Wow! She did it. Calif. Secretary of State Debra Bowen did exactly what a bunch of dedicated activists elected her to do. Summary below but details at
- She reviewed all the voting systems used in the state that were submitted for review.
- She decertified all systems from the one vendor who refused to turn over their code for examination – ES&S, owners of Los Angeles County’s popular, but of unknown veracity, InkaVote system.
- She decertified Diebold, Hart Intercivic, and Sequoia DRES (including at least some optical scan systems).
- Only ONE Diebold AccuVote-TSx system is allowed per precinct, to aid the disabled.
- “User jurisdictions are required to conduct a 100% manual count audit of the electronic results tabulated on each DRE machine in use on Election Day.” (That’s from the conditional recertification requirements for Diebold, but I believe it applies to at least one other system as well.)
Look for hundreds of news stories on this tomorrow. This is the biggest news re our vote in the nation right now. Huge. And Debra Bowen deserves THUNDEROUS applause and support for taking such a brave action on behalf of the people, against all the moneyed private interests that are desperate to control our elections.
Release Findings in Top-to-Bottom Voting System
Review Ordered by Secretary of State Debra Bowen [pdf]
The independent UC reports, available on the the Secretary of State’s website, are the culmination of the UC teams’ intensive two-month review of the hardware, software, documentation, source code and accessibility of three major voting systems:
With additional links to details of report.
RHL there is a spelling error in your link!
It should be
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks, Oui! I fixed the link – it goes to the Top to Bottom review page – one page from the link you provided.
Pretty stunning development, this. And now Los Angeles, which depended nearly entirely on InkaVote, will probably have to use DRE machines after the provisional requirements are met. So while it’s a victory in many ways, it’s a bit of a loss for Los Angeles. But the fault lies with ES&S and our election supervisor, Conny McCormack, for their refusal to comply with Bowen’s request.
Wow!. Someone with guts. Rove and buddies won’t be happy with this one.
Yes indeed. It’s such a rare thing, in politics. And she’s not naive. Bowen has been in state government for years. She just surrounded herself with good people as brave as herself, and did the right thing, and my gosh, maybe this will set a precedent that will roll across the other states. One can only hope!!
Now if Ca voters refuse to be hoodwinked over the splitting up of electoral votes that will give Rep districts a great advantage.
So true, Shirlstars!
The New Yorker had a good article about that. I’m too lazy after staying up late last night waiting for Bowen’s announcement to run and get the link, but everyone should be aware that CA’s big blue bat of electoral college votes is under attack.
Republicans put a sneaky initiative on the ballot, trying to get our electors apportioned by congressional district, as if those were fairly drawn in the first place.
Right now CA is a winner take all state, and thank goodness, because there are lots of smaller red states that we counterbalance.
NO ONE SHOULD TRY to “fix” CA’s electoral college unless the whole national system is fixed. WE MUST NOT UNILATERALLY DISARM our votes!!
Here’s that link:
Wonder how long it’ll take before the Supremes throw the decision in the trash and Bowen in the jail.
If it stands, it’s a precedent, after all, and it’s flagrantly illegal to deny Republicans, or their connected friends, the opportunity to lie, cheat, steal, or rig elections.
Decisions like this show why it’s absolutely critical that election officials MUST be party campaign hacks.
Well, you can bet Conny McCormack in Los Angeles County is going to challenge the decertification of InkaVote.
I do think some major court action will come of this, but I hope the grassroots make very public their support of Bowen’s action so the courts realize it’s not just Bowen they take on with legal action.
And Bowen’s got some very brilliant legal minds on her staff, so here’s hoping…!
I’ll be looking & listening for those stories Lisa, but I expect I’ll encounter only
(I must be getting cynical in my old age.)
What took you so long?
Aww, don’t get too cynical – see these!
PC World article
New York Times
San Francisco Chronicle. Headline:
“Elections chief gives OK to vote machines
Despite security concerns, she clears them for use in February”
Los Angeles Times. Headline: “State decides to secure electronic voting machines
Secretary of State orders more precautions be taken against tampering, and withdraws support of the InkaVote Plus machines used in Southern California.”
Lots of spin from all sides. But there are many other articles out there today. This is very big.
It’s about freaken time we’ve had some exceptionally good news concerning voting.(good news on anything for that matter) With all the news concerning questionable votes here in Ca. in the last few elections especially for governor I didn’t particularly believe old Arnie won fair and square. I know here in Kern County where I’m at there were some very questionable vote counts and machines not secured.
I think an email to Brown is in order as show of support on my part.
Yes, good idea. It’s easy to complain when things go wrong. But it’s very important to praise when things go right.
This isn’t the end, of course, of electronic voting in our state. It’s a beginning that is certain to meet with some challenges. The more we can show we have Bowen’s back, the more she will do for us.
Yeah for Bowen! Makes me proud that I voted for her for Secretary of State… and State Senate… and State Assembly.