Ahoy, CG!
There was a pretty rambunctious crew having fun at the local ‘taverna’. But we saw them sailing out to open waters a bit later – without too much trouble…
Ah, cool and cloudy weather…I’m jealous. My neighbors had 4 big pine trees whacked to the ground yesterday making my yard considerably hotter than it was just 24 short hours ago. Bastids.
Morning, SG!
Why the hell were the trees whacked? They provide shade and clean the air. Your wacky neighbor deserves a serious spanking – hope you’re in a position to give one.
The dogs thought I’d gone crazy because I cracked up when I saw that — it took right back to a Saturday afternoon at the neighborhood movie theater (except that this scene wasn’t black and white).
You can stay inside except for that brief hiatus in August.
Morning all. The “hired man” (a self-employed friend who we pay to help us with projects) is coming today to work with me on Luna’s a new fence. The wooden posts are in, so today it’s driving the metal stakes and maybe even stretching a length or two of fence.
A woman’s work is never done. Especially if she has a dog.
The high is supposed to be in the mid-eighties but it rained (and we’re supposed to have thunderstorms) so it still feels pretty humid. But less heat is good.
Hope the weather cooperates for any plans you have.
My all time favorite was the one where the astronauts go to the moon, and Roddy McDowall is welcomed, given a home and then finds himself in the moon zoo.
My oldest brother and I watched that one night. When he was younger he was a sleep walker. He must had dreamed he was in that house and was trying to get out. I woke up hearing my father yelling to my mother, “I’ve got him down here,” and my brother yelling “I’ve got to get out.” I run to the back of the house, and my father is holding onto my brother. Just as I get there I see my brother pop my father in the jaw. My father got this surprised look and then shook my brother. It must had worked because my brother woke up.
I start laughing so hard I could hardly get my breath. I’m still trying to figure out, how I didn’t do anything, and I got in trouble. 🙂
Lucky for me that my older sister didn’t sleep walk because she would have made me go with her — she got me up for company/safety when she woke up in the night and wanted to go down to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink.
That turned into one of those family stories where every now and then, someone will bring it up and my brother will act embarrassed. Matter of fact, I think it’s about time to remind him of that. 🙂
was one of the finest things to ever air on television.
Other favorites are:
“The Bookworm” where a crusty old misanthrope (played by the guy who was The Penguin on Batman) is the only one to survive nuclear holocaust, and who is thrilled that he doesn’t have to be bothered by people anymore – but then he breaks his glasses so he can’t read.
“It’s a Good Life,” which stars Bill Mummy as the young boy who terrorizes his town with his ability to bend reality to his immature egocentric will. Most memorable for “it’s real good” (what everyone tells him about any thing he does, and wishing his atrocities “into the cornfield”. An analogy for Dubya.
Then there’s the one with people turning on each other about who gets to go into a fall-out shelter – I can’t remember the title. A good “thin veneer of humanity” lesson.
And who can forget William Shatner losing it in “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”?
First cup here as well.
The weather offers a full menu; mostly cloudy, some light summer rain and occasional sightings of the sun. I actually prefer it over 90/90 – but not much tan his year.
curly tells me NY remains hot and humid, is it the same for you?
We’ve been having enough cloud cover to where it hasn’t been unbearable. Yesterday it was 92F with a heat index of 101F. I don’t know if I’ve finally gotten acclimated to the heat, but when I took George out, it didn’t feel that bad.
If our weather is heading your way, then relief is almost at hand. It’s about 10 degrees cooler today. Can’t tell about the humidity though, since it rained.
Well I’m going to vote for “George put on his tux and we partied, partied, partied” — followed by “and then George took off his tux and we napped, napped, napped”.
We’ve only got a 40% chance of rain today and it’s supposed to be in the afternoon. I’ve been lucky enough to keep getting out of mowing the lawn all week. If I can stay awake today, it looks like I might have to go ahead and get it done.
I always thought he posted some great pictures in the cafe, so I’m glad he opened a blog also. Now if we can get a few others to do some photograph blogs. 🙂
George is being the wuss he always is when it’s wet outside. He’ll go to the edge of the patio and turn right back around. Doesn’t want to get his feet wet.
With the lawn, a true slacker needs no excuses, but it’s always good to have a little something to back you up. 🙂
The asklets have it all made. Every summer, they get to spend 8-10 weeks in Europe.
Their camp finishes July 27th, then a few more days here with their aunts/cousins before heading to their mother’s family in southern Sweden for another month. No NY summer heat for them…
They do have it made. I would love to have 3-4 weeks in Europe right now. That camp sounds really good, and I like the idea of them teaching tradition and heritage.
That sounds nice. Have the asklets learned both Norwegian and Swedish. I had a prof in college who went home to Sweden every summer and his kids learned the language on their own because they wanted to read the comic books.
Not really, I’ve been delinquent all these years in teaching them. With my ex, the only common language at home was English (she’s Eritrean).
The oldest actually understands pretty much everything in Norwegian (and Swedish), but is reluctant to speak. The younger has a bit of catching up to do – but as he speaks French and some Italian as well, new languages tend to come fairly easy.
It’s hard to speak when you aren’t fluent in a language. When I go to Montreal, I never try to speak French because it takes me too long to do all the translations in my head and I’m not confident about them or my accent.
(Just practicing for vacation at the end of the month…)
Ahoy, CG!
There was a pretty rambunctious crew having fun at the local ‘taverna’. But we saw them sailing out to open waters a bit later – without too much trouble…
Ah, cool and cloudy weather…I’m jealous. My neighbors had 4 big pine trees whacked to the ground yesterday making my yard considerably hotter than it was just 24 short hours ago. Bastids.
How dare they do that to you! Don’t they know they’re supposed to consult you before they make any landscaping decisions?
How are you this morning?
Morning, SG!
Why the hell were the trees whacked? They provide shade and clean the air. Your wacky neighbor deserves a serious spanking – hope you’re in a position to give one.
SG? Where did that come from?
Second Cabin, Nature Girl..
Sorry about that, work is done and I am now at an internet cafe with full license. Cheers!
Aye, them sailors are a hardy lot, dontcha know? 😉
Shoot, now I’ve got the “what can you do with a drunken sailor” song stuck in my head.
(Hope you don’t mind my borrowing your picture for the cafe.)
Hmm – did we hear that song just as we docked that day?
Feel free with any image I post – the shot was by ‘swimmer’, though.
Good morning all. 90s here, ughh.
Hi boran!
You guys make me want to extend the stay in cool Oslo – not shorten it, which I was thinking to do.
Stay cool!
Are you hallucinating from the heat? 🙂
I can almost hear the sound that laser gun makes. Cool shot. Heat, yuck. Me, wilting and stuck inside until September.
Hi SN, Andi and CG.
So ya’ll get a little heat and humidity and it’s waa, waa, waa. 🙂
Air conditioning is the only way to go.
The dogs thought I’d gone crazy because I cracked up when I saw that — it took right back to a Saturday afternoon at the neighborhood movie theater (except that this scene wasn’t black and white).
You can stay inside except for that brief hiatus in August.
Good mornooneveninight, everyone!
It snowed in Buenos Aires for the first time in almost 90 years
Hiya Manny.
I read that earlier and thought if it could only happen here. At the moment we’re at 92F with a 101F heat index.
Morning all. The “hired man” (a self-employed friend who we pay to help us with projects) is coming today to work with me on Luna’s a new fence. The wooden posts are in, so today it’s driving the metal stakes and maybe even stretching a length or two of fence.
A woman’s work is never done. Especially if she has a dog.
Morning keres.
Sounds like you have a big day ahead of you. I’m sure Luna will appreciate everything you’re doing for her. 🙂
I’m sure Luna will appreciate everything you’re doing for her.
And I’m sure she’ll find the septic lines and dig down to them (I forgot about that bit when I picked the spot for her new yard). Oy vey.
Well dogs like to know they’re needed. I’m sure she take you repairing things as your way of needing her. 🙂
(how to serve humanity) so I guess the invasion failed.
Morning/afternoon/evening all.
Good morning, Andi!
Do I sense some disappointment?
Has the heat broken?
Do I sense some disappointment?
Well, it would have been exciting …
The high is supposed to be in the mid-eighties but it rained (and we’re supposed to have thunderstorms) so it still feels pretty humid. But less heat is good.
Hope the weather cooperates for any plans you have.
Still overcast and cool.
Indoor day so far – video games with the young son of the friend whom I’m staying with.
“‘To Serve Man’, it’s a cookbook!”
One of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes.
Definitely one of the best. And being an old geezer, I saw it’s first run when there were no spoilers about it.
My all time favorite was the one where the astronauts go to the moon, and Roddy McDowall is welcomed, given a home and then finds himself in the moon zoo.
My oldest brother and I watched that one night. When he was younger he was a sleep walker. He must had dreamed he was in that house and was trying to get out. I woke up hearing my father yelling to my mother, “I’ve got him down here,” and my brother yelling “I’ve got to get out.” I run to the back of the house, and my father is holding onto my brother. Just as I get there I see my brother pop my father in the jaw. My father got this surprised look and then shook my brother. It must had worked because my brother woke up.
I start laughing so hard I could hardly get my breath. I’m still trying to figure out, how I didn’t do anything, and I got in trouble. 🙂
Lucky for me that my older sister didn’t sleep walk because she would have made me go with her — she got me up for company/safety when she woke up in the night and wanted to go down to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink.
That turned into one of those family stories where every now and then, someone will bring it up and my brother will act embarrassed. Matter of fact, I think it’s about time to remind him of that. 🙂
Yes, it is the responsibility of all sibling to bring humility to one another.
Speaking of responsibility, I gotta go be a wage slave.
See ya. Enjoy slaving away at the keyboards. 🙂
was one of the finest things to ever air on television.
Other favorites are:
“The Bookworm” where a crusty old misanthrope (played by the guy who was The Penguin on Batman) is the only one to survive nuclear holocaust, and who is thrilled that he doesn’t have to be bothered by people anymore – but then he breaks his glasses so he can’t read.
“It’s a Good Life,” which stars Bill Mummy as the young boy who terrorizes his town with his ability to bend reality to his immature egocentric will. Most memorable for “it’s real good” (what everyone tells him about any thing he does, and wishing his atrocities “into the cornfield”. An analogy for Dubya.
Then there’s the one with people turning on each other about who gets to go into a fall-out shelter – I can’t remember the title. A good “thin veneer of humanity” lesson.
And who can forget William Shatner losing it in “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”?
Good morning Andi, ask and keres.
Waiting for coffee. There’s got to be a faster way for water to boil.
keres I remember that episode. It’s one of my favorites too.
Good morning, FM!
Coffee – that’s what’s missing today.
Better get it going.
It finally brewed and I’ve got the first cup by me.
Has the weather finally let up for you some?
First cup here as well.
The weather offers a full menu; mostly cloudy, some light summer rain and occasional sightings of the sun. I actually prefer it over 90/90 – but not much tan his year.
curly tells me NY remains hot and humid, is it the same for you?
We’ve been having enough cloud cover to where it hasn’t been unbearable. Yesterday it was 92F with a heat index of 101F. I don’t know if I’ve finally gotten acclimated to the heat, but when I took George out, it didn’t feel that bad.
More likely your body has just surrendered to the inevitable.
I think your right. 🙂
Good morning Amdi, ask, and FM..and good evening keres!
We had a minor reprieve from the heat last night, but today is supposed to be a 90/90 day again.
If our weather is heading your way, then relief is almost at hand. It’s about 10 degrees cooler today. Can’t tell about the humidity though, since it rained.
Morning CG.
Hope ya’ll get a longer reprieve from the heat soon.
Good morning tadpoles. Rain and humidity in the Hudson Valley, just the way froggies like it.
Good morning Boran.
It seems a long time until winter gets here.
Good morning, FM. Yep, a long time. Slacking today?
Nope, got family here, so it’s a trip to the city today to go grocery shopping. It appears no slacking for awhile. 🙁
A cold front is due to come SWEEPING through later today, dropping the temps into the LOWER 90s. I am so ready for fall.
Morning SN.
We’re supposed to have a high of 90 today, but with the humidity, it’ll feel like 100.
I’m think to heck with fall, I want winter.
Ugh. Lower 90s is supposed to be considered cooler? What do you do when it’s that hot? I’d never want to go outside.
It’s only 51°. 🙂
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Good morning!
Enjoy it!
We were out on the veranda till way past midnight in 60 deg. Since it was not too cloudy, it never really got dark.
I am enjoying it greatly — and I’m about to head off for my morning walk wearing a fleece jacket (at least till the blood gets pumping). Lovely.
And your porch sit sound lovely as well.
See ya.
We are much cooler here this morning too. A high of maybe 80 is expected.
Enjoy your walk.
Good morning CG, Andi and ask.
We’ll be going up to 95 today. Tomorrow we’re supposed to only be in the high 80s.
Good afternoon all. Beautiful weather after yesterday’s deluge.
Good morning/evening/night everyone.
An early day starting for me, and I might add not by choice.
I saw you posting in the middle of the night at Heads. Did you get any sleep?
Hi Andi.
Nope another one of those nights.
I could have been up partying all night.
Number one is the best pick. 🙂
Well I’m going to vote for “George put on his tux and we partied, partied, partied” — followed by “and then George took off his tux and we napped, napped, napped”.
I like your version better.
Are ya’ll expecting more heat today, or has it finally cooled down. We’re supposed to get a high of only 88 here today. That’s unusual for July here.
We cooled down yesterday into the mid-80s and but it’s going to creep back up to the 90s by Monday.
It’s raining right now which is pleasant.
We’ve only got a 40% chance of rain today and it’s supposed to be in the afternoon. I’ve been lucky enough to keep getting out of mowing the lawn all week. If I can stay awake today, it looks like I might have to go ahead and get it done.
Or you could completely empathize with our getting rain which would make it too wet to cut. 😉
I’d be more than happy to empathize, but I don’t think FMom or the neighbors would go for it. 🙂
Hi Andi and FM!
Glad to hear it’s cooler out, Andi, and I’m sorry you’re still having trouble sleeping, FM.
Thanks, but I just attribute it to getting older. You have nights like this every now and then.
How about your weather. Are ya’ll cooling down any?
It’s nice having the air conditioner off and listening to the rain in the woods. Too bad it isn’t going to last.
Should bring you some nice weekend relief.
Good morning all. Did I read that knucklehead has a blog now?
FM links to it on his blog. 🙂
Good morning Boran and SN.
Yep Head has a blog and some really great pictures.
How are ya’ll doing today?
Good. Are you gonna slack a bit after you cut the lawn?
I’m slacking at this moment. 🙂
If I can get by another hour or two, it’ll be too hot to be outside. 🙂
His pictures are great. I’m glad he did that.
I always thought he posted some great pictures in the cafe, so I’m glad he opened a blog also. Now if we can get a few others to do some photograph blogs. 🙂
Hmmm. Seems to me SN takes some nice pictures…
Hmmm. You’re right and there’s a couple of others I can think of…… 😉
And, and………
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.
The weather is still cooperating with me, and I’ll probably get rained out before I can mow the lawn today. Woo Hoo!
Looks like you had another no-sleep night. I hope you got some naps in yesterday.
Good morning, Andi!
Another hot weekend?
Weather has cooled down here.
Are you about to head home?
No naps yesterday, but I got about an hour of sleep last night. I predicting a full nights sleep tonight.
What plans do you have for the weekend?
Going up to see my mom later today. Other than that, the usual — grocery store, walking/biking, errands and chores, laundry.
I don’t know if I would be able to handle all those exciting things to do. 🙂
Yeah, my heart’s all aflutter.
The dogs are doing a rain dance for you.
It must have worked because it sprinkling outside right now. You need to find a way to bottle the dogs rain dance. You would make a fortune. 🙂
They’re pretty good at it — they do it all the time to make us go walk instead of biking.
Man I just had the hardest time getting back into the pond. I hit ROBO-RATER and it just stayed there. I think I’ll restart to see if that helps any.
Good morning, FM!
How’s George handling the rain?
Great to have those excuses.
George is being the wuss he always is when it’s wet outside. He’ll go to the edge of the patio and turn right back around. Doesn’t want to get his feet wet.
With the lawn, a true slacker needs no excuses, but it’s always good to have a little something to back you up. 🙂
The vacation will be ending soon won’t it?
Yup, ending soon 🙁
But my visa is delayed, so I have to extend until Tuesday which is 🙂 and 🙁 – since I want to get back to curly.
Yep I can understand being torn between both. Are the asklets ready to get back home?
The asklets have it all made. Every summer, they get to spend 8-10 weeks in Europe.
Their camp finishes July 27th, then a few more days here with their aunts/cousins before heading to their mother’s family in southern Sweden for another month. No NY summer heat for them…
They do have it made. I would love to have 3-4 weeks in Europe right now. That camp sounds really good, and I like the idea of them teaching tradition and heritage.
That sounds nice. Have the asklets learned both Norwegian and Swedish. I had a prof in college who went home to Sweden every summer and his kids learned the language on their own because they wanted to read the comic books.
Not really, I’ve been delinquent all these years in teaching them. With my ex, the only common language at home was English (she’s Eritrean).
The oldest actually understands pretty much everything in Norwegian (and Swedish), but is reluctant to speak. The younger has a bit of catching up to do – but as he speaks French and some Italian as well, new languages tend to come fairly easy.
I wish new languages came fairly easy to me. I’m still trying to master English.
It’s hard to speak when you aren’t fluent in a language. When I go to Montreal, I never try to speak French because it takes me too long to do all the translations in my head and I’m not confident about them or my accent.
Yeah that’s the way I feel when I go up past Tennessee. 🙂