The 300 million hominids of the USA — who still charmingly refer to themselves as “We, the People” — have long since been surpassed and supplanted by America’s publicly traded corporations and ultra-rich investors, who are now the genuine citizens of the United States, able to vote with dollars, create votes with dollars, massage votes with dollars, manufacture public support for votes with dollars, write all the legislation to be voted upon, choose America’s legislators by means of donating dollars to favored campaigns and, of course, make plenty of dollars out of all of these efforts.

It is a closed system of government of, by and for corporate aims, and those corporate aims are a closed system as well, a system of aiming for short term profits, stablilized monopoly markets, and unregulated access to the resources of “lesser” nations.

What about you and me?
The role of hominids in our advanced capitalist system is to participate economically within the national platform, which is currently the 50 States but will soon become the entire North American continent — the North American Union. Whether the three governments of Canada, Mexico and the USA ever actually merge is utterly beside the point — a distraction. Once their business environment and regulatory, tax, and legal structures operate uniformly, allowing a larger national platform for these increasingly supra-national corporations to operate within, the goal is won.

Three uniformly corporatized governments sharing water, oil, cheap labor, and military defenses is just good old American cost cutting and efficiency.

If these super citizens cannot tell the difference between doing business in any of these three “sovereign nations” then there is no effective difference, to them.  The difference will all be felt by the hominids of these three nations, who will then be thrice removed from the original intent of their former governments, which was the simple idea that the people would rule over themselves by representatives duly elected.

That’s right out, mate, in the corporatized system of government. In the new American century, hominids are debt-ridden consumers — or they are troublemakers.

The role they play is that of cattle. They are plants to be harvested. They are parts. They are either functioning parts or bad parts, destined for the dumpster. There is a bottom line to consider, after all.

The owners of the American government are the owners of 85% of America, and of virtually all of America’s capital. The operators of the American government are the selected representatives of its super citizens, and their career goal is to drive the nation in the corporate quest for resources, customers, growth, profits, and power all around the globe.

The notion of minding the nation’s infrastructure, culture, future, and taking care of the people as any kind of priority is quite literally insane under this system, wherein the people are not the people anymore — only business entities are people now. That’s who the government is here to serve.

There is only the need for PR, spin, and lip service to the hominids, who are encouraged to partake of staged horse races called elections, to blog, to write letters, to sign petitions and make phone calls, to gather in conventions to flex their non-existent political muscles, non-existent because political muscle is spelled d-o-l-l-a-r-s. If you cannot outright buy a political representative — including seeing to his comforts and status and perks throughout his lifetime —  then you do not have a political representative.

Just as a lobbyist is someone who pushes a certain agenda for pay, a political representative is a lobbyist who pushes the agenda of those who pay for his election, and see to his needs after political retirement.

The need for lip service to keep the hominids apathetically participating creates War Party Left, and War Party Right, both of whom feel totally free to ignore hominids in any number at any time in favor of assiduously serving their paymasters — the super citizens we call corporations, and the super rich.

And why not? They actually, physically, own the whole place. It’s not our country anymore, financially. It’s theirs. They’ve earned it from us using the miracle of compound interest, and now they want it run to suit themselves, and expanded into overseas empire to suit themselves.

If the hominids of America want to rule themselves, they have to take their country back. That won’t be done by working within this closed system. The system has endless loops of wasted efforts and wasted words to contain the hopeful, the optimists, the dedicated, the wide awake fire breathing citizens who throw themselves into changing the system from within.

The Owners know to put such people into one or another of these endless loops, and burn them out in a few short years. In the past hundred years, there has not been one such creature seen to accomplish change from within. There have been many thousands of excellent people burnt, worn out, crushed within the system.

The system has one, and only one, Achilles heel. It cannot continue without hominid participation. No cooperation from the people, and the system gums up, breaks up, and falls down.

They can carry capital away to foreign shores. They can take what they can carry. They cannot take the physical nation away from 300 million hominids who are squatting on it, calling it their country.

When Americans take to the streets of their nation in millions upon millions, and say, “This nation does not belong to the bankers and billionaires, it belongs to us!” then the system will reboot, and people will be people once more.

It will not reboot itself.

I strongly suggest that everybody, everybody, get out of line.