I got my ducting installed today, along with the lamp/fan that goes with it. I’ll finish puting everything I had to disassemble back together tomorrow (like soffets). Then I can finish the ceiling and the last few bits of wall that need plaster board.
It’s only been two years since I tore the original bathroom and toilet rooms apart. Boy, am I a speed demon, or what?
We had a very nice weekend…the weather is gorgeous and cool, so we went for a bike ride yesterday afternoon. It was so cool last night I had to throw an extra blanket on the bed, and it’s equally gorgeous today.
Grass cutting is on the agenda today…CBtE’s agenda, that is. 🙂
Good morning, froggies. After a weekend of grouting, football throwing (with boran2 boy) and lawncutting, I’m actually looking forward to being here at work and getting some rest.
Happy Day Before Most of Us Don’t Have To Work Day.
Thanks for the qualifier. Not that I have a job to go to, mind you, but I do have lots to do tomorrow. Luna’s just glad she won’t be subjected to fireworks.
Nice photo, btw – very green. We actually had a bit of rain last night and today. “Woo” and might I add “hoo”.
Luna’s in heat and Imogen’s in Canberra. How’re things in your neck of the woods?
I don’t know who to feel worse for — Imogen for having to travel so much or you for being left so much. I hope she’s back soon.
The woods are looking much better after getting rain. That was one of the longest dry spells I can remember. Plus it was hot. But I don’t think we’re through being below the amount of rain we normally would.
That looks so nice. Everything here is looking green and jungle-like.
We’re up early to tidy up and be ready when my friend brings our new screen door and puts it in this morning. Woo-hoo! How long till the canine wrecking crew can trash it….
Model 3825, which has apparently withstood my friend’s golden retrievers and young children. The screen and glass work together to go up and down so you can adjust the amount of airflow and how much glass you have at dog level.
We’ll see. My last door was a wooden one, and it was left in pieces when it finally went (we’d bolted it back together awhile back, but even that didn’t hold in the end).
Oooooooooo. I want one. Not that Luna wouldn’t destroy eventually. That dog’s a steam-roller when she gets excited – nothing gets in her way that doesn’t get flattened.
I’m afraid Dumbledore will have the door ‘well in hand’ by fall…the ability to latch and lock the door shut will be something new for him to learn about. Sigh.
We had just enough rain to spruce up the woods and put some water in the creeks but not enough for the water to flow — which does create very nice reflections.
We solved our screen door problems by bolting expanded metal grills on ours.
She’ll be back Friday, late. Then she’s home for a week and then gone for another three days to Melbourne. She gets the worst of it, in terms of a tiring schedule, but I draw the short straw for being alone.
Oh look, I’m not alone, Luna’s stealing firewood from the porch to get my attention.
She only takes things to get my attention, and then wants to play keep away when I go outside to see what she’s got. She seems to be finally growing out of the chewing stage – thank FSM.
That’s the great thing about slacking, you can start it anytime. It’s a good thing to wake up in the morning, and know you have a full day of slack in head of you. 🙂
George is getting a haircut today, and I’ve got to get ready to carry him over there. As usual with all his hair cut, he’ll come back looking like an oversized rat, but he’ll be more comfortable in this heat.
I’m doing OK. I slept in ’til 8am! I must be taking a page from your book (or, more likely, it’s because I didn’t go to bed until 11:30 – I can’t seem to get into an empty bed until I’m too exhausted to care).
I’ve got a list of things that need doing down Hobart way, and will be leaving soon – after I get bathed and feed all the critters.
Hobart has been striped clean by my shopping frenzy. Not really, I barely bought anything, as usual, but I did get a hole-saw part that I needed at the tip shop for twenty cents.
I also went to the bulk food co-op, the hardware store, the dog wash, and finally, clean dog at my side, to the dog park. Luna only managed to roll in one dead seagull while my back was turned.
Any big plans for today? We were going to visit the in-laws on the Indy north side until Mrs. Dem came down with the flu Mon., complete with 101 fever. I suppose we will spend the day at home slacking a la Family Man. I can’t say I’ll miss driving through the city.
Sorry about your wife. Hope she feels better soon.
No plans here. Was thinking about a bike ride but the overcast skies suggest that a walk may be in the offing instead. Guess I’ll wait a little bit to decide.
Happy 4th, without which there’d be no Australia (it was the loss of America as some place to send convicts and other “undesirables” that drove England to look for a new colony).
Hobart has been striped clean by my shopping frenzy. Not really, I barely bought anything, as usual, but I did get a hole-saw part that I needed at the tip shop for twenty cents.
I also went to the bulk food co-op, the hardware store, the dog wash, and finally, clean dog at my side, to the dog park. Luna only managed to roll in one dead seagull while my back was turned.
If they’re aware of the connection, no doubt they are. Don’t even get me started on Little Johnny Howard’s latest load of crap he’s trying to dump on Aboriginal Australians.
Hi Keres! Our county was originally made up of land that the surrounding large farming counties didn’t want (its hilly and not much good for row crops) so they broke us off and made us a county of our own. Our local history is loaded with ne’er-do-wells, curmudgeons, loners and mountebanks, so I feel a certain kinship…
Congratulations on the completion of your bathroom project!
Y’all would fit right in in Tasmania, which has the most convict ridden past (at one point, 6/7th of the Tasmanian population were convicts).
Which reminds me of a joke. A very Australian one. In order to understand it you have to know that only recently has Australia changed its feelings about the “convict stain” of its past. And it’s now actually considered desirable to be able to trace ones ancestry to one of the early convicts.
So . . . A wealthy socialite hires a private detective to research her ancestors, in hopes of finding a convict amongst them. A few weeks later, the detective calls her and says, “I have some good news, and some bad news, which do you want first.” The socialite asks for the good news. “Well” said the detective, “I found that one of your-great-great grandfathers was a convict.” “And the bad news,” she asked. “He was convicted of buggering a sheep.”
I consider myself lucky that the only transgression I’ve found so far in my family tree is a three dollar fine for battery back in the early 1800’s. It appears my family was either disgustingly proper or was skillful enough to hide their misdeeds well. Heh – haven’t turned up any inappropriate relationships with farm animals, anyway;-)
I’m celebrating Independence Day by having the whole bed to myself. Mr. Nature is still at the beach so it’s just the boys and myself and since they sleep until early afternoon, well, it’s just Hopey and the cats and me.
Out of half and half again? You need to learn to drink it without it. That the more slackerly way. 🙂
No plans what so ever. The only thing I’ve got to do today is get George outside and clean the kitchen. After that, it’s the search for the perfect slack day.
What plans for you today? Any fireworks around your place?
With the drought here, they’ve banned everything. The town usually has something, but its been cancelled. I was wondering if I would hear any fireworks in the neighborhood today. Usually they start the day before, but I didn’t hear anything last night.
I sort of know what you’re talking about on the coffee. I can’t drink it without some type of sweetener.
Happy 4th, Second Nature! For some odd reason, when I hear the words “egyptian cotton”, I think of Milo Minderbinder’s chocolate covered variety. Must be some bizarre Pavlovian trigger.
I miss July 4th in the heartland. It’s too hot to have any cookouts down here so I think I’m just making sloppy joes…not exactly your traditional holiday fare but it works for me.
I’m sorry she’s not feeling well. There seems to be something going around here too – my best friend was wiped out with something similar all last weekend.
Happy 4th and all that! I just got out of bed (a bit earlier than I like, being only 9:00 a.m. in these parts) and am now sipping my first cup o’ joe of the day. Mmmmm. It’s promising to be a very lazy day, with lots of sun and nary a cloud in the sky. While we are having a taste of drought, my town’s fireworks were cancelled due to a large amount of construction, which has created a fire hazard. Geez, you would think that they would have figured that into their construction time frame! Bastards. There goes my plan to go up onto the roof of my apartment building which has a killer view of the bay, with lawn chairs and wine. It’s just not fair.
After lazing about, I will go to the store, find something to bring to a potluck/bbq at my friend’s house this afternoon. I’ve been promised an ice cream cake for my b-day. I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid! :>)
And a week with two dogs. As in a stray showed up here today. I’ve canvased the neighborhood and put up signs.
He’s about three months old and a smooth coated terrier mix. It took a few hours before he stopped snarling and biting at Luna, but now their playing in the middle of the living room. Did I mention that it’s been raining all day and Luna is a walking mudball?
If I don’t get any response from the signs, calling-in a found report to the Dog’s Home, and listing him with the local radio’s “Snoopy Patrol”, I’ll give the counsel a call tomorrow and have them send the dog catcher out to pick him up.
Have I mentioned that Luna is in heat, and he’s humping her leg so much that she sits down just to stop him.
Strays are a terrible temptation to us — we’ve kept three of the ones that have shown up here. But we’ve just found out this year that the county consider four dogs a kennel and requires all kinds of permits and things so that pretty well assures that we won’t be keeping any dog that shows up.
I’m not sure what the regulations are out here in the boonies, but most of Tasmania limits owners to two dogs and two cats, with the usual kennel/breeders exceptions. Working dogs are not usually counted, and Luna would qualify given our alpacas.
I avoid strays after having kept one that then killed our ducks. And Albert is just too tempting to most dogs to chance taking in most breeds or mixed breeds. Luna may like to chase him, but at least she’s not predatory.
All of which reminds me, I just got the notice that her registration is due. As far as I’ve noticed, she’s the only dog wearing registration tags dog on our road (where most houses have at least two dogs).The counsel has been threatening a crack down, and I might just talk to them about all the dogs that run loose around here. I’ve already talked to two of the owners this week about their dogs chasing our ducks. Good thing the ducks fly or they’d be goners.
I’m surprised about the ducks — our dogs are completely uninterested in all kinds of birds. They are, however, interested in going for a walk so I’m off.
As usual we’ll take whatever rain you can spare. Although there was a fireworks ban here, there were kids shooting fireworks for awhile. I kept thinking I hope the house doesn’t burn down.
I’m waiting for a call from Imogen saying she’s boarded her flight from Melbourne to Hobart, then I’ll head to the airport.
And that was just her calling. Her flight gets in at 9:30pm. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the airport from home, but I leave early so that I can take Luna for a walk while we wait for the plane. There’s usually a dead possum or two to be found in amongst the trees along the airport drive, which makes for good puppy fun.
Have a good day all; I know I’ll have a good night.
Good thing I can put an end to that just by showing up.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.
Morning Andi.
I got my ducting installed today, along with the lamp/fan that goes with it. I’ll finish puting everything I had to disassemble back together tomorrow (like soffets). Then I can finish the ceiling and the last few bits of wall that need plaster board.
It’s only been two years since I tore the original bathroom and toilet rooms apart. Boy, am I a speed demon, or what?
Good morning Andi and keres.
Looks like another hot day down here, but we do have a 40% chance of rain this afternoon.
Hi FM…you snuck in while I was posting! How was your weekend?
Morning CG.
It was pretty good. The relatives finally left and the house is quiet again. I’ve got a busy day today though.
How was your weekend?
A quiet house is always good.
We had a very nice weekend…the weather is gorgeous and cool, so we went for a bike ride yesterday afternoon. It was so cool last night I had to throw an extra blanket on the bed, and it’s equally gorgeous today.
Grass cutting is on the agenda today…CBtE’s agenda, that is. 🙂
I for one will be glad when winter gets here. I can do without this heat.
I said I was going to do it yesterday, but I got out of doing the lawn, but today, I’ve got to do it. Give my condolences to CBtE.
How are you this morning?
It’s quiet here…all the fellas are still sleeping (no camp for anybody until Thursday, and even then, it’s just CBtY that’s going).
Although I would like to go back to sleep, I’ve got to get going this morning. The lawn is calling. 🙁
Good luck…I see afternoon slacking in your future. 🙂
Good morning, froggies. After a weekend of grouting, football throwing (with boran2 boy) and lawncutting, I’m actually looking forward to being here at work and getting some rest.
This is a strange story.
Happy Day Before Most of Us Don’t Have To Work Day.
Happy Day Before Most of Us Don’t Have To Work Day.
Thanks for the qualifier. Not that I have a job to go to, mind you, but I do have lots to do tomorrow. Luna’s just glad she won’t be subjected to fireworks.
Nice photo, btw – very green. We actually had a bit of rain last night and today. “Woo” and might I add “hoo”.
Luna’s in heat and Imogen’s in Canberra. How’re things in your neck of the woods?
I don’t know who to feel worse for — Imogen for having to travel so much or you for being left so much. I hope she’s back soon.
The woods are looking much better after getting rain. That was one of the longest dry spells I can remember. Plus it was hot. But I don’t think we’re through being below the amount of rain we normally would.
That looks so nice. Everything here is looking green and jungle-like.
We’re up early to tidy up and be ready when my friend brings our new screen door and puts it in this morning. Woo-hoo! How long till the canine wrecking crew can trash it….
How long till the canine wrecking crew can trash it….
You could start a pool. Is it the kind with a mesh panel on the bottom half, or just fly-screen top to bottom – in which case, put me down for a week.
Model 3825, which has apparently withstood my friend’s golden retrievers and young children. The screen and glass work together to go up and down so you can adjust the amount of airflow and how much glass you have at dog level.
We’ll see. My last door was a wooden one, and it was left in pieces when it finally went (we’d bolted it back together awhile back, but even that didn’t hold in the end).
Oooooooooo. I want one. Not that Luna wouldn’t destroy eventually. That dog’s a steam-roller when she gets excited – nothing gets in her way that doesn’t get flattened.
I’m afraid Dumbledore will have the door ‘well in hand’ by fall…the ability to latch and lock the door shut will be something new for him to learn about. Sigh.
We had just enough rain to spruce up the woods and put some water in the creeks but not enough for the water to flow — which does create very nice reflections.
We solved our screen door problems by bolting expanded metal grills on ours.
She’ll be back Friday, late. Then she’s home for a week and then gone for another three days to Melbourne. She gets the worst of it, in terms of a tiring schedule, but I draw the short straw for being alone.
Oh look, I’m not alone, Luna’s stealing firewood from the porch to get my attention.
That’ll make one hell of a chew toy.
Well I’m off to the woods. Have a nice rest of the evening.
She only takes things to get my attention, and then wants to play keep away when I go outside to see what she’s got. She seems to be finally growing out of the chewing stage – thank FSM.
Enjoy your walk.
Good morning Andi and keres.
It appears I slept overslept again. Hope ya’ll have a good day.
Mornin’ FM. Apparently there’s no such thing as starting too early with the slacking.
Morning keres.
That’s the great thing about slacking, you can start it anytime. It’s a good thing to wake up in the morning, and know you have a full day of slack in head of you. 🙂
George is getting a haircut today, and I’ve got to get ready to carry him over there. As usual with all his hair cut, he’ll come back looking like an oversized rat, but he’ll be more comfortable in this heat.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Remember to take pictures!
Good morning, froggies. Happy 4th!
Good morning Boran.
I know things move fast in the big cities, but is it the fourth already? 🙂
It’s the 4th here.
Hi keres.
We’re sort of in between thunder storms right now. If we’re lucky we’ll get a good bit more rain.
One thing about being a slacker is it’s always the 4th and Saturday to me. 🙂
How are you doing this morning?
I’m doing OK. I slept in ’til 8am! I must be taking a page from your book (or, more likely, it’s because I didn’t go to bed until 11:30 – I can’t seem to get into an empty bed until I’m too exhausted to care).
I’ve got a list of things that need doing down Hobart way, and will be leaving soon – after I get bathed and feed all the critters.
Slept late. Good for you. Have fun doing all your stuff in Hobart.
Hobart has been striped clean by my shopping frenzy. Not really, I barely bought anything, as usual, but I did get a hole-saw part that I needed at the tip shop for twenty cents.
I also went to the bulk food co-op, the hardware store, the dog wash, and finally, clean dog at my side, to the dog park. Luna only managed to roll in one dead seagull while my back was turned.
So why I am awake?
(YASDHTWHD = yet another some don’t have to work hump day)
Me too – must be the Western Work Ethic conditioning. Mrs. Dem, a much freer spirit than I, is still sawing ’em off in the bedroom.
Happy 4th!
Jim’s still asleep too (not that he’s up on my regular work days either).
Happy 4th to you.
Any big plans for today? We were going to visit the in-laws on the Indy north side until Mrs. Dem came down with the flu Mon., complete with 101 fever. I suppose we will spend the day at home slacking a la Family Man. I can’t say I’ll miss driving through the city.
Sorry about your wife. Hope she feels better soon.
No plans here. Was thinking about a bike ride but the overcast skies suggest that a walk may be in the offing instead. Guess I’ll wait a little bit to decide.
I hope Mrs. Dem. gets to feeling better soon.
Thanks, FM. At least she’ll be able to get in a good day of rest.
Yep when you’ve got the flu or a bad cold, you need to stay in bed and be taken care of.
I’m sure the pack will enjoy either activity.
Good morning Andi and ID.
I need coffee! Happy 4th.
So go get coffee (if you haven’t already).
Good morning Family Man! I’m sipping Sumatran this morning. My work-day staple is a Turkish-French Roast blend that really bangs the eyelids open.
Any big plans with the family today?
I might have to look for that blend. It appears the caffeine content of my coffee is doing it’s job lately.
No plans. It’s just FMom and me here today. Because of the drought, they’ve cancelled fireworks tonight, so not even that. A very slackerly day today.
Mmmmmm, sounds very relaxing.
I’m hoping so. I have no doubt though that something will come up that will get in the way of perfect slackdom.
Happy 4th, without which there’d be no Australia (it was the loss of America as some place to send convicts and other “undesirables” that drove England to look for a new colony).
Afternoon keres.
Did you get your stuff done in Hobart?
You missed this bit up-thread.
So the indigenous folks in Australia are as joyful about this holiday as the ones here?
If they’re aware of the connection, no doubt they are. Don’t even get me started on Little Johnny Howard’s latest load of crap he’s trying to dump on Aboriginal Australians.
Hi Keres! Our county was originally made up of land that the surrounding large farming counties didn’t want (its hilly and not much good for row crops) so they broke us off and made us a county of our own. Our local history is loaded with ne’er-do-wells, curmudgeons, loners and mountebanks, so I feel a certain kinship…
Congratulations on the completion of your bathroom project!
Y’all would fit right in in Tasmania, which has the most convict ridden past (at one point, 6/7th of the Tasmanian population were convicts).
Which reminds me of a joke. A very Australian one. In order to understand it you have to know that only recently has Australia changed its feelings about the “convict stain” of its past. And it’s now actually considered desirable to be able to trace ones ancestry to one of the early convicts.
So . . . A wealthy socialite hires a private detective to research her ancestors, in hopes of finding a convict amongst them. A few weeks later, the detective calls her and says, “I have some good news, and some bad news, which do you want first.” The socialite asks for the good news. “Well” said the detective, “I found that one of your-great-great grandfathers was a convict.” “And the bad news,” she asked. “He was convicted of buggering a sheep.”
I consider myself lucky that the only transgression I’ve found so far in my family tree is a three dollar fine for battery back in the early 1800’s. It appears my family was either disgustingly proper or was skillful enough to hide their misdeeds well. Heh – haven’t turned up any inappropriate relationships with farm animals, anyway;-)
Happy 4th! Gotta run and make some coffee.
Hi/bye Boran.
Happy 4th and get some coffee. 🙂
Happy 4th, boran2! I can’t type at all until after at least one cup.
I’m celebrating Independence Day by having the whole bed to myself. Mr. Nature is still at the beach so it’s just the boys and myself and since they sleep until early afternoon, well, it’s just Hopey and the cats and me.
Morning SN.
How was the beach?
The weather was fantastic but the sand fleas were unbearable.
I’m out of half and half again and I need coffee in the worst way…gues I have to go to the store.
What are you and FMom planning for today?
Out of half and half again? You need to learn to drink it without it. That the more slackerly way. 🙂
No plans what so ever. The only thing I’ve got to do today is get George outside and clean the kitchen. After that, it’s the search for the perfect slack day.
What plans for you today? Any fireworks around your place?
I love fireworks but hate crowds, so won’t be going to the big show. I’m sure I’ll hear them around the neighborhood though, drought be damned.
Coffee without half and half is like….a bed without HTC egyptian cotton sheets.
With the drought here, they’ve banned everything. The town usually has something, but its been cancelled. I was wondering if I would hear any fireworks in the neighborhood today. Usually they start the day before, but I didn’t hear anything last night.
I sort of know what you’re talking about on the coffee. I can’t drink it without some type of sweetener.
How are those sheets treating you, FM? After sleeping on the horsehair mattress at the beach cottage I was in heaven in my own bed last night.
They’re still very comfortable. I’m waiting for many washing to see if they get softer.
George is whining to go out, and FMom is stirring around, so I’ve gotta go.
Happy 4th and have a good day in the pond.
Happy 4th, Second Nature! For some odd reason, when I hear the words “egyptian cotton”, I think of Milo Minderbinder’s chocolate covered variety. Must be some bizarre Pavlovian trigger.
MMmmm, now there’s a thought. 🙂
I miss July 4th in the heartland. It’s too hot to have any cookouts down here so I think I’m just making sloppy joes…not exactly your traditional holiday fare but it works for me.
Eat while you sleep!
Guess we’ll be staying around home for the 4th due to Mrs. Dem’s flu bug.
I’m sorry she’s not feeling well. There seems to be something going around here too – my best friend was wiped out with something similar all last weekend.
Of course, after a week of absolutely stellar weather here, it looks like rain today.
Maybe it’ll pass quickly. Radar just has a few local showers out your way right now. It appears there’s a considerably larger system headed for us.
Have a great 4th!
Happy 4th and all that! I just got out of bed (a bit earlier than I like, being only 9:00 a.m. in these parts) and am now sipping my first cup o’ joe of the day. Mmmmm. It’s promising to be a very lazy day, with lots of sun and nary a cloud in the sky. While we are having a taste of drought, my town’s fireworks were cancelled due to a large amount of construction, which has created a fire hazard. Geez, you would think that they would have figured that into their construction time frame! Bastards. There goes my plan to go up onto the roof of my apartment building which has a killer view of the bay, with lawn chairs and wine. It’s just not fair.
After lazing about, I will go to the store, find something to bring to a potluck/bbq at my friend’s house this afternoon. I’ve been promised an ice cream cake for my b-day. I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid! :>)
Hope everyone has a fabulous day.
Ice cream cake?! I must have one…now.
And a week with two dogs. As in a stray showed up here today. I’ve canvased the neighborhood and put up signs.
He’s about three months old and a smooth coated terrier mix. It took a few hours before he stopped snarling and biting at Luna, but now their playing in the middle of the living room. Did I mention that it’s been raining all day and Luna is a walking mudball?
If I don’t get any response from the signs, calling-in a found report to the Dog’s Home, and listing him with the local radio’s “Snoopy Patrol”, I’ll give the counsel a call tomorrow and have them send the dog catcher out to pick him up.
Have I mentioned that Luna is in heat, and he’s humping her leg so much that she sits down just to stop him.
Strays are a terrible temptation to us — we’ve kept three of the ones that have shown up here. But we’ve just found out this year that the county consider four dogs a kennel and requires all kinds of permits and things so that pretty well assures that we won’t be keeping any dog that shows up.
I’m not sure what the regulations are out here in the boonies, but most of Tasmania limits owners to two dogs and two cats, with the usual kennel/breeders exceptions. Working dogs are not usually counted, and Luna would qualify given our alpacas.
I avoid strays after having kept one that then killed our ducks. And Albert is just too tempting to most dogs to chance taking in most breeds or mixed breeds. Luna may like to chase him, but at least she’s not predatory.
All of which reminds me, I just got the notice that her registration is due. As far as I’ve noticed, she’s the only dog wearing registration tags dog on our road (where most houses have at least two dogs).The counsel has been threatening a crack down, and I might just talk to them about all the dogs that run loose around here. I’ve already talked to two of the owners this week about their dogs chasing our ducks. Good thing the ducks fly or they’d be goners.
Forgot to add: I suspect this little guy was dumped. He has a collar, but no tags, and one person said the pups been around the area for awhile.
He’s cute, so I’m not too worried about the Dog’s Home finding an owner for him.
I’m surprised about the ducks — our dogs are completely uninterested in all kinds of birds. They are, however, interested in going for a walk so I’m off.
Hope you have a nice rest of the evening.
Good morning Andi and keres.
Have a good walk Andi, and I hope you’re having a good evening keres.
Good morning, froggies. Endless t-storms here, little fireworks.
Good morning Boran.
As usual we’ll take whatever rain you can spare. Although there was a fireworks ban here, there were kids shooting fireworks for awhile. I kept thinking I hope the house doesn’t burn down.
Up too early this morning … then again if I pretend I’m on vacation with Ask, I slept really late.
Good morning Andi.
I’ve been doing an all nighter again. Just couldn’t get to sleep. On the upside, the house is really clean at the moment.
I’m shocked, though, that you would use the “extra” time to be unslackerly.
Speaking of which, time for me to be go unslack myself in the woods.
See ya.
Of course I had to one-up. 🙂
Enjoy you woods walk and talk to you later.
Hi Andi.
I’m waiting for a call from Imogen saying she’s boarded her flight from Melbourne to Hobart, then I’ll head to the airport.
And that was just her calling. Her flight gets in at 9:30pm. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the airport from home, but I leave early so that I can take Luna for a walk while we wait for the plane. There’s usually a dead possum or two to be found in amongst the trees along the airport drive, which makes for good puppy fun.
Have a good day all; I know I’ll have a good night.
Afternoon keres.
Be careful going to the airport and have a great welcoming home.
and a great night. 🙂
Good morning!
Time for a new thread, isn’t it?
Good morning CG.
I think you’re right on the new thread.
You’ve got it! Have you been up all night?
Yep I haven’t closed my eyes all night. Once I finally do get sleepy, I can see this is going to be an extreme slack day.
You definitely will need your slacking today.
I think I’m the opposite way…I have to struggle to stay awake much past eleven.