Pelosi? Conyers? You listening?
“In circumstances like this, the constitutional prerogatives of the president make it futile and purely political for Congress to refer to a U.S. attorney a contempt citation,” White House spokesman Tony Snow said yesterday. “The legislative branch is not in a position to compel action on the part of the executive branch, other than in areas related to its legitimate oversight role.”
It’s Inherent Contempt or it’s the end of the Republic.
That about sums it up!
et tu, Boote…all hail the chimperor

there’s only one solution: lTMF’sA
i don’t think you’re exaggerating one tiny bit… also, i think something’s up… every nerve ending in my body has been tingling for over a week…
i agree with you there.
but when is pelosi et. al. going to listen?
these people are all in cahoots to ruin the republic. rip!!
from now on it’s Emperor bush I
Your last line is what I’ve been thinking, non-stop, for weeks…if we as a nation don’t stand our ground now, the separation of powers is gone.
If we don’t move to impeach (hang conviction, it’s the impeachment that counts) we won’t ever do it.
It’s almost like the Clinton impeachment was a very deliberate move to take this tool “off the table” forever. If someone were a suspicious sort, it would be easy to imagine that the Clinton Kobuki Play was designed to intimidate future Congresses.
If the old-timers back down, they deserve to go into retirement.
What happens when the judiciary decides that “inherent contempt” is an improper invasion of judiciary power – trial in the House or Senate and all?
We are back to impeachment or bust. And that means that the public has to push back hard on Republicans in the Senate.
So start gathering up your disaffected Republican chums and get ready to make noise.