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Question for everyone:
What’s your favorite thing to put off until later?
What’s your favorite thing to put off until later?
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May the 4’s be with you
Clear a path! Comin’ on through!
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond
My answer to the question: definitely laundry – i would rather scrub a bathroom with a toothbrush.
Your turn!
I Wanna Vote!
What happened to the poll annex!
BTW What was the poll about?
Iraq soccer success
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
[waves the magic wand]
Poof! There’s your poll, Oui
Dieting. Or filing taxes, take your pick.
hola b2 – you’ve been checking in regularly at E4T, that has always been a good motivator for me. I’m so glad katiebird set that site up. regarding taxes….yeah. i’m sure you’ll get plenty of agreement on that one.
Hay Manny! I’ve only recently started going over there, I could use the extra support.
Paperwork. Definitely paperwork. Especially if it involves math.
Now, where’s my gelato?
Whatever is on my list to do today….
Usually, it all ends up on tomorrow’s list.
One of my favorite shirts says: Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow! Says it all! 🙂
hilarious cartoon
curly gave me one, which I proudly wear:
“I’m Never in Denial”
I am also a great procrastinator for most things.
Dishes are done last.
Never put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until the day after tomorrow.
Life, of course.
Colin Hay – Waiting for my real life to begin.
hi SN! Scrubs is up there on my favorite shows list – hilarious but also some great themes running through each episode that can be dug out.
i think you should make yourself a wish list and then work your hardest to start checking them off. little things – stuff that you’ve always wanted to do or places you’ve always wanted to see, and then set off for the horizon. you deserve it!
how’s esperanza doing? any recent pix? (hint, hint)
Hey Manny – Esperanza is doing very well and is really a great companion for me. I’ll post some pics soon.
As to the rest of life, I’m doing just what you suggest. I’m starting to think seriously of doing something totally off the wall next year at this time when my youngest goes off to college…just not sure what yet. I have some ideas, though. 🙂
well, if there’s anything we (I) can do to help motivation-wise, don’t hesitate to ask. of course, if it involves you selling all your possessions and hitchhiking across the globe, then i’ll start saving my coinage to purchase a GPS gadget for you 🙂
Tapioca pudding, nice and warm, right off the stove.
Ice cream a close second. Maybe even first, depending on when you ask me.
hi, Omir! tapioca, eh? i’ll join you as long as there are Nilla Wafers on hand. mmmmm
Oh geez, you’re making me hungry and my blood sugar is running high so there isn’t anything I can do about it. * sigh *
I put off everything, or I make KamaKid do it! The joys of being a mom. ;>)
At work…it’s filing. I loathe filing and have months of it waiting for some other day.
ah yes, the downside to being an only child. The chores aren’t split up among siblings!
For me, at work, it’s…..everything 🙂
Family Man would be proud
You’re trying to seduce me, Mr. Robinson. 🙂
I’m a day late is the hookah still, burning??
just my luck, i show up a day and a half late to a potential tryst. 😉
So after several months of putting it off, I had to hire someone…. ouch… that was $60.00
But she left a list of all the chores her firm does on a routine and an extra-thorough house cleaning.
So I copied it, added a few things, and now I use the check it off method, do it during commercials routine.
Tonight it’s “Men In Trees” so I should get the bathroom clean between Marin bonking Jack and Jack bonking Marin.
(it being thursday i checked in on the welcome wagon wednesdays… guess i put it off)
Hi sonia…come here often? 🙂
I sort of liked men in trees and then in disappeared. Is it on the fall schedule?
I always think about hiring someone to clean my house once or twice a month, but I’m embarrassed to let them see how messy it is and I don’t know where they’d put all of my clutter.
hi sonia! the wagon is always parked and ready to roll out the welcome mat. haven’t seen Men in Trees yet, Thursdays usually mean The Office for me. You would think that I would get enough of those antics with the job, but can’t help but laugh heartily at that show.
have a good Friday!