In Booman’s front paged piece Why Joe Klein Doesn’t Get it, he writes:
In Oui’s fine piece Riding Shotgun in Bourbon Street, (s)he points out the growth of Blackwater USA, a group of mercenaries who look to me like like nothing less than the beginnings of a privately funded American S.S.
Read on to understand where I find an intersection between these two articles.
Militaristic fascists are always with us.
Their presence is part of the reason that human beings have survived and prospered on this planet. Sometimes, like the benevolent bacteria in our gut, they start to take over. This is and has been one of those times. When a bloom of this sort starts, corrective measures must be taken. We ARE a corrective measure. The equally genetically mandated people of the left. Pound on this information any way you can. The corporate fascist right MUST be controlled, or whatever far-right effort that follows Bush II will more resemble Hitler and the Nazis than our present insane clownshow. Once the Dems win in 2008…and that is a foregone conclusion short of a true societal breakdown of some sort and the concomitant application of martial law…do not self-satisfiedly return to the leftish torpor of the pre-internet years.
When Booman writes “If an alternative media can aggressively fact check the government, it makes it harder to start stupid wars of aggression. All of this moves the country, not just the Democratic Party, to the left,” he hits the nail DIRECTLY on the head.
Well…ditto stopping a sub rosa growth like Blackwater.
Fight ’em.
Where they live.
While they are still gestating.
Throw light on the dark waters where they breed and the photophobic creatures that live in it will be forced to dive, dive, dive.
We…the left blogosphere… have caused a sea change in the American infostructure over the past 6 years or so. Once we have a Dem government…and no matter HOW “centrist” it may appear to be, it will most certainly be way further left in every way than what we have been living through since the year 2000…we MUST NOT STOP PUSHING. Social inertia pulls towards the center. When the left rests…and that is its tendency, because all it REALLY wants to do is be left alone to live in peace…then the right, which never rests because ITS goal is always total control, starts its inevitable slow climb out of the sewers of human conciousness and the next thing you know, there they are again.
Hanging out on a corner in YOUR city. Fully armed, dicks on the alert and committing virtual rape on every good looking woman who passes by.
You want to see them there?
Go back to sleep.
You don’t?
Continue the fight.
I will.
It’s not if they are coming.
They ALWAYS come.
It is what we are going to do about it.
Stay awake.
Keep writing.
Keep researching.
Mr. Curran knew.
So should we.
Remember…only YOU can stop far-right fires.
A previous excellent diary with additional links to mercenaries in the Gulf (of Mexico) region.
Tue Mar 14th, 2006 at 06:36:18 PM PST
Storm-Wracked Parish Considers Hired Guns
ST. BERNARD PARISH, La. — Maj. Pete Tufaro scanned the fenced lot packed with hundreds of stark white trailers soon to be inhabited by Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Shaking his head, he predicted the cramped quarters would ignite fights, hide criminals and become an incubator for crime, posing another test for his cash-strapped sheriff’s department, which furloughed 206 of its 390 officers after the storm.
Tufaro thinks the parish has the solution: DynCorp International LLC, the Texas company that provided personal security to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and is one of the largest security contractors in Iraq. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency approves the sheriff’s department’s proposal, which would cost $70 million over three years, up to 100 DynCorp employees would be deputized to be make arrests, carry weapons, and dress in the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Department khaki and black uniforms.
After all, there has already been widespread use of mercenary forces in the Gulf region, so why not just go ahead and use them for permanent policing?
≈ From my diary — Riding Shotgun in Bourbon Street ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."