On Thursday I looked out my front window to see my neighbor Maree catching her breath on our front walkway. She had run up the hill to our place when she saw two dogs attacking our ducks (Luna was inside due to the rain). One dog was a local that runs loose, despite my polite complaints to his owner. The other was this pup.
Turns out he’s been around the neighborhood as a stray for awhile. Yesterday I took him to the local pound, from which, if he goes unclaimed, he’ll be transfered to the Dog Home to find him some people.
The ducks, btw, were fine, saved no doubt by their ability to fly.
I think that face is saying, “What? It’s not like you eat them.”
Ah deer, the bane of gardeners wherever they live in abundance. I’ve heard of a very hungry deer who actually made it over a 12′ fence. Of course, where we live it’s wallabies and pademelons that are the big garden threats.
Poor George! That photo is too funny – and a bit scary at the same time.
Remember to use sunscreen on him if he’s outdoors for any lenght of time (he looks very pink-skinned). It’s why they recomend that you don’t clip Pyrs. Because they’re outside dogs, they can get sunstroke if they don’t have their coat to keep the sun off their skin. Which is another reason that they are white – to reflect heat.
On Thursday I looked out my front window to see my neighbor Maree catching her breath on our front walkway. She had run up the hill to our place when she saw two dogs attacking our ducks (Luna was inside due to the rain). One dog was a local that runs loose, despite my polite complaints to his owner. The other was this pup.
Turns out he’s been around the neighborhood as a stray for awhile. Yesterday I took him to the local pound, from which, if he goes unclaimed, he’ll be transfered to the Dog Home to find him some people.
The ducks, btw, were fine, saved no doubt by their ability to fly.
This deer come up the steps to hang out on my porch so she could eat my rose bushes more easily.
And when caught red-handed (or is it red-hoofed?), did she show the least bit of remorse?
Stupid Bambi…
I think that face is saying, “What? It’s not like you eat them.”
Ah deer, the bane of gardeners wherever they live in abundance. I’ve heard of a very hungry deer who actually made it over a 12′ fence. Of course, where we live it’s wallabies and pademelons that are the big garden threats.
The deer don’t come quite as close but they sure don’t care that there are 3 dogs here.
“Dog mocking” is apparently a sport enjoyed by many species all over the world.
I’d say the deer are more indifferent than mocking; the chipmunk, OTOH, are huge teases.
George after a haircut and just a little upset from me trying to get a picture of him.
I’d be upset too if you left me with that feather-duster of a tail. 🙂
Morning SN.
They were supposed to cut that too, but didn’t. I’m going to get the scissors out today and take care of that.
Maybe you can dust the ceiling fans and window blinds first. 😛
You come up with these good ideas after I’ve cleaned the house, sheesh! 😉
Then again, he heavier than a duster, so as usual he’ll slack while watching me clean.
I think it would be a good policy to leave George alone until you’ve at least fed him three or four times and he’s feeling more forgiving.
I’ve noticed that we are never on BT at the same time and have begun to harbor a suspicion that we are actually the same person.
Poor George! That photo is too funny – and a bit scary at the same time.
Remember to use sunscreen on him if he’s outdoors for any lenght of time (he looks very pink-skinned). It’s why they recomend that you don’t clip Pyrs. Because they’re outside dogs, they can get sunstroke if they don’t have their coat to keep the sun off their skin. Which is another reason that they are white – to reflect heat.
aha, another saturday….must be dog and critter blogging time…:{)
from the critter news side…check out the zebrorse:
leave it to the italians, eh…
and bovine secret agents:
© glen wexler
…through his work, has Wexler come to a deeper appreciation of the cow? “No…They’re still boring.”
00moo…ian fleming, eat your heart out.
but where’s Bu?
keeps her fit…..and it’s really hard to get a good shot of black dogs…:{)
My dogs prefer chipmunks to squirrels but right now they think it’s too damn hot to chase anything.
That’s one stealthy cow.