked car in London?
This whole thing smells.
And not of propane, either.
New Prime Minister?
Blair now…after his OH so fine rule…some kind of PEACEMAKER in the Middle East?
Gotta keep the natives cowed.
Gotta keep those surveillance cameras REALLY busy.
Scaring people.
It all stinks.
P.S. If I didn’t know you were CIA I’d think you were just stupid. To swallow this bullshit.
But…it’s called “intelligence”, right?
It never occurred to you that this London thing might be a put-up job?
Or at BEST some group of assholes being run by agents and infiltrators? Like the fools who were supposedly going to blow up Queens, NYC with the jet fuel pipeline that runs to JFK airport?
Even Bloomberg called THAT bluff.
“Get a life” he said after it became obvious what incompetents they were.
Or that dangerous cell of armed Jihadist fanatics out in NJ a little while longer ago. Who were going to blow up Fort Dix? YOU know…the ones who brought their photos in to a Walgreens or someplace to have them developed? Photos of the group in Arabic robes running around in the woods with their automatic weapons? Playing Bin Laden instead of cowboys and indians? One of the group even called the Philly police complaining about how someone…someone never arrested… was trying to get him to involved in a plot of some kind.
This is MAINSTREAM double agent work. Cops do it all the time. They turn people who have been busted and get them to run the “Let’s you and him do something real bad” game on other fools so’s the cops can have a better arrest record.
It’s bullshit, Larry.
And you know it.
You SHOULD know it, anyway.
if you really don’t…the CIA has got some problems.
BIG ones.
Bet on it.
Are we really supposed to believe that this is the level of competence that has bought the mighty US military to a stalemate in the Middle East? And did the samew to the USSR before that?
Orange alert my ASS!!!
Unless it has Cheney’s face on it.
THERE’S your villain!!!
And straight on down from the top.
P.P.S. I sure hope you had a nice wedding out there in West Virginia. With your “colleague”. What did you talk about? The fucking weather?
Blame the media?
Blame the people who RAN the game.
Bet on it.
There is plenty of blame to go around the world. Start with the Supreme Court in 2000 that handed the election to this neo-con death cult. But, I digress. I think we can blame the media because look who owns the media. The same people who are making a fortune off the deaths of our soldiers and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The MSM in the US is just another tool for Bu$h & Co. I agree with Larry on this, if this were truly backed and planned by Al Qaida or any other group with experience in terror tactics this might have worked.
The British incidents are being used by Bush’s media friends to get his and the Rethuglicans numbers out of the tank. And try to keep Americans “Afraid, VERY Afraid”. Well, this very well traveled NYC residents ain’t buying it.
“Anbar province bombings kill seven Iraqi police officers-..”
But Joe Lieberman said just yesterday that Anbar was a huge success story.
that the bombers were linked to Al Qaeda or what’s going on in the MIddle East, AFAIK — the attempted car bombings may have been directed at Britain for the recent knighting of Salman Rushdie, and the Glasgow attack may have been aimed directly at protesting the elevation of Gordon Brown, evidently a Glasgow-born Scot.
Remember, thanks to the IRA, the British have been dealing with terrorism far longer than we have…
MORE bullshit.
Thanks to the British, Britain has been dealing with terrorism far longer than has the United States.
Great Britain was by FAR the most effective colonial power the world has ever seen.
Bet on it.
They fucking INVENTED modern colonialism. Blow up the culture; create an infrastructure to replace that culture that mimics the culture of the colonialists, and drain the country of its wealth.
If there had been an equivalent “media” in the late 1700s, the American army that defeated the English would have been labeled terrorists.
Bet on it.
And the IRA?
And the IRA…no matter WHAT mistakes were made, no matter HOW bad it got…was a resistance force!!!
For well over 100 years.
Your sig?
That is what the Irish were saying to the Brits.
As was enough of the world that for well over 200 years it could have quite accurately stated “The sun never sets on resistance to the British Empire.”
Remember this when you consider what is going on in the UK these days.
You reap what you sow.
EXACTLY what you sow.
Plus of course a few weeds.
Bet on it.
Bollocks. The IRA was a Marxist revolutionary group, funded by stupid Americans romanticising about the imaginary good old days and freeing the leprechauns that hijacked a civil rights movement to push their brand of Irish Republicanism and built up quite an impressive criminal movement around itself. By the end it had become more of a mafia. Sínn Fein only got a majority of Nationalist votes after the violent campaign finished.
Great ironies of our time: Catholic Americans funding a Marxist terror group against one of their country’s “allies”.
Allies in an ongoing 300+-year war on brown people and any others who will not go for the white/Anglo supremacy game.
The Irish resistance statrted before “Marxism” was even a WORD!!!
I know. My great-great grandfather was shot off of a wagon by the Brits in the 1830s.
The IRA was “Marxist” the same way…and for the same reasons…as Cuba became “Marxist”.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Situational alliances.
Sit on it.
Sure it went bad.
That’s the colonial game.
Resist the resistance until it is taken over by criminal elements. Because they are the only ones vicious enough to effectively oppose the criminals who run the empire. Then buy them out.
And with whom who do you end up?
Saddam Hussein.
The drug dealer Noriega.
Irish gangs.
Etc., etc., etc., etc.
Then when THEY go from bad tgo worst (Power DOES corrupt. Even the corrupt get worse.), sic people like you on ’em.
And you DEFEND this process?
Sit on it TWICE.
You are so short-sighted that you need glasses to see your own nose.
Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The more I hear about this and all the speculation without facts, the more the movie “The Mouse That Roared” comes into my head. I have stopped watching the news on TV.