A Zionist politician loses faith in the future
(The New Yorker) July 30 – In this atmosphere of post-traumatic gloom, Avraham Burg, a former Speaker of the Knesset, managed to inflame the Israeli public (left, right, and center) with little more than an interview in the liberal daily Ha’aretz, promoting his recent book, “Defeating Hitler.” Short of being Prime Minister, Burg could not be higher in the Zionist establishment. His father was a Cabinet minister for nearly four decades, serving under Prime Ministers from David Ben-Gurion to Shimon Peres. In addition to a decade-long career in the Knesset, including four years as Speaker, Burg had also been leader of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency for Israel. And yet he did not obey the commands of pedigree. “Defeating Hitler” and an earlier book, “God Is Back,” are, in combination, a despairing look at the Israeli condition. Burg warns that an increasingly large and ardent sector of Israeli society disdains political democracy. He describes the country in its current state as Holocaust-obsessed, militaristic, xenophobic, and, like Germany in the nineteen-thirties, vulnerable to an extremist minority.
Former Knesset speaker and former head of
the Jewish Agency Avraham Burg. (Haaretz)
Burg’s interlocutor for the Ha’aretz article was Ari Shavit, a writer well known in Israel for his confrontational interviews and his cerebral opinion articles. (His Profile of Ariel Sharon, “The General,” appeared in these pages in January, 2006.) Shavit’s interviewing style is aggressive and moralistic–not so distant, at times, from Oriana Fallaci’s in her prime. Politically, he is left of center, but, in the view of some to his left, he has seemed apocalyptic of late, warning darkly of the “existential” threats against Israel. In the preface to the interview, Shavit declared himself “outraged” by Burg’s book: “I saw it as one-dimensional and an unempathetic attack on the Israeli experience.”
The Israeli political world is unfailingly intimate. Shavit, who is forty-nine, and Burg, who is fifty-two, met twenty-five years ago, when they were both protesting against Israel’s first war in Lebanon. After the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians by Israel’s allies among the Christian Phalangists in 1982, Burg gave a powerful speech before four hundred thousand people at an anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv–the biggest rally in the history of Israel. This was his entrance into public life. “Because Avrum was a lefty and a religious Jew who wore a kippa, he really stood out among the left-wing speakers,” Shavit told me. “That gave him a very specific role in our society, and he played it extremely well.” Whatever remained of the relationship between Burg and Shavit frayed badly when they met for their interview. After Burg described Israel as a perpetually “frightened society,” the discussion quickly grew tense:
- SHAVIT: You are patronizing and supercilious, Avrum. You have no empathy for Israelis. You treat the Israeli Jew as a paranoid. But, as the cliché goes, some paranoids really are persecuted. On the day we are speaking, Ahmadinejad is saying that our days are numbered. He promises to eradicate us. No, he is not Hitler. But he is also not a mirage. He is a true threat. He is the real world–a world you ignore.
BURG : I say that as of this moment Israel is a state of trauma in nearly every one of its dimensions. And it’s not just a theoretical question. Would our ability to cope with Iran not be much better if we renewed in Israel the ability to trust the world? Would it not be more right if we didn’t deal with the problem on our own but, rather, as part of a world alignment beginning with the Christian churches, going on to the governments and finally the armies? Instead, we say we do not trust the world, they will abandon us, and here’s Chamberlain returning from Munich with the black umbrella and we will bomb them alone.
By Ari Shavit
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it’s possible. But another journalist, Thomas Friedman (not part of the group), is skeptical
1. The doctrine
WASHINGTON – At the conclusion of its second week, the war to liberate Iraq wasn’t looking good. Not even in Washington. The assumption of a swift collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime had itself collapsed. The presupposition that the Iraqi dictatorship would crumble as soon as mighty America entered the country proved unfounded. The Shi’ites didn’t rise up, the Sunnis fought fiercely. Iraqi guerrilla warfare found the American generals unprepared and endangered their overextended supply lines. Nevertheless, 70 percent of the American people continued to support the war; 60 percent thought victory was certain; 74 percent expressed confidence in President George W. Bush.
Washington is a small city. It’s a place of human dimensions. A kind of small town that happens to run an empire. A small town of government officials and members of Congress and personnel of research institutes and journalists who pretty well all know one another. Everyone is busy intriguing against everyone else; and everyone gossips about everyone else.
In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. They believe that the right political idea entails a fusion of morality and force, human rights and grit. The philosophical underpinnings of the Washington neoconservatives are the writings of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Edmund Burke. They also admire Winston Churchill and the policy pursued by Ronald Reagan.
Read on …
This morning Alternet reported an article by Noam Chomsky which contended that the US will not attack Iran, but enter a phase of cold war against this country.
But where is Israel on this issue? “Israel,” afterall, “has a right to defend itself,” and with the perferred interpretations of Ahmajadeen’s words as indicating a threatened second Holocaust against Israel (Jews), where will Israel put its money? These articles appeared on Daily Kos,
Israel Project Talking Points About Iran
by shergald
Mon Jan 01, 2007 at 12:41:41 PM PDT
The BBC and Israeli Propaganda
by shergald
Sat Nov 11, 2006 at 05:28:22 AM PDT
The BBC and Israeli Propaganda is the subtitle of an article, Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran, by JONATHAN COOK, a British journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. It was published in CounterPunch on October 12, 2006.
The last few days have seen quite a number of diaries posted on the topic of Israel’s expected attack of Iran in order to stop its nuclear program, so far announced by the Iranians to be for peaceful purposes. Not widely publicized in the US, the Israeli government commissioned Israel’s leading film maker, Noam Shalev, to execute a documentary about the Iranian threat, whose content lends further weight to the likelihood of an Israeli attack.
Jonathan Cook’s article may be read here:
So speaking of Holocaust obsessed, there is certainly plenty of evidence that an extremist Neocon minority are pressing the buttons, which turns out to be nothing less than the misuse of “Never Again.”
Even before finishing the military operation, Israel needs to hammer home “the Iranian-Hizbullah-Syrian axis of terror” message. By doing so, he said Israel would create legitimacy for future action against Hizbullah, or even against Iran.
“Iranian’s President Ahmadinejad doesn’t only want to erase Israel off the map, he wants to erase the map and build Islamic components. Lebanon is the clearest example, and we need to show that.”
Ra’anan Gissin, prime minister Ariel Sharon’s recently sidelined, gravel-voiced spokesman, may be watching the current crisis from his living room, but he had advice for how Israel should be waging the public relations campaign: “Emphasize Iran, Iran and Iran.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
A cold war against Iran? Good God, the American foreign policy establishment is just incapable of functioning now that the slow morphine drip of Soviet peril has been withdrawn. They’re like a bunch of old junkies, desperate for the needle.
I can understand why Iran makes Israel jumpy, but it’s not much of a threat to the US, and there is certainly no possibility of its becoming a threat on the scale that the Soviet Union was a threat. There’s just no comparison.
….’bunch of old junkies desperate for the needle’…I really like that explanation eodell…none of them seem to be capable of rational thought on the Mideast or anyone for that matter who doesn’t think like them..re Hugo Chavez for instance.
Jewish groups in the US have petitioned against his use of the word “apartheid” – the system which underpinned white minority rule – to describe Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
In other interviews, Mr Carter – whose Camp David summits helped end the decades-old conflict between Egypt and Israel – has rejected accusations of anti-Semitism which some critics have levelled at him.
Book review
The achilles heel of Israel’s crimes against humanity is the confiscation and illegal occupation of Palestinian land. The state of Israel seizes every opportunity for propaganda moments and elude accountability.
● Offending Valerie — Dealing with Jewish Self-Absorption by Kathleen Christison
● Israel Supreme Court backs targeted killings
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
If it would not get you banned, Oui, I would suggest crossposting your article on Daily Kos for a wider audience. So I am not suggesting it.
After the 1st ban –
A Ratzinger Inside? ¶ Final Update! ¶ My Dear KOS Community …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
That was an interesting trip down memory lane. It seems like decades have passed. Or maybe my medication just needs to be adjusted.
No. Not kidding.
When you were getting the business from the right wing Zionist, Platinum Page being their front man, I was busy on right wing sites talking about their dependence on racism. Sorry I missed the fray.
Talk about Zionist racism and you are going to be subject to banning. Kos is only interested in his numbers, hence, advertising dollars, and you have to understand that aspect of Daily Kos. Since PP, there have been numerous other right wing Zionists threatening the Kos site. Sorry I missed your early groundbreaking work.
However, Kos will not be the artibitrar of Left Wing politics. And in that regard, I have never been banned from Daily Kos, except in appearance. I suggest that you go back and do the same. Hunter/Kos is an asshole and it is so easy to snooker him that you should not have any problem. The point is that there are 100 fold the viewers on Daily Kos and they need to be responded to, since there are so many Left Wing Democrats there interested in what you have to say.
It would also help Booman to get out of that studio flat and into a house of his choice.
PS: It could also be that at the time, the right wing was into antiFrench rhetoric, which Kos took to heart. Remember that Kos goes both ways, depending on the money, i.e., ads. So follow the money.
The Left Wing for Kos is just an economic opportunity, but there is no reason to let it go. Kos must not be allowed to determine the platform of the Left Wing just because he succeeded in gathering the troops. Fuck him. Get back there.
were so smart, they would be reading BooMan’s front page.
“… and get him out of that studio flat and into a house of his choice.”
I despise trolls (=gestapo). Gives me bad memories from stories of close relatives during Nazi occupation.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Never again these days means joining the nobody again movement. Sorry about your relatives. Certain they would be standing with you. We have litho, heathlander, and jon over there, but I’m still sure that they can use additional help.
Iran is not a threat to anyone. Iran has no history at all of aggression throughout its existence as a modern-day nation-state. Why would it suddenly decide to become the greatest threat to world peace and security since…………well, since…………….ummmmm since………?
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq?
Aha, mmmhmmmm, ok. NOW I understand.
As many here no doubt already understand, Ahmadi Nahad never said anything about wiping Israel off the map, or anything else that could reasonably be interpreted as a threat.
I hate to sound paranoid, but what is his point of critiquing Israeli militarism, if he is going to back all of Israel’s establishment leaders. He was an establishment politician, and it looks like he is trying to disarm the Israeli peace movement, with false hope of some closet empathy from establishment figures like Olmert, Barak , and even Bibe. Note his critique of corruption investigations, which would remove these scoundrels and give us fresh blood. Note everyone must wait until 2010 to persue real peace. Note his claim that Barack crossed the rubicon? What rubicon was that? This is just more perpetuation of the generous offer meme.
TEL AVIV – Two recently released government reports have reignited scrutiny of ultra-Orthodox participation in general Israeli society.
A study released last month by the Central Bureau of Statistics predicts that one-third of all Jewish elementary-school students in Israel will be enrolled in the ultra-Orthodox education system by 2012. A week after the education study was released, the Israeli military reported that the number of eligible 18-year-old men not enlisting in the army had sharply risen to one-quarter, nearly half of them ultra-Orthodox.
The findings have alarmed many secular Israelis, who warn that the government-subsidized education system for ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, is creating a generation of students unequipped to enter the job market and unwilling to serve in the army.
“We are now educating an entire generation without imparting basic values and basic studies — and we are using public funds to do it,” said Michael Melchior, a Labor-Meimad lawmaker who heads the Knesset’s education committee. “This is about education, but it’s much deeper. This is about where we want to go as a society and what kind of Jewish state we want.”
The reports, both of which received wide media coverage, have generated a flood of hand-wringing. Military officials have warned of a looming manpower shortage, and earlier this week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak called on Israelis to return to the days when draft dodgers were publicly shunned as carrying “the mark of Cain.”
There is one challenge, however, that’s rarely discussed above a whisper outside Israel, because of its extreme sensitivity. You might call it the hidden Jewish demographic crisis: the population explosion among the Jewish state’s Haredi or ultra-Orthodox Jews, and the implications of that growth for Israel’s long-term survival.
Haredi men are almost entirely exempted from military service, in deference to their religious convictions.
Nonreligious exemptions have declined in recent years, but Torah exemptions have soared. The main reason is fertility: The Haredi community averages 7.6 children per woman, roughly triple the rate for the population as a whole, according to the Israel government’s Central Bureau of Statistics.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."