cross-posted at skippy and a veritable cornucopia of other community blogs.

let us, snarkmeisters that we are, be the first on the left to relish the irony that the man whose wife fought desperately to have congress pass laws insisting on warning labels for popular music is sponsoring world-wide concerts this weekend.

now, we are not trying to dismiss the importance of global warming awareness, nor the importance of a good boogie session.  we just think it’s a bit funny that al gore worked hard to enlist the aid of the very same music acts whom 22 years ago his wife fought against (madonna hit #8 on tipper’s list of the filthy fifteen, for the incredibly sexual and ultra-violent “dress you up with my love” back in 1985).

that being said, we still urge everyone to ignore tipper and watch the 24 hours of concerts this weekend, beginning in australia, and moving around the globe, with an extra concert added in the dc area, and more to be announced.

[ed. note:  be sure to check out the schedule; due to the international dateline, the concerts will actually start tonight at 9:10 pm eastern, 6:10 pm real time, and continue on from there.]
and, in further ironic al gore news, a bookie in dublin who bet against the longshot that “al gore” would be the next famous celebrity arrested, is paying out on the bet.  rte news:

bookmaker paddy power, which offered 14 to 1 odds that al gore would be the next high profile american to be arrested, paid out today.

of course, it was the former vice president’s son, al gore iii, who was arrested by california police earlier this week, but the bet did not specify which al gore it had to be.

some of the 50 or so people who placed their bets on al gore were quick to claim the more than €10,000 payout in this ‘bizarre coincidence’, according to a paddy power statement.

‘we got a good stoning thanks to the vice president’s son,’ the statement said in an apparent pun given the nature of his arrest.

we’d sure like to watch the concerts with al gore iii, except now he’s in rehab.