Lookie what I made.
I’ve been working on WikiPedia for awhile now, focusing on adding photos and information about Tasmania.
The List of Tasmanian mammals is my latest addition. Feel free to point out any mistakes I made, or better yet edit them yourself!
That’s pretty cool keres.
Thank you, fellow nerd.
Oh you’re welcome. I was thinking of adding one for the animals in FMland.
I figure I’d start with George, Canis Slackerus or he could be Canis Yapperus. :~)
I thought Chihuahuas were Canis ratus sp. yippiyappsis. đ
Imogen has a theme song for them (sung to the tune of “Little Boxes”):
Little puppies on the hillside
Little puppies made of yippy yappy . . .
Geroge is a cross between a Pekingese and a Wire Terrier. I think it’s the Wire Terrier part that brings out all the yapping from him. I guess you could call him Canis pain in the assus genus. đ
Tell Imogen I like her song.
My apologies to George for mistaking him for a Chihuahua. Now that you mention the Peke, I can see it.
Luna is Canis galootus sp. gigantisis (aka, the Big Galoot, aka Loonie Tunes, aka Gigantic Pest).
No apologies necessary. George doesn’t care what ya call him. I like Luna’s genus. đ
Not to be a pedant ( =:o ), but you are confusing genus with binomial name.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: galootus
Sub-species: giantisis
Binomial name: Canis galootus sp. giantisis
Thanks. No wonder I never passed biology. đ
Are you going to add more photos to it? And is a bird entry in the works?
Yep, and yep.
I hope to get at least one photo up per order. I’ll do a list of Tasmanian birds next. And then the plan is to make a list for reptiles (an easy one with only 14 skinks, 1 lizard and 3 snakes [all poisonous]), and finally insects (or at the very least, butterflies, as insects may prove to be to daunting).
I’m especially keen to see the bird entry — but your bird pictures are all so very fine I don’t know how you’ll be able to pick which ones to use.
I tried to get you a nice picture of Giddy this morning but, as you can see, she wasn’t very cooperative.
LOL. “Giddy, go into the light.”
Giddy, no! Don’t go near that light!
Giddy was trying for that nonchalant look. It appears to have been pulled off. đ
List of Tasmanian Birds at Wikipedia. Sorry, no photos as yet. Photos take a lot more time than just formating lists.
but it’s the photos I’m after. đ
I guess I’ll just have to keep checking back.
We went the east coast today (Swansea) and on the way home we saw two White-bellied Sea Eagles. We were in the car, or I would have tried for a photo.
Very nice, keres!
Thank you. I do my nerdy best.
very interesting ctitters down under….
no new Bu photos, but have been playing with B&W conversions.
winter ravens
clik to enlarge
Very nice, with just the right hint of abstraction/minimalism.
Birds, especially the less colorful ones, are a good choice for black and white – which greatly accentuates the formal elements of the image.
Black-capped Honeyeater.
Yeah what keres said. I was going to say the same thing about the abstraction/minimalism thing-a-ma-giggy. đ