I’m sitting in the vista room which overlooks Lake Michigan and has a view of the Chicago skyline. It’s a beautiful day…lots of sailboats, blue sky, calm water. There’s an event going on called the Netroots Candidates Celebration. It’s got a lot of up and coming candidates like Don Wiviott who is taking on Domenici and Steve Novick who is taking on Gordon Smith.
Since it is Friday night, have some funk.
It doesn’t matter what your views on things might be, you really should watch this movie:
Happy Friday
It’s free, and I doubt that dial up users would be able to view it.
Senate votes to expand eavesdropping power
60 28 in favor.
why don’t they just go on recess and never come back, for all the good they’re doing, if this is the best they can offer against a president with sub 30% approval.
Needed 60 votes to pass bill, so anyone of the 16 Democrats made a crucial choice:
No surprise here, perhaps Feinstein …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
ALL 16 made the crucial wrong choice…including the ever delightful Bob Casey. I am so glad I didn’t vote for him.