This is without doubt one of the weirdest articles I have read.  It is absolutely drooling about Glenn Beck’s visit, with the govenor and the senator included.  There is nearly a whole article dedicated to him.  Sickeningly sweet.  

Then way way way down at the bottom…there is teeny weeny little biddy paragraph about the chairman of the Democratic Party going to Pocatello for a fundraiser next week.  Way down at the bottom after they gushed over Beck.

I would love to meet this reporter Kristy Kircher someday. She is quite the little propagandist.  
This is not journalism.  This is a local TV news station doing this.  This is the reporter doing a propaganda piece.  This is sickening.

Television Host Glenn Beck Visits Idaho Falls

Popular radio and television host Glenn Beck made a guest appearence at the Riverbend Ranch for this years Grand Old Party fundraiser.

“I care about our country, I believe in God, I believe in our founding fathers, I believe in our constitution and I believe in our neighbors. But I no longer believe in Washington,” says Beck. Beck is a conservative, non-Republican having much in common with some of the reddest folks in our nation.

“It’s time for all of us who are looking at each other everyday going what the heck is going on in Washington? Maybe it’s time we send fewer politicians and more farmers to Washington,” says Beck.

Beck recently returned from the white house, where he had an off the record conversation with President Bush.  During that visit, Beck recalls the true courage lying behind our leader that followed September 11.

Well, I don’t want to leave out the chairman of the party….so I scrolled way way way down to the end.

On August 8, 2007 chairman of the Democratic National Committee Howard Dean will be speaking at Bonneville Park in Pocatello.

I believe this is the first time a Democratic chairman has visited Pocatello in many years.  I gather he is an unwelcome afterthought.  

Do I detect an odor of paid journalism here? I think I will check out other articles by Ms Kristy Kircher.