I’m actually working for a few hours this morning on some background reading on peritoneal dialysis, but slacking isn’t too far off (if you count a walk or bike ride as slacking, that is).
I have some gourd plants that need transplanting today too.
I’ll grant you that one. I’m leaning toward the idea that some of the campers were standing on the shore throwing tennis balls at the kids who were out there trying to paddle out of the line of fire.
He took it on a month-long Outward Bound trip. He actually has a lot of neat photos from that trip (although I was a little put off by the ones of the scorpions and tarantulas).
Had to work yesterday and today we’re off to visit the in-laws up north. Busy, busy, busy! Family Man will be tsk, tsking me for neglecting my slackerly duties;-)
I leaning more toward it’s an ancient means of navigating the lake. It’s the modern equivalent of megaliths lined up. Two of those have to point at the North Star.
Morning Andi and FM!
Going on vacation Wednesday? That’s great, except – it is also the day mine is finished.
Hope you and Jim have a great time, whereever you are headed.
Back from the embassy an hour ago, or so.
The paperwork arrived here this morning, should eb all set by tomorrow pm – thus flying back Wednesday if re-bookings work out.
A sunny day, and I am not complaining for this delay! 🙂
Now I need to look the sawtooth mountains up and see what kind of pictures we might be expecting when you get back. 🙂 How long are you going for? (I know 10 days is the limit…)
Just wanted to say a quick hello. I hope everyone is doing great!!!! I miss you all but have been so busy looking for work, working on a senate campaign and the Edwards campaign not to mention blogging, podcasting and designing that I have not been around much.
A nerdy chipmunk? (I took a class in Theater Lighting once – running the spot is kinda fun, and a bit anxiety provoking if you’ve got a fast character on the stage.)
Hello all, from a windy, rainy, and possibly snowy, Tasmania.
You might not be so jealous if you we’re huddled next to the heater – and still had cold feet and hands.
Luna’s snoring away on the couch. The alpacas are looking increasingly soggy. Last time I saw Albert he was sitting in his box, probably in a desperate attempt to use the faint heat from the microbial break-down of his fouled litter to warm his feet.
Luna appears to have gotten too hot (the inside temp is 56F/13C), and is now lying against the sliding glass doors to cool off a bit.
The rain looks like it’s settling in for the long haul. At some point I have to go out and hook up the pump to move water from the smaller tanks to the larger ones, lest we lose water out the overflows.
The ducks are just ducky, btw: enjoying all the rainwater puddles.
If you wanted to come here and cut and split wood, we’d be happy to keep the house warmer for you. 😉
When we had a house-mate, she used to hole up in her room sitting on her bed with the electric blanket on, and with her heater on full blast. Our electric bills were MUCH higher then. Now she lives in Canburra, which colder than here, but her roomie is equally circulatory deprived and they keep the whole house so toasty that when Imogen stays with them she has to sleep without the covers.
Yep, four stories up, especially on a wire trampoline where you bounce with every step and it looks like you’re walking on thin air, is fun. Once you get over your fear of heights, anyway – which kept me from doing it before my early-thirties.
I acquired most of my fears as I’ve aged rather than lost them (but fear of heights isn’t one of them). The only fear I can think of that I’ve lost is of water beetles — it’s receded to a basic dislike.
Just remember, north takes you into crocodile country from here.
‘Gators may be scary, but saltwater crocodiles (or “Salties” as they are called here) are honest-to-god man-eating machines. If people go missing anywhere near water up north, it’s usually a Saltie that got them. They make american alligators look downright cuddly by comparison.
wide open space in the cafe.
Happy Saturday!
Good morning CG.
Nice and roomy in here.
How are you doing today?
I’m good. The boys went to their dad’s last night and won’t be back till tomorrow afternoon, so I have a nice long stretch of free time this weekend.
How are you?
I’m doing OK. So you’ve got some quiet time here for awhile. The perfect time to slack. 🙂
I’m actually working for a few hours this morning on some background reading on peritoneal dialysis, but slacking isn’t too far off (if you count a walk or bike ride as slacking, that is).
I have some gourd plants that need transplanting today too.
Fun, fun. Do you have visitors this weekend?
Depending on your outlook, walking or a bike ride could be slacking. My outlook says no though. 🙂
Yep as usual we have rels here. I think they’re here until next weekend.
with today’s somewhat mysterious photo. (And — hi CG — I love that picture.)
Are those horse apples or tennis balls in front of the canoes?
I’m trying to work on a theory as to why
P.S. you have a lot of really queasy horses down there?
Queasy horses seem to make more sense than the tennis balls.
I’ll grant you that one. I’m leaning toward the idea that some of the campers were standing on the shore throwing tennis balls at the kids who were out there trying to paddle out of the line of fire.
The tennis balls almost look like a trail of breadcrumbs or something.
CBtE took the picture up top, and it’s one of his favorites from Big Bend. I’m thinking of printing it larger and framing it for his room.
Nice and cool there again today?
It’s a great picture and having the idea of getting it blown up and framed for him shows just what a fine mom you are.
He talks about that trip a lot, and was totally impressed with the openness of the sky there.
A real fine photo, definitely suitable for framing! Good job, CBtE;-)
He took it on a month-long Outward Bound trip. He actually has a lot of neat photos from that trip (although I was a little put off by the ones of the scorpions and tarantulas).
How are you this fine weekend?
Had to work yesterday and today we’re off to visit the in-laws up north. Busy, busy, busy! Family Man will be tsk, tsking me for neglecting my slackerly duties;-)
Have a good Sunday!
I leaning more toward it’s an ancient means of navigating the lake. It’s the modern equivalent of megaliths lined up. Two of those have to point at the North Star.
Good afternoon all. Ver warm here in the valley, I’m very glad to be done with the lawn.
Monday mornings aren’t so bad when you are going on vacation on Wednesday. 🙂
Morning Andi.
Vacation on Wednesday – cool. Where ya going?
Morning Andi and FM!
Going on vacation Wednesday? That’s great, except – it is also the day mine is finished.
Hope you and Jim have a great time, whereever you are headed.
Morning ask.
Are you back here now, or still over there?
Back from the embassy an hour ago, or so.
The paperwork arrived here this morning, should eb all set by tomorrow pm – thus flying back Wednesday if re-bookings work out.
A sunny day, and I am not complaining for this delay! 🙂
Glad that’s all worked out – good luck with the flights!
FM, we’re going hiking in Idaho — mostly in the Sawtooth mountains.
Ask, hope your visa problems were all resolved successfully. And welcome back in advance (in case I’m not around when you get back).
Now I need to look the sawtooth mountains up and see what kind of pictures we might be expecting when you get back. 🙂 How long are you going for? (I know 10 days is the limit…)
Why, amazingly enough, we’re going for 10 days!
I’d offer to post some as we go along but it looks like we are going to have very little (or maybe none) internet access.
It’s funny, the things we all know about each other… 🙂
Hopefully you’ll be back and able to post a few before we head off to the beach.
We’ll be back on the night of the 28th. When are you leaving?
Morning of the 29th. Guess I’ll be heading down to the local coffee shop for the free wifi to check out those photos while I’m away…
Morning CG.
Will you be posting any picture from the beach? It would be great to have mountain and beach picture at the same time.
Afternoon Ask and morning to the folks across the big pond. Wishing all a pleasant holiday, be back in time when the government deserts.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Good afternoon, Oui!
I see the heat has reached your shores. We’re still in the low 70s – at best.
Just wanted to say a quick hello. I hope everyone is doing great!!!! I miss you all but have been so busy looking for work, working on a senate campaign and the Edwards campaign not to mention blogging, podcasting and designing that I have not been around much.
Good morning, rf!
Good to see you around.
Good luck with your search!
Hi Ask and thanks!!!!
I’m glad to hear you’re so busy, and hope you have some luck on the job search. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.
Hi RF! Great to hear from you and glad to hear you are keeping busy. Good luck on the job hunt.
Hiya Refinish.
Glad you’re busy and hope the job hunt goes good.
Happy Monday!
Ughh. Monday.
How wuz your weekend?
Is it Monday already? 🙂
A nerdy chipmunk? (I took a class in Theater Lighting once – running the spot is kinda fun, and a bit anxiety provoking if you’ve got a fast character on the stage.)
Hello all, from a windy, rainy, and possibly snowy, Tasmania.
Hi keres.
“possibly snowy” – I’m sooooo jealous. 🙂
You might not be so jealous if you we’re huddled next to the heater – and still had cold feet and hands.
Luna’s snoring away on the couch. The alpacas are looking increasingly soggy. Last time I saw Albert he was sitting in his box, probably in a desperate attempt to use the faint heat from the microbial break-down of his fouled litter to warm his feet.
I have to admit I like it cold outside, but a warm house is essential. At least Luna sounds comfortable.
Luna appears to have gotten too hot (the inside temp is 56F/13C), and is now lying against the sliding glass doors to cool off a bit.
The rain looks like it’s settling in for the long haul. At some point I have to go out and hook up the pump to move water from the smaller tanks to the larger ones, lest we lose water out the overflows.
The ducks are just ducky, btw: enjoying all the rainwater puddles.
56F inside? Now that’s too cold. Maybe a nice toasty 75 or 80F would be nice.
If you wanted to come here and cut and split wood, we’d be happy to keep the house warmer for you. 😉
When we had a house-mate, she used to hole up in her room sitting on her bed with the electric blanket on, and with her heater on full blast. Our electric bills were MUCH higher then. Now she lives in Canburra, which colder than here, but her roomie is equally circulatory deprived and they keep the whole house so toasty that when Imogen stays with them she has to sleep without the covers.
If chopping wood meant staying warm, I think I could do it. Then again, as lazy as I am, I just might find every blanket I could. 🙂
I worked stage crew all through high school. I liked the follow spots but my favorite thing was working in the flies to set the lights.
Yep, four stories up, especially on a wire trampoline where you bounce with every step and it looks like you’re walking on thin air, is fun. Once you get over your fear of heights, anyway – which kept me from doing it before my early-thirties.
I acquired most of my fears as I’ve aged rather than lost them (but fear of heights isn’t one of them). The only fear I can think of that I’ve lost is of water beetles — it’s receded to a basic dislike.
I have to admit some of my fears carried over into adulthood. Heights and snakes being two of them. 🙁
You’re afraid of snakes?
Well who wudda thunk it!
Hah! Not like I’ve ever said it or anything. 🙂
I’m still waiting for the first alligator to show up in the pond. Another pond here in town had one last summer.
And then you’ll make a handbag for FMom with it, eh?
Nope I would probably call FMom from as far north as I could get. Well you know, just to find out how she was, and to see if the alligator got George.
Or it was just another family member come for a visit and wondering when you were going to make dinner.
Needless to say if any family member looked on the patio and there was an alligator sitting there, I think no one would be worried about dinner. 🙂
I’m going to pre-geezer ya and I’m heading to bed. Gosh it seems so long since we’ve done the geezer thing. :~)
BTW pictures! Next week I want a lot of pictures.
I don’t think we’re going to have any internet access so you’ll probably have to wait the 29th for pictures.
I missed something. Where are you going?
hiking in Idaho — mostly in the Sawtooth mountains.
How’s your trip planning going?
Just remember, north takes you into crocodile country from here.
‘Gators may be scary, but saltwater crocodiles (or “Salties” as they are called here) are honest-to-god man-eating machines. If people go missing anywhere near water up north, it’s usually a Saltie that got them. They make american alligators look downright cuddly by comparison.
Last day before vacation starts. Two days before we see mountains.
Good morning, Andi!
Hope you’ll have a wonderful time trekking in the mountains.
and I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip home.