Dear Fred,
I feel that I should let you know that your client George Bush (AKA W, 43d, The Decider. et al) is in a world of hurt. While legal ethics insist that you defend your client to the bitter (effing) end, I think there are several points that you should consider.
A. He has tried to shred The Constitution (you thought this was gonna be a typical brief, eh?).
B. Congress knows (and is in the hands of the opposition party).
C. Drip, drip, drip.

I think you should tell the Commander Guy (or whatever he decides to play at the time) to throw himself at the mercy of the court (his shit couldn’t be that big  of a deal, since it is only Article fucking 1, Section 2, Clause 5 and 6 of the Constitution).

I would at this point post some snarky comments by Jimmy Madison and Tommy Jefferson, but I am trying (Oh, Lord how I am trying) to keep from rubbing your nose in the pile of scat that you have for a client/situation.
Wishing you (personally) all the best,