It came by e-mail… you may have received it too. If not, this may be of interest:

Dear Bill:

This Saturday, Senator Dodd will join other Democratic primary candidates at the Yearly Kos Presidential Forum — an event being broadcast on CNN and DTV.

A Presidential forum put together wholly by grassroots activists; you would think that is an encouraging sign for our Party, and our democracy.

It is, of course, unless you work at Fox News and your name is Bill O’Reilly.

O’Reilly has gone on a tirade against the netroots for the past two weeks, essentially declaring war on Yearly Kos, its sponsors, and participants … and that includes Senator Dodd.

He tried to get our campaign to distance itself from the event — we pushed back. I don’t think he expected that.

He invited us on the show — we accepted. I don’t think he expected that either.

Will you stand with Senator Dodd as he faces Bill O’Reilly tonight on “The O’Reilly Factor” at 8 P.M. Eastern?

Bill O’Reilly’s weapon of choice in this battle is to pick a handful of the millions of comments posted on DailyKos and attempt to pass them off as representative of the community.

This is not a new trick for him, and we called him out on it.

This campaign will be not be lectured to by Bill O’Reilly, or any other partisan media caricature, about crudeness of language.

Will you stand with Senator Dodd tonight as he goes face to face with Bill O’Reilly?

Bill O’Reilly is not used to people standing up to him and his unfair attacks.

Will you stand with Senator Dodd as he faces Bill O’Reilly tonight on “The O’Reilly Factor” at 8 P.M. Eastern?

I must note, however, that I replied to him that I thought this was a poor idea… it is better just to ignore O’Rielly and let him continue his ratings slump.

Under The LobsterScope