I’m back at my hotel, cashed from walking who knows how many miles today. My first impression of Yearly Kos this year is that it is much different from last year. Very few people are walking around with their user names on their nametags, but almost everyone has an organization or blog that they are affiliated with on their name tags. Last year people were overjoyed to meet other users that they knew from comments and diaries. There’s much less of that now. Most conversations now revolve around activism. The downside is that this year’s conference is less social and joyous. The upside is that people are here to get something done.
In many ways, I think this reflects the transformation that has overtaken the blogosphere after the midterm elections. We used to need each other just to help us realize that we were not crazy…they were others that knew the emperor had no clothes and that the mainstream media were more concerned with wanking than reporting. But, now that we actually have some power, we have to think about what to do with it. And that’s a more serious endeavor.
On a lighter side, I ate dinner tonight at the same table as Roger Simon and Mike Allen of Politico. Simon has to be one the single most socially inept assholes I’ve ever encountered. He did nothing but frown and grimace…and he refused to make eye contact with anyone. Mike Allen was friendly when he introduced himself. When I told him who I was he recoiled and left the table. I guess he does read the Frog Pond. Meanwhile, their awful publication is doling out articles like this. And they wonder why we hate them.
In any case, the venue kind of sucks. There are no craps tables, they’ve got the air conditioning set to 55 degrees, and it’s a mile to the nearest Metro station. Not only that, but one part of the conference is separated from another part by four floors of stairs and escalators. My feet are frigging killing me. Yet, it looks like this conference is going to be a big success. It’s good to see so many good people working so hard to make this a better country and a better world.
HIlarious comments about those politico jokers. Go check out the Cubs in Wrigley this weekend, that should cheer you up. Love the Blog, Keep it up.
Thanks Mac.
I spent half my dinner staring right at Simon trying to see if he could make eye contact. I think he’s a freak, and he definitely hates Kossacks. Hell, the guy winced through two separate stand-up comedy routines.
Mike Allen seems like a nice guy though…until you criticize him for being a wanker.
Doesn’t sound like he’s all bad. Not too fond of that crowd of bullies and sheep myself.
Booman, sounds like you’re going to be lucky to get through the convention without getting into a fistfight. Because if you stared at me the way you did Roger Simon, I would have said, “You eyeballin’ me, boy?” And then I would have clocked you one.
I just have one question: Who is Roger Simon? And follow-up question…who is Mike Allen?
I’ll give you credit for not paying attention.
Shit…so it’s not Markos who controls the world, but a guy who likes ponies, a guy whose blog mascot is a frog, and another who just started a new blog?
Damn. Where do I kiss your ring, O Mighty Martin?
forget my ring. Duncan needs his pony.
Yeah, apparently Philly is the center of the universe now. 😉
actually, one of the reasons i eschewed y2kos is that i’ve been at a convention at the mccormick convention hall in august.
if you can believe it, chicago in august is actually worse than las vegas in june. as booman said, for thing, no craps tables.
but the humidity makes it enormously thick to walk thru the air, and you are dripping no matter what you do. the only worse place i can think of is n’awlins in august (another convention i went to) and at least they had beignets and po-boys.
yes, mccormick is not the best laid out center, it’s kind of old, tho i’m sure it’s been remodeled since the 80’s when i was there.
and, too bad there’s not a sense of bon hommie. that was the best thing about ykos last year.
it’s not like there is no bonhomie. It’s just not the same as last year.
didn’t mean to imply there was absolutely none.
i would posit that the intimate venue last year in vegas made being happy to see each other easier.
it’s hard to walk two miles down a hallway and then have energy to see gmoke from boston. by then, you’d say, i need a chair, who cares who you are and where you’re from?
still, i kind of wish i was there…
No craps, what kind of a convention is that?!!
There used to be a little guy down on the main floor of the convention and another one on the floor who ran a row of foot massage machines. They sold for $75 and were the hottest ticket the 3 times I went to conventions there. I was there in April, never thought of the August heat & humidity but can see how it would be harsh. By the end of the convention I was ready to sit on the escalators going down, no real sit down places except the conference rooms.
Have you seen Lynn Allen yet?
According to Kos fellow (is a “fellow” the same as an “employee”? Except without dental benefits?) Gina Cooper, the YearlyKos big cheese herself:
So what’s the new name going to be?
I don’t get why Mike Allen and Roger Simon are there. They are going to hate everyone they meet and everything they hear. What’s the point?
Mike Allen would like to believe he is acid. But hes more like sweet tarts. Hes getting paid to attend, im sure. Other wise he would be at the Beany Baby convention adding to his collection. LOL
Is Sedwin bloging from the convention?