hey there all–
For those who don’t know, some of the folks at ePM have helped me (and some others from Big Orange) set up a Blog Talk Radio site under “ep radio”.
This is one of the formats (we have 2 weekly shows and 2 others that are more “interview based” that aren’t as regular).
Tonight (even though most are done on Wednesdays) we are proud to have another edition of “Don’t Hijack My Thread!”, which is a 60 minute live interactive talk radio show put on by yours truly and thereisnospoon which focuses on the week’s hot topics in progressive politics.
For those who are around tonight, we are back on the air (I was on vacation last week) live for a “post Libby” Don’t Hijack My Thread! The time, as always, is 8PM Eastern/5PM Pacific.
The link for tonight’s show is: here.
The link to the past few shows is here
There is a call in number (718-508-9410) and it is live. You can also hear them here and tonight brings another batch of topics for your listening and discussion pleasure.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to call in. While the show goes well even without callers, it is even better with caller participation. There is also a live chatbox at the Political Nexus site that will be used during the show. If you don’t want to call in, and you are listening, please drop us a note in the chatbox so we can see how we are doing!!!
Info about calling in can be found here.
Tonight’s topics are as follows:
* Libby’s “non-pardon” and the rule of law
* Democrats’ Q2 fundraising numbers
* Moving past fear
* Fred Thompson and his connection to Nixon and Watergate
* The ever increasing and powerful “independent voter”
* Why do the republicans love Rudy?
but Boo sent me an email telling me that it was cool to do so.
We have been doing this for a couple of months, and try to do one show on framing every Monday night, with the looser, interactive one every Wednesday. Being that last night was the 4th, we moved it to tonight.
To listen in, just click on the link above. To call, just call the # and we will put you through. Or to leave a note on the chatbox, just go to the Political Nexus site.
We also have a 40 minute show with Maryscott O’Connor about framing the abortion issue, and an hour long show with Armando/BTD regarding the Iraq withdrawal and funding options.
Both of those are under the “On Topic” heading on our site.
All shows are also available for streaming or download/podcast both on our site and at Blog Talk Radio.
Hope you can listen in……
I put up links to the show last week on My Left Nutmeg (and my little Blog) to try and round up some phone calls for you AND you went on vacation?
You had better be on tonight! lol jk 🙂
PS: It is much better that you are giving a little more advanced notice this time around…
heh….I know. The nerve of me. Actually, spoon was going to do it with someone else but they had a CA Democratic party thing to go to.
I generally send an email the day before but with the holiday yesterday, I didn’t do it.
Do me a favor – can you send me an email to the addy noted by my UID so I can add you to the email dist list?
thx for linking it!!!!
email sent