you can’t spell giant techno-phobes without g-o-p

cross-posted at skippy and a veritable cornucopia of other community blogs.

via a comment at swampland concerning the repubbb’s fear of cats on pianos and other youtube videos, we took a look at some of the actual questions that have been submitted to youtube for the upcoming postposed repubbblican debate.

granted, we viewed but a handful of the questions submitted. and it’s possible that we randomly picked the only logical, thoughtful and adult questions out of a batch of otherwise looney-toon videos.

sure, there was the odd ball that made the dem’s snowman look like william f. buckley, jr. (we love this guy).
but the majority of the ones we saw posed many excellent questions that any candidate, dem or repubbb, should not only be able to answer, but also should be ready and willing to answer (even tho most repubbbs would run like a chickenhawk from this one).

thusly the repubbbs’ penchant for avoiding the youtube format, in light of the outstanding questions already posted, makes the gop look like the insular ancient technophobe party out of touch with real americans more than ever.

and we thought romney was a mormon, not a quaker.

“tie the dog to the top of the buggy, mitt!”

Author: skippybkroo

bush kangaroo