The ACLU announced today that it considers the current stalemate between the Bush administration and Congress to be a “constitutional crisis”, further asserting that congress must “[…]reaffirm itself as an equal branch of government and vote to hold White House officials in contempt for refusing to cooperate with legitimate congressional subpoenas.” The press release further states that it is “do-or-die time” and that without further action to restore congressional checks and balances the US risks “[…]a historic moment when it can fight for its rightful place in our Constitution or accept the president’s continued and sweeping claims of supremacy.”

I think we all know what that means. Critical outtakes from the press release below the fold. Also: secondary source from UPI.
Press release:

“Presidents have tried in the past to overreach in claiming executive privilege,” said Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “However, Congress has long served as a check to such abuses of power, slapping the president’s hand when needed and pursuing contempt or enforcement actions that eventually resulted in the release of crucial information. Today’s Congress must do the same if it wishes to remain a meaningful and independent branch of government.”

Fredrickson added, “It’s do-or-die time for the separation of powers. Congress is facing a historic moment when it can fight for its rightful place in our Constitution or accept the president’s continued and sweeping claims of supremacy.”

UPI Coverage:

The American Civil Liberties Union Wednesday said it is “do or die time” to save the U.S. Constitution.

The ACLU in a statement urged the U.S. Congress to “vote to hold White House officials in contempt for refusing to cooperate with legitimate congressional subpoenas.”

The ACLU statement said the issue had become “a constitutional crisis that threatens to destroy the separation of powers.”

OK Folks: Who’s with me on Impeaching and Convicting these criminals? As Bruce Fein said on Bill Moyer’s program Tough Talk on Impeachment, to allow this criminal precedent to stand in the Executive is to give tacit approval for future criminal conduct in the White House. And House Democrats do believe the Bush Administration has broken the law. If the Executive is above the law, there is no law. Nor any constitution to speak of.

It is DO OR DIE time. Here is one approach for how to impeach and remove these criminals from office for the crime of Obstruction of Justice and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice – which I believe there is more than ample evidence to begin a trifecta parallel Impeachment proceedings for Gonzalez, Cheney, and Bush right now. All we need do is buy off the right Republican Senators.

Let’s do it! Our nation and way of life is in real danger from within! Our founders knew of this risk and proscribed a means to cut the cancer away from the reigns of power. There is no better time than now, for on its own cancer only grows to metastasis. And then the great experiment our founders left us – that republic ‘if we can keep it’ will have been lost in the name of an ignorant and historically insignificant dictator.

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