The collapse of the Minnesota bridge has raised issues in both the regional press and the national media concerning what we spend money on when we know something is wrong.

We know the bridge was rated “structurally deficient” in 2005. We know that a University of Minnesota engineering review found flaws in the structure in 2001. We know that Minnesota’s Governor Pawlenty vetoed a bill to repair bridges in the state because it would raise taxes. We know that Bush has rushed a National Transportation Safety Board member to the site and has (a good 12 hours after the collapse) made a statement… of course the most he had to offer was “thoughts and prayers” (if all the thoughts and prayers that Bush has offered to victims of so many events, from 9/11 to Katrina to this bridge, actually accomplished anything, think of what a great world this would be!)

We are spending billions to be in Iraq, a small percentage of which would be enough to fix the infrastructure throughout the US… and rebuild New Orleans. Of course, that money is being borrowed from our friends in China who will outright own the next couple of generations of American children.

So where is the money going to come from to do what we need to do? In order to preserve SCHIP, the children’s health subsidy, the Congress has proposed to tax tobacco. Bush has threatened to veto a new tax. In fact, any time a tax proposal comes into play to provide the support our civilization demands, the contemporary response of politicians is to scream bloody murder.

So we watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer while the roads and buildings and bridges and railroads and parks and schools fall apart. But consider taxing ourselves… especially our richer selves… for the basic infrastructure of a healthy society? Hardly. Death before success!

Isn’t it time to make it clear to the politicians that cutting taxes is killing us? I am ready to support and cheer on the potential leaders who say it is time to bring back reasonable taxation for the things we need.

What other solution is possible?

Under The LobsterScope