It’s put up or shut up time, folks. This latest Libby liberty is the end of the road for CheneyBush. Or at least it COULD be.
It is tipping point time. The people are as ready as they have ever been. As ready as they were in the weeks before Watergate.
The first major Dem publicly and forcefully call for impeachment…OR Ratpub, for that matter, although that is even more unlikely to occur than hearing it from a Dem…would win the next Presidential election.
As in “leader”.
The American people are ready to be led. Bet on it.
Who will step up?
Bet on this as well.
I will lay anyone ten to one odds that not a PEEP of any consequence escapes the truth traps of any mainstream, big time Dem pol.
Not Hillary, not Obama, not Gore, not Edwards.
And I would gladly pay up if I am wrong.
Does Bloomberg want it?
One paragraph would win it for him.
Right now.
How can these people even EAT THEIR BREAKFASTS today?
It is beyond me.
If we do not cripple CheneyBush now…and impeachment proceedings would indeed either cripple them or at least force them to take their masks totally off, at which point the sleeple would at least (At last!!!) clearly see what it is with which they have been sleeping…if we do not cripple them now they will continue to run their barefaced new reality game on ever higher levels, and this country will be done by 2008.
If indeed it is not over already.
Every time we let them successfully run this game they gain confidence that their take on the population of the US is right on the money. That we are so stupid and so bought-off weak that we will roll over and willingly offer any orfice that they wish to violate without so much as an effective squeak of complaint.
A little whimper of “OOooo!!! That hurts a bit!!!”: and then back to munching canned popcorn and watching freeze-dried news.
Have we not one leader with the foresight to see what is up here?
Not ONE!!!???
Then we are lost.
Ulster on the Euphrates?
Soon enough…
Baghdad/Ulster coming to YOUR neighborhood if this does not stop.
Soon enough.
NOW is the time!!!
Rec this one up, please.
And…call your congresspeople.
Call your mother.
Call your friends.
Call the White House. (Oops. I forgot. They turned off their phones. No matter. No one there anyway, exccept ‘bots.)
ET…call HOME!!!
It’s July 4th, fer chrissakes!!!
What happened to OUR “independence”!!!???
Are we all in Depends?
Off the deep end?
‘Round the fucking BEND!!!??
Thank you and good night.
My thought is that the first candidate to call for impeachment will be someone lower in the pack, looking to break into contention. Maybe Edwards tries it to try and move up in the pecking order. Once the big name candidates see that whoever it was isn’t struck by lightning, then they’ll start to pile on. Whoever is the first big name (Obama or Hillary) to pile on will be the one to get the credit. But some little child in the crowd has to be the first to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. Same as it ever was.
But you make an excellent point: Fer cryin’ out loud, folks, what’s it gonna take?
Seems like “some little child” named Dennis has already spoken.
Little enough for ya? But we “don’t want no short people ’round here.”
It’s gonna take a lot of crying out loud, and a microphone to pick up the sound and broadcast it.
Good point. In fact, the Kucinich 2008 site even has a prominent link to the national impeachment poll. Kinda shoots this entire post to bits.
Further clarification. It’s a link to the National Cheney immpeachment poll. But then I suspect that some wise commenter will come along to scold me and say that Kucinich really isn’t a major candidate anyway. Yeah, whatever.
Read below for my response to this idea.
I wrote:
Rep. Kucinich is NOT “major”. Never was; never will be. Too truthful to be major. Truth being bad for business. Hype business, anyway, which is all we have left.
Neither is Edwards.
Edwards is second tier. Kucinich is third tier.
It’s Clinton, Obama and Gore.
This had nothing to do with “goodness”, “rightness” or any OTHER damned thing other than money, position and political talent.
So it goes.
and so it goes!
2nd tier “republican” or 3rd tier? He’s wild enough to challenge the IRS, he might say something about impeachment…
Yeah, if you believe what they say on TV. I try to live as if there’s another world than that one.
I know most of us are in thrall, but there is escape – maybe this is it here. (the internets, the church of Booman)
It is not ABOUT “believing” what they say on TV and in the other outlets of the hypnomedia. It is about understanding the power of said hypnomedia.
I am glad that you try to live in another world. The attempt is priceless and heroic. It really is. To defy the clomp clomp clomping masses in America is an act of spiritual levitation, like defying gravity.
But we must not allow the euphoria that comes from the relative success of that attempt to blind us to the truth of the situation. An overwhelming percentage of the American people swallow one or another of the mainstream memes whole, 24/7. They wake up to them on morning TV, listen to them on talk radio, read them in their newspapers, discuss them at work, come home at night and watch them on the news, listen to late night comics riff on them, and then restart the whole goddamned cycle once again the moment that they get out of bed the next day.
It is what’s for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night snack.
But it IS, Alice.
It is.
And IN that world, Dennis Kucinich is a third or fourth lead. His credits come way down near the bottom. He doesn’t get billing on the ads. He is a nobody, with a second rate agent played by Danny DeVito.
In that world.
He doesn’t even rate jokes by the late night snarkmeisters.
And…on the evidence of his own career…he lacks the power to remedy that situation. This is not a criticism. It may well be a compliment. His ego is not great enough to force him to pay those terrible celebrity dues. Or maybe he has tried but simply does not have the abilities that are necessary to do such a thing. The sheer physical and emotional burdens of superstardom on the world political stage must be staggering. I am sure that I could not handle it. I have enough trouble dealing with music critics and other know-nothing business sharks. Negotiating with an international gangster like Putin? Complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, no mater how “necessary” those deaths may seem to be? That way lies madness, Alice.
But it is ALSO madness to think that things will change just because the fourth lead has an idea about how the script should go.
Tom Cruise?
Now THAT’S another story.
HE sells seats.
The hustle is on, Alice. A bigger, more effective hustle than has ever been run in the history of the world.
Believe it.
Understand it.
And then start acting in that knowledge.
Walking around all Pollyanna, starry eyes wide shut?
They LOVE to see that, Alice.
If they cain’t have you, then they sho’ am happy to see you stay home and dream.
Step right up, ladeez an’ gentlemen!!!
(You there. Yes you. The one who’s not paying attention. Go ‘way, kid…y’BOTHER me.)
That’s all we are, and all we CAN be as long as we do not see how the game is won.
A minor irritant.
Easily ignored.
And wake the fuck up.
I think that we should forget about GWB and start thinking about the future. We have economic, ecological, and ethical problems that we need to “nip in the bud” ASAP! We need to find someone who can accomplish these tasks. George Bush is a Christian – and so it goes without saying that he believes in an afterlife. If he is truly guilty of the things that we are accusing him of – he will probably find himself spending eternity in search of a glass of water. Everybody gets what he deserves in the end. (except for Ken Lay)
Direct action by we, the citizens, will “accomplish these tasks”. Why would you want to place the future of our country in the hands of one person, particularly one person who, when elected, will be tied to the corporate lobby?
CINCINNATI (Reuters) – Cynicism greeted President George W. Bush’s decision to spare a former White House aide from going to prison, with some Americans saying people with presidential connections have long been above the law.
Several people interviewed on Tuesday said Bush, already unpopular in the polls, had lost all credibility with Monday’s announcement he had commuted the sentence of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s ex-chief of staff.
“For an administration so adamant about national security and being on the up-and-up, defying the rule of law is pretty reprehensible,” said 32-year-old teacher Jonathan Breen of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Libby was convicted in March of obstructing a federal investigation into the leak of a CIA operative’s identity.
“It makes it look like they were all involved,” added Breen, an independent voter. “I wouldn’t put it past them to have planned this five steps in advance — ‘You’ll take the fall and when you’re convicted, we’ll commute the sentence.'”
Customers at a Starbucks in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, were furious.
“I think it’s outrageous. It’s another example of cronyism … that if you have the right friends you can get away with anything,” said building inspector Nick Vanleeuwen.
“I expected it,” said Philip Zerbe, a paralegal sipping coffee close by. “It enhances the fact that it is an elitist administration that is corrupt to its core.”
News of Bush’s decision was splashed across the front page of most U.S. newspapers, and editorials from coast to coast largely condemned the action.
“The decision is a lot of things: outrageous, infuriating, exasperating. But it is not really surprising. Almost from the jump, this administration has insisted that the rule of law — the constant that has made our justice system the envy of the free world — is whatever the president says it is,” the Detroit Free Press wrote.
The timing of the clemency — just days after Hollywood heiress and socialite Paris Hilton was released from jail after serving her sentence — was not lost on politicians.
“Even Paris Hilton had to go to jail. No one in this Administration should be above the law,” said Assistant Senate Democratic Leader Dick Durbin of Illinois.
Still, even once-stalwart Republicans said Bush’s clemency raised more questions about White House involvement in the outing of CIA analyst Valerie Plame, whose husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had criticized the Iraq war.
“There are several others in this cover-up who should rightly be brought up on charges and also asked about how and why we got into this stupid war in Iraq,” said Dahlgren McElwain, 65, who works at a Kansas City investment company and describes herself as a “life-long Republican.”
Arizona high school teacher Bill Greenberg — visiting the White House with his students — said: “I’m busy teaching my students all about the Constitution (and) wondering if we’ll ever get anybody here who actually reads it.”
There it is.
i was wrong when I said above “It is tipping point time. The people are as ready as they have ever been. As ready as they were in the weeks before Watergate.”
There is a GREATRER consensus among Amerticans than there was during Watergate that this whole administratiuon is crooked. Rotten through and through.
How can the so-called opposition NOT hear this?
Are they all so far removed from any contact with the people of this country that they really do not see what is up here?
That is unbelievable if true.
And…I do NOT believe it to be true.
Bloomberg? Obvma? Clinton? They can read, as can their advisors. Advisors who CAN go out on the street and take the pulse of this country. I can’t be the only fool out here who sees this.
So thyen we must ask…why?
Why the silence?
Why the caution, if that is what it is?
I have no answers that I wish to face.
Only questions.
Is the whole deal completely crooked? Up and down? Completely? Was Dean the last serious candidate to ever walk the face of this country?
I hope not, but I come up with no OTHER answers. This “Let ’em twist in the wind” thing is simply too fucking dangerous. They cannot think that leaving these criminals in office is going to make the coming landslide any more complete. Meanwhile…they twist in the wind with one hand on the nuke button.
They cannot fear that they would “fail” in an impeachment attempt.
I mean…maybe Butch and Cheney would not be convicted…but they WOULD be totally stopped. If Clinton was stopped by trying to defend himself from something that is not even a crime…sex between consenting adults and parsing the truth like a fool lawyer…how serious would the charges be against THIS group of murderers and thieves?
So I ask you.
What the FUCK is really up here?
The only Fourth of July fireworks that I want to see?
CheneyBush hanging from the nearest political tree.
Why the caution, if that is what it is?
I believe that the fundamental reason why the Dems do not want to impeach Bush/Cheney is that that would restore democracy to America, which would be highly damaging to both parties, because the parties flourish by keeping the people down, feeling hopeless, helpless, and powerless.
The system in Washington depends on certain things being off limits: impeachment, single-payer health care, scaling down of the empire. If impeaching the President because he launched an illegal war based on lies becomes possible, then why shouldn’t things like single-payer become possible? That is what the Dems are afraid of.
But not only that, I’m sick of reading impeachment diaries.
I want to write checks–not only to the first Presidential candidate to ask for impeachment, but to any primary challenger to a Democrat who is resisting impeachment.
I won’t vote for an independent–or sit home–in the general election. That’s a de facto vote for the Republican, and a request for more SCOTUS decisions like this week.
But I will certainly do something CONCRETE to oppose these chicken &U*I Democrats who are walking around with their tails between their legs. Tell me who’s resisting action NOW, and who is willing to stand up and oppose them on the progressive side, and I’m there.
No one can touch Conyers? Don’t bet on it. If he’s afraid to act, we can rustle up a challenger who–at the very least–will cost him money next summer.
Silence is golden.
For the hustlers.