I guess it can also read “because they can”, as this goes way beyond Bush himself. But that seems to be the response that I am hearing most for, well, just about anything that is absolutely outrageous that is said or done by this administration, or its rabid, foaming at the mouth supporters.

And it shows just how ridiculous and vacuous the arguments are in support of some of the most disgusting and vile acts against the Constitution, the American people, the Iraqis and just about anyone else that doesn’t fit into the “lucky sperm” category. And while this is somewhat of a reflection on the 25% who still support Bush or his policies, it is more of a reflection on how far that the general discourse and level of critical thinking has sunk in recent years.

After all, technically, those who say this are correct. Bush can fire any US attorney that he wants to for whatever [legal] reason he wants to – no questions asked. Yet, of the over 400 US attorneys that have served over the past 25 years or so, none were fired “just because”, let alone for issues related to election fraud or investigating high level government officials.

Just because “he can” or because “it isn’t illegal” doesn’t make it right, ethical or even acceptable. Not by a long shot.

Even putting aside the inane ramblings and rantings of the zombies and talking meatsticks whose heads exploded over a blue stained dress, this line of thinking has threatened the fabric of our democracy (small “d” for the time being). There is hardly any two way conversation or debate anymore – and in the limited instances where there is, the ideology and basic viewpoints are so far apart that it is like talking a different language.

Or talking to a brick wall – which may be easier, since we wouldn’t have to figure out just what language said brick wall was speaking.

Outing a CIA operative and the entire network of contacts, who just so happened to be investigating nuclear proliferation at a time when we were invading another country for….supposed nuclear proliferation? Sorry, no crime committed technically, so move on. Just “patriotic” officials doing what was within their legal rights.

Sort of.

Authorize torture, indefinite incarceration and detention of people, just because you can? Disregard the Geneva Conventions? Well, John Yoo has more letters after his last name than are actually in his name, so he must know what he is talking about. And Alberto Gonzales was on the Texas Supreme Court, so he wouldn’t lie, right? Besides, those people at Abu Ghraib had it coming to them, and the troops were just blowing off steam, without any guidance from Rumsfeld anyway. Not to mention the fact that Saddam attacked us on 9/11 anyway.

What’s that? None of that is true? Oh well, if it wasn’t legal, then there would be punishment, and since there was no punishment, then it must have been ok.

Signing statements negating laws? Secret Executive Orders giving the Vice President the ability to declassify whatever he wants whenever he wants however he wants? Ignoring subpoenas based on specious “Executive Privilege” assertions? Suspending habeas corpus for “certain cases” where “enemy combatants” are declared, just because?

Why not? After all, there is nothing that says that this can’t be done, right? And if there is, so what – it isn’t really totally illegal anyway.

So that’s the level that things have devolved to. Not because it is right. Not because it is ethical. Not because it is something that would benefit the American people. Not because it is even completely legal.

Because he can.

Our founders would be so proud.