With Markos Moulitsas meeting DLC Chairman Harold Ford, Jr. on this week’s Meet the Press, I thought I’d point how strong the correlation is between membership in the New Democratic Coalition (NDC) and the Blue Dog Coalition (BDC) and the people that sold out our rights on the FISA bill. Ford, as leader of the DLC, is also essentially the leader of the NDC (although that distinction technically goes to Ellen Tauscher (CA-10)). But, Ford Jr. also speaks for many Blue Dogs. These people must be brought to heel.


Jason Altmire PA-04 (NDC)

John Barrow GA-12 (NDC, BDC)

Melissa Bean IL-08 (NDC, BDC)

Dan Boren OK-02 (BDC)

Leonard Boswell IA-03 (BDC)

Allen Boyd FL-02 (BDC)

Christopher Carney PA-10 (NDC, BDC)

Ben Chandler KY-06 (NDC, BDC)

Jim Cooper TN-05 (BDC)

Jim Costa CA-20 (BDC)

Bud Cramer AL-05 (BDC)

Henry Cuellar TX-28 (NDC)

Artur Davis AL-07 (NDC-Vice-Chair)

Lincoln Davis TN-04 (BDC)

Joe Donnelly IN-02 (BDC)

Chet Edwards TX-17

Brad Ellsworth IN-08 (BDC)

Bob Etheridge NC-02 (NDC)

Bart Gordon TN-06 (BDC)

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin SD-AL (NDC, BDC)

Brian Higgins NY-27 (NDC)

Baron Hill IN-09 (NDC, BDC)

Nick Lampson TX-23 (NDC, BDC)

Daniel Lipinski IL-03

Jim Marshall GA-08 (BDC)

Jim Matheson UT-02 (BDC)

Mike McIntyre NC-07 (NDC, BDC)

Charlie Melancon LA-03 (NDC, BDC)

Harry Mitchell AZ-05 (NDC)

Colin Peterson MN-07 (BDC)

Earl Pomeroy ND-AL (BDC)

Ciro Rodriguez TX-23

Mike Ross AR-04 (BDC)

John Salazar CO-03 (BDC)

Heath Shuler NC-11 (BDC)

Vic Snyder AR-02 (NDC)

Zachary Space OH-18 (BDC)

John Tanner TN-08 (BDC)

Gene Taylor MS-04 (BDC)

Timothy Walz MN-01

Charles A. Wilson OH-06 (BDC)