This item seems to have slipped by, but I think it is important. I thought it would develop, so I didn’t write about it, but instead it sort of finished–for the moment. But I think it will bubble up again, and soon. Whence my belated alert.
Musharraf, America’s puppet in Pakistan, has made some bad choices lately, first ignoring and firing Pakistan’s highest judge–roughly equivalent, I suppose, to a Supreme Court Justice, and now engaging in a shoot-out assault (actually a massacre) on a mosque in the capital city.
The details of the shoot-out, over several days, are collected at the Agonist.
Going back a few months, the Bush Administration had been pressuring Musharraf to join the war against Afghanistan, by attacking Afghanis within his own country with main force. The realities of tribes and national boundaries being what they are, this would have been impossible to do without firing upon his own countrymen, since they are in fact intermingled. National control of the border areas is sort of a polite fiction, anyway. Mostly they are under the control of local tribal leaders.
The Bush regime has pre-empted his reluctance by attacking the tribes using American force. Of course the US military has no more idea of who is Taliban or who is Al Qaeada in Pakistan than they do who is an insurgent in Iraq. Many villagers–plainly Pakistani civilians–have been killed in American air-to-ground missile and bomb attacks. This has led, during the ensuing weeks, to a rapid decline in Musharraf’s popularity: The open act was his fight with, and dismissing of, the high judge. He is now widely regarded as an American stooge, not to mention murderer and traitor.
In addition, Musharraf’s government never had good legal standing. He has gotten away with rule by force, but by firing the judge he has lost most of the little legitimacy he had, and with elections scheduled, there is worse to come. His government will soon be openly, officially, illegal.
Both the legal (secular) and religous segments of society now oppose him, with street demonstrations by the one and acts of armed rebellion by the other.
It seems to be just starting.
Musharraf is responding with the American weapons of his own army. It is a desperate move. It looks like the beginning of the end.
I add, with somewhat bitter amusement, that it was all needless. By waging a pointless and hopeless pursuit of “terrorists” into Pakistan, the US created itself this instability, with no possibility of positive outcome–in that the Afghani war is itself a hopeless and fruitless venture.
Musharraf will almost surely be replaced by an Islamic government which is openly hostile to the US. The hostility is not theoretical, nor even theological, but earned, through real American acts of murder.
How soon? We shall see.
It may even be that the US will have to call off its attack on Iran–there may be more pressing problems.
The US thinks so too. A third aircraft-carrier group has been added to the theater of operations, on top of the putative Iran strike-force. What it can do to help, though, is a bit problematic.
The strategic position of the US is poor, and getting worse. Doing nothing at all would have left us better off than what we have achieved with great expense and effort.
All of this looks like it is leading to wider war, and that would likely mean nuclear war. Perhaps there is a reason that Republican sex scandals are breaking out (being allowed to break out) now. The scandals certainly look to impede the American war initiative–maybe there is somebody who does not want to go into this fight with Bush wielding the button.
Even: The time may be nearing when the Bush regime can be removed.
Thanks for dropping by.
Even: The time may be nearing when the Bush regime can be removed.
The entire history of the Bush II (mis-)administration can be written from the point of view that it doomed itself by picking a fight with the Permanent Government. The Intel system as it stands here today. The one that took final power with a series of assassinations in the ’60s; the one that maintained its power by knocking off Nixon and Carter. It is not a monolithic system, just a big corporation with many factions vying for primacy. (They don’t call it “The Company” for nothing, y’know.)
In alliance with segments of the military it has (and continues)…much like a starfish…been patiently prying open the shell of this mollusk-brained group of bottom feeders at LEAST since they used falsified info to promote the invasion of Iraq. perhaps even before that, when the Neos ran the Clinton administration into a ditch using a honeytrap gambit. (They have their faction in the big company as well.)
That was the subterranean storm the surface waves of which became the Plame affair.
Bet on it.
In another comment yesterday I referred to the DC Madam thing as yet another nail in the CheneyBushCo coffin. I will reprint it below.
It’s on, now.
BIG time.
Figuring out why Woodward does ANYTHING is simple.
He works for a particularly powerful segment of the PermaGov. Intel department. He does NOTHING of any real consequence unless told to do so.
Butch and Cheney disobeyed. And/or they failed.
Now it’s time to clean house. Without making the Intel department look bad.
You blew it, Dick.
And now they’re after your ass with the DC Madam thing, too.
You’re fried, Pops.
You and your little dickhead puppet.
“DC Madam thing???”, you may ask.
“WHAT DC Madam thing?”
This one.
Hookergate II: The Senator and the Veep
Well, in any case, chalk another one up for the DC Madam catching another fairly big fish: a U.S. Senator. Of course, she’s already caught and pan-fried former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias who likened procuring one of Palfrey’s Pamela Martin & Associates’ call-girls to ordering pizza.
And then there’s that even bigger fish, possibly the biggest fish of them all, certainly the biggest Dick, and I’m not talking about the size of his genitalia. That’s right, back in mid-May, you read in this bloggamy that the Vice (as in “criminal”) President may patronize prostitutes. When he was CEO of Halliburton he maintained a residence off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae neighborhood in McLean, Virginia, which had a phone number that appears numerous times on the DC Madam’s John List.
Though just the thought of the creepy Veep having any kind of sex is like something out of Abu Ghraib, we all know that tales of illicit sex wake up the sleeping populace, while this atrocious illegal war, the loss of civil liberties and all of Cheney’s other crimes barely seem to disturb the Great American Slumber Party. Thus the mainstream media, who are the real hookers to this Dick and his government/corporate cronies, has kept this story fairly under wraps for the past couple of months.
But more news is breaking. Apparently, the phone records are confirmed to be Cheney’s. It’s just a question of whether he got the blowjobs (or whatever) himself, or he arranged for (i.e., pimped) a little adult entertainment for “foreign clients.” Whether this Dick is a John or a Pimp, he broke the law that he is so adamant about everybody else obeying. Will he defend himself by asserting that “the vice presidency is a unique office that is neither a part of the executive branch nor a part of the legislative branch,” and is therefore exempt from rules governing either?
Payback is a bitch.
Ain’t it?
Sexual Deviant Week Continues
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
AG elaborates and supports my suggestion that this is a single story–that these seemingly separate items are part of a single current of events.
Right diary.
This whole “DC Madam” thing.
Do you think that Intel is not involved?
Do you think that if it did not suit their purposes she would be doing what she is doing?
They PAY peoople.
And/or…they frighten people.
If those two gambits are not effective…they have been known to kill people.
Sex stings are mainstream intel ops.
You think that an operation as big as the one that this woman was running in DC…high, high level sex services to the power elite…was not on their radar?
Washington DC.
Sting City.
Bet on it.
The entire history of the Bush II (mis-)administration can be written from the point of view that it doomed itself by picking a fight with the Permanent Government.
I agree that this is the underlying narrative. You have said it well.
To fill the narrative out, one would have to describe how the neo-con faction gained pre-eminence, and levered itself into the key position of the American Executive. But this is court politics–or more literally Company politics–and I think the many details are still missing.
You think that’s not on purpose?
Pakistan buries Red Mosque dead
The bodies of dozens of people killed after Pakistani troops stormed a radical mosque in the capital Islamabad have been buried in temporary graves. Authorities say the 73 people (could/have not been identified – Oui) who died were militants – their bodies now await collection by relatives.
The funeral of Abdul Rashid Ghazi , who led resistance in the Red Mosque, has also been held in his native village.
CNN was not allowed inside the Red Mosque by Pakistani Government officials. The current CNN documentary “Pakistan: The Threat Within” may well be the cause.
● Map of Red Mosque siege area
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
the most recent this year.
It only takes one opportunity.
Our government puts so much energy into one puppet killer who is lashing out at his own people, and paving the way to his own grave.
Diem, anyone?