Who’s got your support to be President of the United States?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Bush commutes Libby`s sentence
nostalgia ain’t what it used to be!
Gore, to answer your question.
Who’s got your support to be President of the United States?
Gore. If not Gore, Edwards. If not Edwards then Not the Republican.
Richardson at State. Clark as National Security Advisor, at least until he’s been out of uniform long enough to be SecDef.
Libby’s sentence commuted. Probation and a fine. Five bucks says not a penny of that comes out of Scooter’s pocket. First reactions on the News Hour: Bush can do whatever he wants because his presidency is over and he doesn’t care. How liberating. Yeah, I’m gonna sleep good tonight.
and they thought that Patty Hearst robbed that bank!
…and so far, I don’t see it in any of these prizes.
Congress? Rusty spines and Blue Dems predominate. Fuck them and get rid of them.
Demetrius and I put this together a few years ago, and with the 4th rolling around again, I just wanted to mention that we still have it available online.
Print out and distribute this flyer at your Independence Day celebrations. May these quotes serve to remind us all of the ideals and values upon which the United States was founded.
Kucinich is the only candidate brave enough and honest enough to call for Cheney’s impeachment. He understands that forgiveness is not going to restore the rule of law. He also thinks that peace is something worth working for, not merely a moment of ceasefire between continuing hostilities.
Gore is my first choice, because we must repair the widespread environmental damage if we are going to have a habitable planet. He alone has the stature to redress our treaty obligations and standing in the world. Unfortunately, he doesn’t see the need for impeachment.
He is correct in that without life, we don’t have civilization, much less rule of law… but without rule of law and a change of leadership, we won’t have the standing necessary to support the Kyoto treaty or pressure business into mitigating pollution and waste.