Wow! She did it. Calif. Secretary of State Debra Bowen did exactly what a bunch of dedicated activists elected her to do. Summary below but details at

  • She reviewed all the voting systems used in the state that were submitted for review.
  • She decertified all systems from the one vendor who refused to turn over their code for examination – ES&S, owners of Los Angeles County’s popular, but of unknown veracity, InkaVote system.
  • She decertified Diebold, Hart Intercivic, and Sequoia DRES (including at least some optical scan systems).
  • Only ONE Diebold AccuVote-TSx system is allowed per precinct, to aid the disabled.
  • “User jurisdictions are required to conduct a 100% manual count audit of the electronic results tabulated on each DRE machine in use on Election Day.” (That’s from the conditional recertification requirements for Diebold, but I believe it applies to at least one other system as well.)

Look for hundreds of news stories on this tomorrow. This is the biggest news re our vote in the nation right now. Huge. And Debra Bowen deserves THUNDEROUS applause and support for taking such a brave action on behalf of the people, against all the moneyed private interests that are desperate to control our elections.