You want a Yearly Kos update? Okay…Chris Bowers is passing out free beer. How is that for an update? George Lakoff is wandering around. David Sirota has a gaggle of admirers. I just got through with the Industrial States Netroots Caucus (MI, OH, PA) which was dominated by members from Michigan Liberal. They’re a high energy group.
Right now the lesser blogs are having caucuses. Firedoglake, Science Bloggers, MotherTalkers, Feminists, and Dan’s Street Prophets.
At 7pm central, Dick Durbin and Howard Dean are going to give an opening keynote. They’re both kind of popular in these parts.
And then there is the Pub Quiz competition at 9pm.
I may be in bed by then.
Update [2007-8-2 21:10:35 by BooMan]: Thanks to Renee for finding the live-streaming video link. Howard Dean is on now.
Don’t forget to goto Nuevo Leon in Pilson…for some good Mexican Food you can bring in your own beer, but you must pay in cash.
Oh man, there is quizzo at Yearly Kos? I wish someone would have told me–I would have definitely gone.
that’s all it takes, eh?
Shit, I would’ve gone for the beer…
If you want free beer, I still have Philly for Change’s keg at my place. We haven’t met, but we have crossed paths a few times.
Here’s the stream.
Seems to be running late–Howard Dean hasn’t given the keynote yet. Some comedian is on now.
How did you do at the Pub quiz, now I do really wish I was there…