- No Diary Police
- Mojo is just Mojo.
- BooMan really tries.
- Diaries stick around longer than particles in an accelerator.
- Fewer “dicks”.
- It’s the only Major site I was ever FP’d.
- People try and understand even your most convoluted thoughts.
- Everybody knows when to just frikkin’ relax.
- International input.
And the number one reason I post here…
1. I laugh every time I see the frog, handcuffed with his hands in the air.
PS. Don’t recommend this diary, leave the spot to a productive diary….
But, please do add your top ten reasons to the comments section.
Update [2007-7-16 17:16:8 by meagert]:: The next person who recommends this diary has to buy TWO Coffee Cups!