Consider this an Open Thread for Discussion of the Debates beginning on CSPAN2 right now. Harry Reid has offered his Opening Statements.
I’m not sure how long I can Maintain this thread, but I’m sure they’ll be plenty of volunteers to pick up the slack. Popcorn: Buttered or not?
Harry Reid paraphrased: 12 billion dollars a month into the sands of Iraq!!
Mc Cain calls this a “Display”. He is desperate, and agitated. Let the Debates begin….
I’m shocked he bothered to show up at all. He has run from Iraq Votes faster than his staff has fled from his failing campaign.
thanks for the open thread, will check in periodically to see what the suits and pearls are up to…
Well, He is working to end the Debates….so he hasn’t voted yet.
Meanwhile Durbin is up, and poking them in the chest, calls the Levin/Reid Amendment reasonable, let’s end this war.
Durbin: I was one of 23 Senators who voted against this war. It is far easier to get into a war, than to get out.
They have filibustered this vote because some of their members are coming over to the right side.
Who is holding this bill up (the DOD Finance) The Republicans.
McCain: Chaos and Genocide will result…booga, booga.
Trent Lott has the vapors! He demands courtesy….sheesh!!
Both Lott and Cornyn said they were willing to have the vote now. Durbin says okay, Let’s vote now. The Repubs OBJECT. You can’t have it both ways….
Looks like BooMan is gonna keep us up with the Procedurals on the Front Page. Thank goodness.
Boy, this should be fun.
I am hoping we see lots of these threads. I hope they try to filibuster every single time they want to block legislation, and Reid rolls out the cots, every single time.
This is EXACTLY what is needed. Put the cots right there in the Senate Chamber.
More importantly, during the filibuster, Reid should have an information officer in front of the Senate at all times, to discuss what SHOULD be debated and what IS being debated. We need to state, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, that the time spent by the Repukeliscum is time which CANNOT be spent on other important issues.
What I hope is that Reid will state, in late July, that if the filibusters continue, he will cancel the August recess.
McCain: Already tired of the whole thing. I hope he’s got his jammys ready, or maybe he sleeps in his gay sweaters…
He along with the other Repubs keep saying wait til Sept., and acceding Civilian Control of the Military to Gen Petraeus(sp?).
Setting a date for withdrawal=booga booga.
Durbin: Gives a History lesson on the Iraq War, and the shifting reasons for it from Bush. Surge/Post Surge strategies all lead to just open ended war, and great losses to our Heroic Service Men and Women.
Bush keeps talking about all the progress we’re making…Durbin says this is EXAGGERATION and HYPE! Actually it’s lies, but who’s counting
Talks about the Iraqi Police attack on our Troops. Iraq is a failed State, second only to Sudan. Our Troops have done their job, The Iraqui Government hasn’t done what is necessary.
Calls for Comprehensive Strategy, including Middle East Neighbors under the UN!!
Timeline is the ONLY way to force the Iraqui Govt. to reach a political Solution.
or so my gay couteriers assert.
If things are going so well over there how come you can’t go out without a flak jacket and your own phalanx of bodybuards??
I’m really not sure what his point about the British commander was.
His point seems to be that we should listen to the Military Men, since apparently they run everything….
McCain: No One shows the good stuff going on in Iraq…doublesheesh!
The Military knows better than the Government how things are going….triplesheesh
Failure in Iraq= chaos in the region. Paraphrased…It’s all about the Oil!
Sen Jack Reed: “We will not know anything more in September that we don’t know now.”
Well, we will know the names of a couple hundred more dead soldiers, but I know what he means.
There’s a front page post at Buckeye State Blog entitled Up all night to do what’s right.
We couldn’t resist…
Jack Reed: Political Benchmarks have not been Achieved.They already know how things are going on the ground.
We cannot sustain without extending tours for everyone. The reality is the Policy will have to change whether you want it to or not.
Without the Popular support, we won’t be able to maintain any presence in Iraq. Levin/Reid Amendment inevitable.
Bush didn’t allow an increase in the military ther, when it was necessary…Stratergy was a SIGNIFICANT mistake.
Without Public support you can’t continue this strategy.
A lots of discussion in the Senate on benchmarks, including passage of the Iraqi Hydrocarbon law.
“The Democrats will have an opportunity today to vote in support of, or against, the blackmail of Iraq. A vote for the benchmarks is a vote to demand the privatization of Iraqi oil.
“The House of Representatives will consider yet another version of the Iraq war funding legislation. Not only will Congress give the President another blank check, despite the new Democratic majority, Congress will also endorse the blackmail of Iraq.
“The benchmarks in today’s war supplemental force the Iraqis to privatize their oil industry by demanding passage of the Iraqi “Hydrocarbon Act.” The war supplemental blocks over a billion dollars in reconstruction funds if the Iraqis refuse to comply.
“This administration has misled Congress into thinking that pending Iraqi legislation before their Parliament is about fair distribution of oil revenues. In fact, except for three scant lines, the entire 33-page hydrocarbon law creates a structure to facilitate the privatization of Iraq’s oil.
“The truth is that the “Hydrocarbon Act” will open Iraq’s oil reserves to foreign investors, giving them, and not the Iraqi people, the ability to develop the majority of Iraq’s 80 known oil fields. The Iraq National Oil Company would maintain control of only approximately 17 of these oil fields.
BASRA, Iraq (AFP) - About 300 oil industry workers gathered in Iraq's main oil port of Basra to protest a draft law that they said would allow foreigners to pillage the country's wealth.
Perhaps PM al-Maliki is more of a democrat than Bush …. listening to the people.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Byrd: Since “Mission Accomplished”, more than 3500 Soldiers have died…died…died, in Iraq!
Byrd: Byrd/Clinton Amendment would end this all by October ’07.
Bush has got ‘splainin’ to do!
It is WRONG for Congress to continue to ignore a reassessment of the authority to go to war. It was a hasty abroggation of Congress’ responsibility to declare wars.
Even Gates said he didn’t know if the Resolution still held over Iraq.
Wants Bush to Re- Ask for new authorization, insuring the Congress and the People get to reassess our involvement.
Quorum Call
Sen. Hagel up now
Hagel: Supports the Levin Reid Amendment.
Stability is gone even in the Kurdish region. The Southern provinces are controled by the Shiites, and we even pay them for protection down there.
The Green Zone is being attacked daily.
The Surge strategy has been going on for six months, not weeks like my colleagues are saying.
The current strategy is failing. The surge has already cost 532 American lives already.
Hagel: Not advocating “Cut and Running”. He says that’s a nice slogan, but it means nothing. Simple logistics indicate a withdrawal would take time. But what IS necessary is a Complete strategy. Offers the Salazaar/Hagel Amendment for the Process of Withdrawal in conjunction with the Levin/Reid Amendment (Policy).
Where were the Senators saying listen to the Generals, when the Generals said we needed more men in the Beginning.
Not one General will tell you today that there is a military solution possible.
By Spring the Military deployment plans will be broken. That’s a built in timeline, whether the Congress wants to believe that or not.
We need to talk with Syria, Iran and the rest of the Middle East. We need the UN.He spoke with Rice, and the UN Sec. Gen.
This all sounds like an end run around Cheney.
We already have real chaos in Iraq he says.
completely contradicts Hagel — this IS cutting and running, this IS micromanaging the war — and if we’re here all night the Finance Committee should not meet for consideration of the Sick Kids bill (forgot the name) while the rest of us are stuck here.
Shorter Kay Bailey: Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
If you took all the talking points out of her speech, here’s what would be left:
Hutchison: Objects to Reed holding a meeting on Children’s Health tonight.
Congess cannot tell the President, and the Generals what to do.
I can’t write all the Republican talking points this woman is saying…..
Yeah, if she just says “Stay The Course” I’ll be able to fill out my Wingnut Bingo card!
That’s Kay for ya! (laughing)
The vast majority of the time, she could be replaced by a programmed MP3 player.
Without an Off switch.
BTW: This is the Bill :
Boxer: Wants a vote at 7pm. Hutchison Objects
Repubs are blocking everything. “Cut and Run” is a strawman. She knows why they’re blocking…it’s because the Dems can get the votes.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to this all night.
Sen. Boxer is up now — her I could listen to. “Cut and run is a strawman.”
“People are dying! Our people! Every day! My state has lost 20% of the dead, many of whom never saw their 21st birthday!”
Stick around for awhile, maybe we’ll have more commentators join in after supper.
I’ll be around for a little while, then I have to leave for a while to head home and have some dinner, and then come back about midnight Eastern time.
Hopefully someone will be along to help you man the battlements.
Boxer: We can’t force the Iraquis to functioning govt. This is been going on for centuries…suni on suni, shia on suni, , and our military in the middle. The Reoubs wont even let our soldiers rest in between deployments.
Bond: This “All night Gig” makes for grand Hollywood theater. They aren’t ready for us to leave Iraq. But things are better.
New Intelligence report says our attack on El Q have prevented more attacks on us. (Of course, the rest of the report is classified).
Makes you wonder if Kit Bond is really from Missouri..he’s not suppose to believe anything until you…show me.
Little bit of a Freudian slip there, Kit?
He probably looks better in a slip……
I just spit out my coffee…
Maybe not Freudian.
We have special forces and black ops people inside Iran fomenting mischief (this includes their waters and their consulates).
Cheney and the neocons won’t be satisfied until the entire Middle East explodes into war and their white-skinned Jesus floats down on a white pony to signal the beginning of a thousand years of war and a thousand years of war profits.
Bond: calls opponents “Retreat and Defeat” (there’s a policy change from Cut and Run…jingoistic crap is all they can come up with)
These people are so binary. Either we stick around and Stay the Course™, or we Cut and Run™ and al-Qaeda follows us home.
You know what? I ain’t afraid of no terrists. Let them come over here, where we speak the language, we’re familiar with the terrain, and we are the natives and can wait them out.
Cardin: Hopes for the vote. We should not wait a single day to change the current policy. The President has screwed everything up.
Suni/Shia Civil War. Our presence is not doing a thing. It’s all Sectarian Violence.
Cardin: The United Nations is the place for everything to begin to get fixed. They have all the expertise in security, public utilities, and the backing of all international forces.
There’s a big difference between being resolute, and being plain stubborn.
Yeah, uh huh, there’s another Wingnut Bingo space.
DeMint: Still thinks he’s in the majority. Asks for cloture vote at 8:30pm. Levin Objects.
Says, See…this is all political, and trying to embarass the president.
Quotes Intelligence report citing terrorist threats to America.
Listen to Petraeus. Give it time. Calls Democrats weak on National Security…ooh boy
DeMint: Putting words in our Soldier’s mouths, says a majority support the mission.
Throws in some amendment about grounded aircraft.(He must be in line for a job in the Aircraft business after the senate).
Warner and Schumer up after Mikulski
Mikulski: 47 times Repubs have threatened filibuster, and now they’ve gone too far by refusing us a vote on the most important issue facing America. We are under a gag rule designed by the Repubs.They want to hide behind parliamentary procedure.
We are being accused of micro-managing…well, somebody has to manage this war. This administration sure isn’t. Stop talking, start acting.
This is about the will of the American People.
Mikulski: 7 months ago the Iraq study group, and they’re just discovering it now….
Asks for Vote on Levin/Reed Amendment. Repubs Object
Warner: Colloquy with Levin? – Bush was asked to Report on the Benchmarks. He did. A separate report (Gen. Jones) just finished this weekend will be available in Sept.
Gen Pace will also have a report then. We need time to study all these facts. Not to mention his own recommendations in Sept.
How would Iraq be, after a withdrawal according to Levin’s amendment. Please explain….
Levin: What do we know..Iraq is in Chaos, the only way to end the violence is the Iraqi govt steps up. We know how many soldiers are being killed.
We know only a political course is viable. If you believe we are winning in Iraq now, vote that way, but the facts don’t back that up.
The only hope is to force the Iraquis to step up, and that’s by redeploying
Warner agrees with everything Levin says, but still wants to wait…(how do you fight that!)
Schumer: Many believe the President will not change course, even in Sept. He will ignore the facts.
We could add 40000 more troops,but after a brief respite, the Kurds, the Suni, and the Shia will be at each other again.
All the other amendments are flawed, because they are merely advisory. If the inevitable is going to happen in Sept, why wait for all the sacrifice that will occur. We need to refocus on our internal problems before it’s too late.
Terrorism is real, but….the problem is that what we are doing in Iraq has nothing to do with terror. What is the patrolling of iraqi cities doing to prevent El Q from attacking America…In fact it makes it worse every day we delay.
And yet the president remains persistent. Our job is to require the president to change, because he wont do it on his own..
Schumer: “Our job is to require the president to change, because he won’t do it on his own.”
Rephrase and repeat x5 to take up time…
Levin-Reed is the only resolution to REQUIRE change.
We have better things to use our time and money on….
More Schumer: I don’t think the president will change until he’s forced to change. I don’t think the president will change until this body stands up and does its job. ….. It’s just not working.
We need change. We’re dealing with the violence on the ground on an “as it happens” basis and it’s not going to change until we do… and only Levin-Reed requires that.
“I hope that Our colleagues on the other side will join us tonight. They will be joining us later if they don’t today. That’s the simple fact of the matter.”
Bunning’s (R-KY) up:
Pointless Political Play, Insult to everyone, orchestrated by MoveOn, yaddayadda, publicity stunt.
“I have never been accused of being a political strategist but I’ve been around this town long enough to know that the American people resent their leaders for taking the politically expedient path instead of doing what they know is right…”
It’s theatre, it’s a political show and placating MoveOn is more significant than talking about the real issues….
Lots of carefully organized indignation.
Bunning more: This is a bad amendment, premature withdrawal when the surge hasn’t even finished.
Irrational, unfair, the bad guys are watching us tonight and using the debate to make themselves stronger.
This Morning’s NIE says AlQaida in Iraq is coming to get us and will continue to acquire and use WMD’s.
Our Brave Boys and the Iraqi security forces are doing their best (no mention of the # of Iraqis who are themselves AQ)
And they’re coming here after us…
There will be widespread chaos if we withdraw prematurely and everyone who hates each other will begin fighting each other…
They’ll get the Israelis and the Lebanese and everyone else will kill everyone in sight and WE will be threatened (oogaboogaooga)
Now we’re on about Cornyn’s bill that says it’s bad to support Levin-Reid.
Cut and Run… failed Iraq… undermine mission… dems already decided surge has failed…. after confirming Petraeus they won’t give him a chance.
I for one am working hard … we will not back down. SUpport the Troops… blah blah blah
This says it all about bunning:
PAC Contribution Breakdown
Ideological/Single Issue
Reid Responds: Surge has been 6 months, things are getting worse everywhere, there won’t BE a civil war, there already IS one; 69% of Iraqis say we’re doing more harm than good and they want us to leave. The Iraqi leader 3 days ago said we could go home anytime.
Reid: The AMerican People are awake, and they want us OUT.
Roll call now.
Gotta run… reality calling again.
Back later.
thanx for the help stormkite!
Reid calls for Sargent at arms to get all the senators back for a quorum….
Just got an Action email from Howard Dean:
It’s going to be a long night for the U.S. Senate.
Senate Republicans are threatening to filibuster a bill by Senators Levin and Reed that would require President Bush to begin troop withdrawal within 120 days, with most coming home by April 2008.
But Senator Majority Leader Reid has decided that he’s not going to let them just make a threat and walk away — he’s going to make them stand up in front of the American people and show them just how much they want to stay in Iraq. A few Republicans have started to say the right things, but we don’t know whether they actually have the backbone to stand with the American people and vote the right way, and the threat of a filibuster gives them all the cover they need.
Now, let’s not kid ourselves: they can filibuster, and we probably won’t have the votes to stop them. But if Senate Republicans are against ending the war, then they should show it by voting against the legislation — a straight-up-and-down vote on a bill that the majority of Americans support. That’s how a democratic government works.
Instead, they’re threatening to block the vote, and we’re going to force them to explain themselves in front of the American people.
So let’s show Senator Reid that we’re united behind him. We’ve created a simple tool that will let you write a letter and fax it to your Senators instantly — you can let them know all night long just how much opposition there is to the war in Iraq.
Send your Senators a message right now:
A handful of Republicans loyal to President Bush plan to block the bill even though a similar version passed in the House by a 223-201 margin last week. Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday that we need to give the troop escalation time because it is just beginning to “show signs of military success.” But how many times have we heard something like that in the last five years?
As Senator Reid said yesterday:
“Republicans are using a filibuster to block us from even voting on an amendment that could bring the war to a responsible end. They are protecting the President rather than protecting our troops.
“They are denying us an up or down — yes or no — vote on the most important issue our country faces.
“I would like to inform the Republican leadership and all my colleagues that we have no intention of backing down.”
Tell your Senator that you’re not going to back down either:
Since the American people put Democrats back in charge of Congress, the Republican minority has resorted to obstructionism and political games to block any responsible progress toward ending the war in Iraq. Now they’re refusing to even allow a vote on bringing the troops home.
For the first six years of George Bush’s presidency, the Republican majority in Congress failed this country. They had their chance to make their case to continue the war in Iraq, and the American people didn’t buy it.
Now it’s your chance to make the case. Tell your Senators to pass the Levin-Reed amendment and bring the troops home:
Thanks for all that you do,
Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.
McConnell: Claims there is no vote because of the Dems….
Tries to explain things from the Rep perception of things in Iraq. Defends the President and his Policy.
El Q, El Q, El Q….ad infinitum
McConnell: Warning Democrats that they are letting the Military down.
Feinstein: We must change course. The surge is not working. If you know things are going wrong, why ask, do something!
Feinstein: Current strategy isn’t working. A lot of Republicans (she calls them out by name) agree.
Everyday there is more killing…Iraqi police attack on our troops. This is not working!!!
Zero progress in the political arena. Not one benchmark.
Feinstein: 400 more dead 1000 more injured, ……
if this current policy continues.
Why wait to act.
This war has not helped our credibility in the world…”if you believe that, you must be smoking something!”
Alexander: There wont be a vote now, there wont be one at 3AM
Maybe the Republicans forgot that W is asleep by 9:00 p.m. so they can vote to end the War in Iraq while W’s asleep.
Political Stunt’s…Lamar Alexander doesn’t know what proper respect is..wasn’t he in office when..Rummy was signing grievance letters with an auto pen. All those Stay the Course Senators, need a little testosterone therapy so they can stand up to Dick Cheney.
This man is certifiable.
first he pours oil on the fire, then says he doesn’t want to pour oil on the fire.
I have come to realize why the Republican Senators don’t want this Iraq debate tonight..because Tuesday night is “Escort” night in D.C.
I am “distinguished” American..what we do..”If you’re in hole stop digging.” Leave Iraq.
Stall, Stall, Stall is all the Republicans want to do is stall.
Here’s a quick solution:
1)Everyone know’s don’t go swimming for an 1 hour after lunch..and don’t go into the water if there is a civil war.
2)No magic bullet, means only Jesus could solve the problem…so lets say a few prays and leave Iraq.
If we want to send a message we could sent them a blimp with those little would be alot cheaper.
Lamar Alexander seems to have forgotten…W basically used Baker_Hamilton Report to wipe his arse.
I would hope the good people of Tenn. would elect a Senator who has an original thought…instead of one who need 10 Americans to tell him what to do. What an idiot.
Alexander: ignored the Iraq report 7 months ago, dredges it up now. Let’s talk, talk, talk about it.
He has been revealing hints of all their dirty dealing behind closed rep doors to get dems.
Too bad Lamar Alexander doesn’t have a Spine…he should vote for the Iraq withdraw…otherwise he’ just a barking dog and barking dogs don’t bite. Force W’s hand..instead of giving W hand job..sorry.
Come’on Lamar…don’t you remember that book the “little Engine that Could” I think I can..I think I can.. I think I can vote to leave Iraq..yes Lamar you can vote to leave Iraq.
Alexander is all over the place, locomotives, 40 yrs ago stuff. He’s been talking a long time now. I wonder if he is a real filibuster??
He’d be better off reading the D.C. Phone Book instead he looks like a wimp from Tenn.
Actually, Alexander looked (key word here being “looked”) very pragmatic and moderate. Of course, when the rubber hits the road he’ll do what he always does (87% of the time, that is) – follow the party line.
That’s right Senator..we want a “straight vote up or down.”
Phew…next up Landrieu
Landrieu: “This is not a stunt. This is reality!” Has a big sign behind her that says “LET US VOTE”
I used to post here (I’ve kind of stopped posting, in general), so this is my first post here in ages.
But I have one question that is bugging the shit out of me . . . has everyone who calls themselves a Democrat lost their minds?
Hear me out before you slam me. Here is my argument:
Reid is leading the Dems off a cliff. The Democrats have less than the number necessary to pass veto proof legislation that will end this war. He knows this, you know this — Christ, everyone on every liberal blog knows this.
Yet, there are hundreds and hundreds of otherwise intelligent people tonight cheering on this silly TV show — fully aware how this show ends. (The Republicans don’t vote for cloture.)
But the Democrats have ALWAYS had the numbers to stop this war, they’ve just never had the guts.
You only need to do what the Republicans are doing (prevent cloture) in order to stop legislation you deem against the national interest.
So rather than working on passing legislation that will be vetoed by Bush, or filibustered by the Republicans, the Democrats should simply say that they will no longer fund the war — that is, no funding legislation will make it through the Senate.
Only one side, the Republicans, seem to understand the Senate rules. Only one side seems willing to go the matts to defend their ideals (too bad the Republican ideals are so corrupt, amoral and criminal).
So why won’t the Democrats stop the war funding: because (and you’ve heard this a million times) consultants warn the Democrats that they shouldn’t look weak on national defence issues. So they try and have it both ways: dictate war strategy to the executive branch while adding funding for the troops. The Republicans are playing the same game — except that its easier for them (just keep the war going). They claim to be for the war, but I bet they are really scared about what the polls say, and what they really know about this war.
In other words, the Democrats are only giving lip service to ending the war. (Let me repeat, the Democrats have ALWAYS had the ability to end this war simply by preventing legislation meant to fund the war. This same tactic could have stopped the two SC nominations and other horrble legislation that only passed because the Democrats cooperated with the Republicans).
Now, you can go back to bad mouthing the Republicans (I have no problem with that — they are hypocritical scum in my book), and cheering on the Democrats (for wasting electricity). But you’d be better off going to bed because tomorrow you’ll learn that we’re right back where we were when the day started.
I, on the other had, will return to the Cubs/Giants game, and maybe I’ll post here again before the November 2008 election.
Seems the emporers have no clothes.
If politics worked like a baseball game, no doubt you’d be right. But in the real world of American politics, 2007, this is how the game is played (and in saying that, I’m not being cynical). Your point is logical and in some abstract universe it would obtain the desired result. But in this world and this country at this time you don’t seem to understand what Reid et al. are doing or why they are doing it.
PS, my sympathies on the Cubs’ defeat.
It’s just calling your opponent out in the open. I agree just defund the war..but why not make your opponent squirm.
Anyway where is OBL..why haven’t we “smoked him out”, yet.
OBL not in Baghdad..I like that.
Thank You for your comment.
Landrieu: Continues to stress the seriousness of this situation. It is NOT a stunt. EL Q is stronger now then when we started.
We are not winning. The American People do not believe we are either.
Bin Laden is still alive…and he’s not in Iraq.
Lost Satellite connection. G’Night all!
Zoning Out..LIEberman is speaking..
LIEberman, LIEberman..4 years and nothing no results.
LIEberman, wake me when September Ends…
Joe Lieberman is a lunatic and might as well change his name to joe Goebbels.
He’s out of his goddamn mind.
Do you hear that sound? That one there, coming from the East?
If you listen close it’s the rational citizenry of Connecticut crying out with one voice, “WE LET THAT GET ELECTED AND REPRESENT US?????”
he is. i’m not surprised that the GOP is using him as their mouthpiece tonight.
I come home, turn on the inner tube, and Revoltin’ Joe is speaking. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Lieberman is out of his mind. He’s dronign on and on, but when you listen to the words behind the drone, he’s totally fucking insane. It’s kind of terrifying he was almost vice-president.
Time for cocoa puffs to get a new mascot!
Silly rabbit Trix are for Kids..
LIEberman..apparently the Iraqis won’t stand-up so we can we need a little tough love..and let them sink or swim.
Lieberman: A redeployment is nothing more than a mandate of defeat….playing down sectarian violence….Al Qaeda blah blah blah….they want the Iraqi state to fail…..Iran is training, forming an army to kill Americans in Iraq
Hi Manny, say something to get my mind off this insane droning grinch.
hi Omir! ummmm. i suggest scotch. lots of scotch.
Unfortunately, I don’t drink, but Revoltin’ Joe makes me want to start.
More Lieberman: I’m all for diplomacy with Iran (yeah, right)….glad the ambassador met with them but that ultimately negotiations with Iran produced nothing except give them two more years of nuclear development. In other words, Al Qaeda in Iran is not concerned with political reconciliation in Iraq (AQ is in Iran? what a douchebag)
Good..a blog “surge” because watching Traitor Joe is $%$#4. He Joe should just show us the pictures in “face-book” page like Ms. America did and he won’t have be W’s whipping boy.
note to meagert: thanks for doing this, i appreciated being able to read back what has already been said. being on the left side of the country, will see what i can do to help with the graveyard shift. paz
I want to second those thanks.
I don’t know if meagert is still around, but I think someone needs to start a new thread when this one gets up to about 150 posts.
if none of the FPers drop in, i’ll start a new diary. 150 sounds like a good number. hopefully LIEberman will not take much more of them. he needs to stop jabbering.
LIEberman: will vote against cloture because he doesn’t want “defeat” – he’s finally done!
Now it’s Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
“Iraq can be won”
Uh huh.
He’s voting against cloture, he’s voting against the amendment. I think they should vote him out of the caucus.
Sherrod Brown: too many Senators are concerned with protecting the President than protecting the troops. A number of GOPers are speaking out now, but then every Tuesday Darth Cheney goes up to the Hill and arm twists. They are making it difficult to change directions. Therefore need up or down majority vote (60) that will reflect what the public wants – a change in direction.
He has pictures!
I want see pictures of the Republican Senators Sleeping on their cots in the Senate, that ought to make great political script during 2008 Elections.
Brown: pushing the approval of the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group….ending the war in Iraq is a counterterrorism effort….Iraq is the best thing to happen to jihadist recruitment…Dems brought many resolutions to change course, but GOP threatened to filibuster or the President (sic) vetoed…..more of the same failed policy….more loved ones in Ohio faced with seeing family members wounded or killed
Brown: President is trying to buy more time by staying the course….each pronouncement followed by more violence and chaos…adding to list of dead and wounded Americans…every year Iraq slips further into a civil war….President (sic) sent the country into a war of choice without adequate body armor….Brown voted against the war when he was in the HOuse….questioned Paul Bremer on policies, esp body armor…Bremer said they were doing what they could….still sent troops without adequate armor, even today is the same…
Brown: showing how an IED affects vehicles with visualaids….it infuriates me that the Pentagon failed to provide body armor to prepare for this war….failed to protect humvees from IEDs….willful ignorance could have been prevented….arrogance and stubbornness from administration is something Bush is proud of – he should be ashamed of it….Bush has yet to define victory, whatever that happens to be….5 years? 10 years? 100 years?… many will die? President has yet to hold his administration accountable for increasing global terrorism.
Brown: that stubbornness is not leadership, neither is arrogance or fingerpointing is not leadership…blocking the vote, petty political games is not leadership they are defying the will of the people….global security is at stake….last week learned that border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is creating more terrorists…failing to secure that region that we know AQ is located…breeding group for AQ prior to 9/11…OBL mastermind of 9/11, not Iraq, is plotting the next attack….PResident stubbornly insists of staying the course….forced our government to not take eye of the ball, but to drop it altogether.
is a 21st-century Maginot line. I like that comparison.
Brown: puts a bullseye squarely on our nation…ending the war is not about just bringout our troops home, giving them proper healthcare, new direction in foreign policy, returning our focus to remaining stafff…it’s about making us safer. Applaudes GOPers who are standing up to the PResident, but not enough….each vote there is additions to list of the dead and wounded…..”fight them there so we don’t fight them here” – good slogan, bad logic…fight to end the war has just begun…want to grow the opposition….furious lobbying effort by the President…but we will grow the opposition
Brown yields the floor, now Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)
I’m sorry, but I’m tired of hearing Repug’s saying we need a bi-partisan approach. But for the last 6 years the Repugs just steam rolled over the Democrats.
Anyone keeping count of how many times the Republicans are holding up the Iraq Study Group book.
and I’m all for it. As soon as the Republicans want to go along with what the Democrats are proposing, I’ll consider it bipartisan.
What? That’s my way or the highway? Yeah, and it was all those years the Republicans were shutting the Democrats out of deliberations.
Collins: victory is about a bipartisan approach that will redefine the mission, set the change for a withdrawl of troops over the next year….don’t have to search far and wide for this policy….already mapped out by Iraq Study Group…talking about ISG now, holding printed copy of it….charts the path forward…lays out 3 core principles – transition to training from combat missions…shifting the mission of our troops would require Iraqis to take responsibility…
Collins: told constituents that it was a mistake to send more troops to Iraq in the middle of sectarian violence (but did she vote that way?)…we should not be in the midst of what is indeed a civil war in Baghdad…last week President released a progress report…verified that the Iraqis have made very little progress on the most important political benchmarks….our troops have paid the heavy price….we have suffered more casualties in the last 3 months than in any other time of this war….Warner/Collins/Nelson should be incorporated in policies moving forward….new diplomatic effort needs to start.
New thread here.
Thanks to everyone who’s watching and live-blogging for the rest of us.
And I have one question: Is barbarity a word, or did Lieberman make that up?
Collins: 14 of us, 8 Dems-6 GOPs, have offered legislation to adopt Iraq Study be attached to the Defense Authorization Amendment….realistic redeployment of our troops…the Senate can finally chart a new course…thinks the debate tonight has been disheartening…claims the GOP has offered to have the vote on cloture…rhetoric intended to score political points…just as its disappointing to hear the President be so inflexible in his approach…calls for more flexibility from the Democratic leader of Senate as well as the President