Mercenaries should leave Iraq, too.
The Los Angeles Times reported this month that Iraq has more private contractors than U.S. troops. More than 180,000 individuals are working under Department of Defense and State Department contracts, compared with 160,000 members of the military.
[Sen. Claire] McCaskill noted that even the security detail guarding Gen. David Petraeus, the American commander in Iraq, was composed of private contractors.
Not good.
Hey boo,
check this out. It’s a game, but unlike any I’ve ever seen before. Sort of like a series of nonsequiturs arranged as levels in a videogame. I mean, it’s really weird.
Awesome. 🙂
pretty messed up. I got bored after four levels.
well, it is just a flash game…
So, these mercenaries protecting the good general…who do they take their orders from? just askin
What, Petraeus doesn’t trust enlisted personnel?
perhaps the issue of them being exempt from prosecution in the event of, shall we say, unfortunate consequences of their actions, ie: collateral damage in BushSpeak©…and plausible deniability, in that petraeus could claim…they weren’t under my command and control.
getting cynical in my old age, eh.
also, for more than you probably want to know about the new praetorian guard, l highly recommend jeremy schaill’s latest: Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.