Devilstower has a breakdown on Tony Snow’s explanation of Alberto Gonzales’ testimony. It doesn’t surprise me. In fact, it is the only possible defense available to them.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Is any part of this WSJ editorial honest? Any part?
the title – but only the top line of it.
l found 4 words:
…Americans should be alarmed…other than that, it looks like it was written by the WH.
surprise, eh?
just sell the damn thing to murdoch and end the charade.
The last paragraph. You just have to do some creative editing.
Awesome, ej. You have a Beautiful Mind.
Thanks SN 😉
Argumentative illusionism has be a core tenet of the Straussian textbook for the initiated. The part of the editorial that made me laugh the most is the one about jihadists in Pakistan making “technically domestic” US phone calls. Whoever “revealed” this to the WSJ has an agile mind and a devilish sense of humor.
Naughty boy fun, but childish too, irredeemably childish in fact.
the original stance Snow/WH took on Abu. Perhaps it’s been a good thing that Bush hasn’t even tried to take his dog & pony version of diplomacy round the world because if he talked to leaders like Snow just talked to our press corp he wouldn’t even rise to the baffle them with bullshit level. You’d have a room full of very dizzy leaders. Baghdad Bob come on home!
So basically they really are going for the Booman Tribune’s defense theory.
“In order for Gonzo to adequately defend himself from breaking the law by lying, he would have to break the law by telling the truth. We won’t let him break the law by telling the truth because you people would kill us with pitchforks, so we’re simply going to declare that lying to Congress won’t be prosecuted, ergo it’s not a crime, ergo Gonzo did nothing wrong. Also Hillary’s a bitch.”
“Thank you and good night.”
ITMFA. Seriously. While you still can.
It’s more like, “We lied about what the NSA was doing back in 2005 and all Gonzales did was cover for that lie. But now that the lie has been exposed, we are insisting that it was legitimate to lie back then, so he is not lying now.”
Washinton Post – Capitol Briefing by Paul Kane – July 27
“Every day, I am pained that I didn’t do more to try to block Justice Alito. Every two years, I look back and take stock of my greatest failings and regrets in the past Congress. Without question, my greatest regret in the 109th Congress was not doing more to block Alito. Alito shouldn’t have been confirmed. I should have done a better job; my colleagues said we didn’t have the votes, but I think we should have twisted more arms and done more.”
American Constitution Society, Speech by Schumer
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oh Oui – I just read this – it just makes me ill!
Imo, this speech by Schumer is mere political posturing – a faux mea culpa. There was too much that was known about Alito’s positions to believe there is surprise in his decisions as a Supreme. The lack of preparation by the judiciary committee Dems in terms of questions to ask Alito, familiarity with his history, and all procedural avenues to allow the time to fully examine Alito was evident. The committee began the process Jan. 9th with senate confirmation just in time for Alito to attend, with a triumphant president, the Jan. 31st State of the Union address.
A lifetime position confirmed in just seventeen normal “business” days. And now Mr. Schumer shares his regrets – bah.