Gottlieb recently wrote a front-paged essay on My left Wing called Question of the Day: United We Stand Edition

In it, he quoted Ronald Reagan.

“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
Ronald Reagan to the United Nations General Assembly, September 21, 1987.

And then asked:

I wonder if he was right?

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Continue below on for my own take on this.
So Reagan asked

I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.

Did he?

I personally often wonder if Reagan himself was an alien.

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Of all the possible explanations for the total, world-wide fuckup that is in quite obviously in the process of gathering its apocalypse-sized strength together, the ONLY one that makes any sense (if of course you yourself can stop swallowing line-level “sense” as it is preached in  our…consciously???… culturally deprived culture) is that those who have forced the many issues that fuel this coming storm…racism, religious extremism, total disregard for the state of the earth’s health and humans’ ongoing role in destroying the balance of nature, atomic proliferation, etc…did so with an eye to CAUSING that collapse.

Now I know how tinfoil hat that will sound to those of us who still swallow our modern culture’s line of twaddle, those who think that the human societies on earth that preceded the “modern” era for several million years…every last one of which had one or another cosmogony that accepted the existence of alien forces, whether they were called gods or devils, spirits or spacemen… those of us who think that said cultures were comprised of nothing but ignorant peasants, wild-eyed savages and credulous fools will just keep right on clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomping towards our own perhaps well planned (and well earned as well) obsolescence.

But consider this and consider it well. If you wanted to destroy human society as it now stands and replace it with a broken set of cultures that were ripe for domination, would you not stage wars that had no apparent reason, Katrinas by the carload, drug addiction on a global level, governance by profoundly easily seen kleptocracies,etc.?

Nixon, Kissinger, Reagan, the Bushes…

The Alien Brotherhood.

Creating a mass depression that will render us hopelessly weak.

ALL of us. Iraqis and rednecks, hips and squares alike.

Makes more sense than just a marvelously accidental 50 year-long concatenation of incompetent fools, now doesn’t it?

50 years, more or less. Since say the first real rise to power of those who killed JFK, MLK, Malcolm X and RFK?

But…never mind.

Go on back to taking things at face value.

Y’all will go down happier that way.

And THAT’S the important thing.


To serve man?

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A happy cow is a TASTY cow.

Easier to digest, too.

Have fun…


P.S. I can hear it now.


Of course not.

That old line about Satan’s greatest trick being his success in convincing humanity that he does not exist?

Just another old wive’s tale.

