Bush sez, “”I haven’t seen Congress say [Gonzales has] done anything wrong … Why would I hold someone accountable who has done nothing wrong?”

Maybe George W. Bush should listen to Arlen Specter who, last time I checked, is a member of Congress.

A group of Democratic congressmen have been seeking Gonzales’ impeachment over his role in the dismissal of seven U.S. attorneys. Specter has recently broken from party ranks to openly question the attorney general during senate judiciary committee hearings.

Specter described himself as on a “one-man crusade” against Gonzales, but an impeachment, he said, would tie up both houses of Congress and be “a big distraction.”

“I think we have ways of getting rid of (Gonzales) otherwise,” he said.

One audience member pressed the Republican senator about opening investigations into whether the government played a role in staging the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks or allowed them to happen.

Specter said he had seen the FBI reports and believes the U.S. government played no role in the attacks, but added, “I don’t question the reason for your skepticism. Government does a lot of things.” And, he added, “Alberto Gonzales does a lot of things.”

The ranking member (a Republican) of the Senate Judiciary Committee describes himself as on a “one-man crusade against Gonzales” and implies his performance is so bad that it can plausibly lead to speculation that 9/11 was an inside job, and Bush doesn’t hear a thing.

Why don’t we contact Arlen Specter and tell him that he needs to speak louder because the President still hasn’t heard him.

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The President also said, “Lewis Libby was held accountable”, and that he paid a heavy price. Maybe mention to Specter’s staff that you don’t really agree with that assessment either.

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