In a recent speech, former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds said that there were four congressfolk who were being bribed by Turkish interests.
We know that one of them was Dennis Hastert.
Who do you think the others were?
Here is the quote from a speech Sibel gave to the American Library Association conference last month (mp3 – 90 seconds).
When I went to Congress, I didn’t know which Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators to go to! Because part of my case dealt with our representatives, (and this was based on some counter-intelligence operations) were getting cash bribery from foreign governments. And when I internally started reporting this, and it was not getting anywhere, this great agent that I worked with… said:
“Well, let’s say you go to Congress. How are you going to determine who is clean to go to?”
And to me that was really sobering because he told me:
Just based on Turkish counter-intelligence operations, you know of FOUR corrupt congressional people. Take a look at this room (of translators), we have the Chinese Department, we have, you know, the Arabic, including Saudi Arabia and everything. How many do you think they have come across?”
Sibel worked at the FBI in 2001/2002, so we don’t know whether those congress folks are all still in congress, but we do know that members from both parties are included in the four.
Who do you think is on the list?
If you’d like to find out:
Call Waxman. Demand public open hearings:
DC phone: (202) 225-3976
LA phone: 323 651-1040
Capitol switchboard phone: 800-828-0498
(we’ll bring you the video of the speech soon)
Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcraft (USAF Ret.) Sandy Berger, Robert Wexler and Ed Whitfield (House of Representatives) Frank Carlucci (Carlyle) Amb. James H. Holmes (Ret.) Gen Joseph Ralston (Ret.) (The Cohen Group) … representatives from Boeing – Lockheed Martin – Raytheon – Northrup Grumman – Bechtel – BP – Chevron/Texaco – Pfizer, almost like a business council buying influence.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I had an atc diary earlier in the week.