Tonight The O’Reilly Factor is going to air a big Kos-troversy. It appears some sly dog dKos user once posted the following photoshopped image of Joe Lieberman servicing the president. It is appropriate? I don’t know. It’s kind of stupid. But it is a metaphor for Lieberman’s wayward Bush-smooching ways. O’Reilly claims that his show tonight will ‘destroy’ Daily Kos. It will do nothing of the sort. It will just make O’Reilly look more ridiculous.
Anyone that thinks a falafel sandwich is a fun sex-toy is hard to take seriously.
O’ Reilly seriously lowers the level of political discourse.
One thing I think needs to happen is for bloggers to find a way to innoculate companies and the media so that they don’t fall for his nonsense. Colbert nailed it…
I hope Kos is prepared with a “Very Special” post for viewers of O’Reilly’s show while it airs. You know, just in case any of them want to see how horrible it is.
That’s a pretty innocuous photoshop pic, compared to what’s out there. It’s funny. Are we allowed to be funny anymore or do we need to confine satire to “free speech zones”?
Man, if O’Reilly’s upset about the milquetoast goings-on at that den of opportunistic centrism, can you imagine how many veins he’d pop if he ever visited any actual liberal sites?
Though to be fair, the most radical of leftist sites are generally devoid of the routine calls for assassination, pogroms, and random murder that pass for polite conversation at the mainstream right-wing sites.
Speaking as someone whose main critique of Soviet communism is that it probably would have worked if the Mensheviks had triumphed over the Bolsheviks, I’m usually depressed by the near-total lack of anything remotely extreme in the leftist blogosphere. I mean, c’mon, no one is discussing dispossessing the bourgeoisie and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat; they’re talking about modest increases in income tax for the insanely wealthy and maybe not crushing every last labor union in the name of unchecked plutocracy.
I mean, even this image is milquetoast. It makes it seem like Joe Lieberman is giving the president a hand job, which even metaphorically speaking is very, very restrained. We all know that Lieberman’s performance over the last five years has been more like a sustained rim job. Weak, very weak.
is apparently a free speech zone.
HELL, a nz pizza company, used bush on an advertising billboard…assuming this is not PS’d, and even it it is…so what
clik to enlarge
via: digg
billo’ll go nuts if he sees that.
I’ve seen that before. It’s authentic.
to add weight to the truth column …
via Rawstory: New Zealand billboard causes stir; Being reviewed
and a few photos: via flickr
That has to be Dood Abides, dark humor is appropriate.
I thought the picture Bill in Portland Maine linked to in his diary was funnier. (Even his diary was funnier.)