Johann Hari did something truly brave. He went on a cruise sponsored by the National Review in order to see wingnuts in their natural habitat.
From time to time, National Review – the bible of American conservatism – organises a cruise for its readers. I paid $1,200 to join them. The rules I imposed on myself were simple: If any of the conservative cruisers asked who I was, I answered honestly, telling them I was a journalist. Mostly, I just tried to blend in – and find out what American conservatives say when they think the rest of us aren’t listening.
What he discovered was not comforting. Here’s a sample.
I lie on the beach with Hillary-Ann, a chatty, scatty 35-year-old Californian designer. As she explains the perils of Republican dating, my mind drifts, watching the gentle tide. When I hear her say, ” Of course, we need to execute some of these people,” I wake up. Who do we need to execute? She runs her fingers through the sand lazily. “A few of these prominent liberals who are trying to demoralise the country,” she says. “Just take a couple of these anti-war people off to the gas chamber for treason to show, if you try to bring down America at a time of war, that’s what you’ll get.” She squints at the sun and smiles. ” Then things’ll change.”
This same mindset is repeated elsewhere but probably nowhere as explicitly as below. The table is discussing Germany’s consideration of charging Rumsfeld with crimes.
A red-faced man who looks like an egg with a moustache glued on grumbles, ” If the Germans think they can take responsibility for the world, I don’t care about German courts. Bomb them.” I begin to witter on about the Pinochet precedent, and Kate snaps, “Treating Don Rumsfeld like Pinochet is disgusting.” Egg Man pounds his fist on the table: ” Treating Pinochet like that is disgusting. Pinochet is a hero. He saved Chile.”
“Exactly,” adds Jim. “And he privatised social security.”
The table nods solemnly and then they march into the conversation – the billion-strong swarm of swarthy Muslims who are poised to take over the world. Jim leans forward and says, “When I see these football supporters from England, I think – these guys aren’t going to be told by PC elites to be nice to Muslims. You’re going to get fascists rising up, aren’t you? Why isn’t that happening already?” Before I can answer, he is conquering the Middle East from his table, from behind a crème brûlée.
“The civilised countries should invade all the oil-owning places in the Middle East and run them properly. We won’t take the money ourselves, but we’ll manage it so the money isn’t going to terrorists.”
Change ‘Muslims’ to ‘Jews’ and ‘terrorists’ to ‘communists’ and you have a Nazi. Plain and simple. This is the world of the National Review.
It needed to be said.
Liberal democracy is periodically tested. We had the eugenics movement when the Nazis succeeded in socially condoned experiments (neutering) with the mentally disabled. We had slavery for 60 years and segregation for a hundred before the Nazis were overcome by a reformed Nazi, Lyndon Johnson. Now we have Little Green Footballs and Islamophobic hate from another group of Nazis.
We shall overcome.
Is this history by Bluto?
When the blog chairman outs a patriotic member, life must be going sour.
Not my fault your site meter never threatened Daily Kos. If it helps, Daily Kos is a fluke.
I didn’t know that LBJ was a reformed Nazi that defeated Hitler, nor that slavery lasted 60 years. Actually, I think you meant Jim Crow, which also lasted a lot longer than 60 years.
Citing Bluto history, slavery in America lasted just over sixty years, possibly a bit more, like 87 years, from the date of our Independence to the Emancipation Proclamation. Close enough. American Nazis could not have existed before that time.
Oh, I see, you are calling slave owners Nazis, but only if they post-date the signing of the constitution. And LBJ is the great man that slayed the slave owners. Okay. A weird take on things, but at least I see what you are saying.
I did not intend to demean LBJ. For leading the way and signing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts of 1964 and 1965, he should be considered one of our great presidents.
Maui or Jamaica? of Humboldt County?
unless we get our collective defecation together, we shall not overcome this adm. and it’s rule….well, maybe in a century or two…
Imagine if he had gone on a Free Republic or Little Green Footballs cruise. The National Review is the kiddie pool of the wingnut swimming hole.
And yet people always think I’m silly when I talk about deGOPification or question the legitimacy of modern conservatism as a participant in a democracy.
It is not enough to defeat American fascism in the next election. It must be defeated permanently. We have to get to the point that people are ashamed to be affiliated with the right wing.