…Bush faces a stark choice: If he doesn’t begin pulling out, his party will lose the White House, lose Congress by stunning and likely filibuster-proof margins, and his tax cut and education reforms will be repealed. His footsteps will be obliterated from history. It will be as if he never served.
And if Bush doesn’t get it in time, there are enough sensible Republican senators to give him a wake-up call.
I didn’t write that. Dick Morris did. But I could have written it, because it is true.
Of course the world will remember Bush, and so will we whenever we find ourselves in court.
Yes, we can all ponder the commutation we will never get. Hillary Clinton’s position on Iraq is too nuanced for me: have your cake and eat it too!
No such fucking luck. The destruction of America’s international reputation, and of the constitution, and of the treasury! We’ll still be stuck with his awful judges until they die, and with the bill for his bad ideas for longer than that.
And that’s just what he did to America, the harm he did to Iraq is unfixable and to “obliterate it from history” is NOT what should happen.
I’m not sure this can be described as true. A few rats may swim for it but I consider “sensible Republican” an oxymoron.
Some of them are praying for another terrorist attack “on American soil” to save their party’s and Bush’s bacon:
Of course they are. All we need is one attack – real or false flag – and this will be the law of the land. I wonder if he’ll call himself George I or pick up where the last kings left off with George IV??
I don’t know how to post videos, but if you haven’t seen this Irish correspondant interviewing Bush, you really don’t know what a dick he can be.
You Tube Link
Wonder why this was never shown in the U.S.?
Thanks for that, SN.
A ‘must see’ if your stomach can take it.
What an unbelievable ass!
Did he not realize that the Irish audience looks straight through his crap?
(To post the video, just look for the ‘Embed’ box just to the right of the image. Just copy/paste the content of that box the same way you copied/pasted the URL for the page itself.)
Thanks, ask. Sorry you had to be exposed to that during your vacation! 🙂
I was experiencing bad abstinence after the initial 2 weeks – online only twice.
Now – back in Oslo, I piggy-back on some neighbor’s unsecure wireless network (fairly bad signal which goes down too often).
and they don’t care much for chimpy…
rather good judges of character l’d say.
Oh my god, he’s such a flaming incoherent babbling chimpanzee of an idiot.
How on earth did the reporter keep herself from smacking him in the face?
I don’t think Morris gets it. Bush WILL be remembered as the worst president in history, and nothing he or the GOP does now will change that at all. It’s much too late.
Well, resignation might buy him a little slack.
But what he gets isn’t that we need to get out of Iraq for reasons of national security, saving our near-collapsing troops, or trying to salvage our tattered reputation. Oh no. We have to pull out before the next election, or democrats will infest the White House again.
Bill Kristol said basically the same thing the other day, except he wasn’t advocating troop pullout. He was advocating, well, I’m not sure what. More ponies, more Friedmans, whatever.
These guys, ultimately, do NOT get it. And we now have three carrier groups in the middle east.
Tell that to the 3,600 soldiers who live no more, and the more than 600,000 Israeli civilians who lives were wasted on account of this dimwit’s incompetence.
your Israeli obsession is getting out of control at this point.
I think you must be right at this point. I often take the view that I am publicizing the Palestinian cause no matter what the topic is. But there are many on both sides with this single-minded malady, especially on DKos. The more you learn, the more obsessional it gets.
Then let’s hope that the hubris of Bush wins out and he doesn’t get it. We need filibuster proof majorities in order to reclaim our country, repair our reputation in the world, and honor the sacrifice of our troops by getting them the hell out of the meatgrinder in which they exist for the sole purpose of letting the hubristic Mr. Bush make it to the end of his term.
Impeachment is a moral imperative.